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Muslims should integrate in European culture....Really?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
ERLIN (Reuters) - A German court has refused to allow a family to
shed their "foreign-sounding" names for new German ones they
said would protect them from discrimination and aid integration
into a country becoming attractive for immigrants.
The family, living in Germany under asylum after fleeing
Azerbaijan, were given the opportunity to take on German versions
of their names, some of which carry Islamic associations, the
administrative court in Goettingen, in the state of Lower Saxony,
said in a document.
But the family refused this offer, wanting instead to pick completely
new German names with the goal of preventing any discrimination
in finding work that could arise from an overly complicated spelling
or connection to Islam.
"The fact that a surname is of foreign origin, or does not sound
German, cannot alone be routinely presented as an important
reason for a change of name," the court ruled.
Germany's robust labor market has outshone those of its debt-
stricken European Union neighbors with unemployment figures
reaching two-decade lows.
The country has become increasingly popular as a destination for
immigrants from elsewhere in Europe and further afield.
The decision to deny the Azeri family a new German name could
set the bar for others wanting to change their names, said Olaf
Lenz, a spokesman for the court. "This is one individual case, but it
could be used generally to inform other cases."
The court acknowledged that they could not rule out that the
foreign names would lead to discrimination in the labor market,
but said this was no justification for changing their names.
"The point of having a right to bear a name is not to counteract
flaws in society," the court document said.
The lifting of German restrictions on east European workers last
May sparked a surge in immigration from countries like Poland,
German government figures showed in January.
The Arab Spring uprisings helped push up the number of people
seeking asylum in Germany by 11 percent last year. Germany
registered the third highest number of claims of the 44 industrial
countries surveyed, U.N. figures show.
(Reporting by Alice Baghdjian; Editing by Mark Heinrich)
ERLIN (Reuters) - A German court has refused to allow a family to
shed their "foreign-sounding" names for new German ones they
said would protect them from discrimination and aid integration
into a country becoming attractive for immigrants.
The family, living in Germany under asylum after fleeing
Azerbaijan, were given the opportunity to take on German versions
of their names, some of which carry Islamic associations, the
administrative court in Goettingen, in the state of Lower Saxony,
said in a document.
But the family refused this offer, wanting instead to pick completely
new German names with the goal of preventing any discrimination
in finding work that could arise from an overly complicated spelling
or connection to Islam.
"The fact that a surname is of foreign origin, or does not sound
German, cannot alone be routinely presented as an important
reason for a change of name," the court ruled.
Germany's robust labor market has outshone those of its debt-
stricken European Union neighbors with unemployment figures
reaching two-decade lows.
The country has become increasingly popular as a destination for
immigrants from elsewhere in Europe and further afield.
The decision to deny the Azeri family a new German name could
set the bar for others wanting to change their names, said Olaf
Lenz, a spokesman for the court. "This is one individual case, but it
could be used generally to inform other cases."
The court acknowledged that they could not rule out that the
foreign names would lead to discrimination in the labor market,
but said this was no justification for changing their names.
"The point of having a right to bear a name is not to counteract
flaws in society," the court document said.
The lifting of German restrictions on east European workers last
May sparked a surge in immigration from countries like Poland,
German government figures showed in January.
The Arab Spring uprisings helped push up the number of people
seeking asylum in Germany by 11 percent last year. Germany
registered the third highest number of claims of the 44 industrial
countries surveyed, U.N. figures show.
(Reporting by Alice Baghdjian; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

as per my experience with Western people, they have very clear words why Turkey won't be integrated with EU27. and while talking to my Turkish friends in Sydney in front of other Western people, its a very normal talk that EU27 dont want Muslims, the only reason why they dont want Turkey. and in common we had a common sense that Europeans in fact dont want Muslims and Muslims have a clear idea that getting integrated to EU27 means forget Islam first and how many of them are ready for that, is the only question regarding 'integration' of Muslims in European Culture. it is also understood during the common talks that Europeans either want Christianity in Europe or they want people of no religion and Muslims in a Western country has only two choice this way. and their 'integration' in European culture would be defined on these two aspects only :agree:
Adapting to their laws,customs and lifestyle.Doesn't necessarily mean u ahve to give up urs,but urs shouldn't contradict theirs as ur the guest.

in fact, we hope by 2025/30, population of Muslims in Britain will have taken an enough good size to effect their decision on the international platform. also, the way UK was involved in so many activites in Pakistan, the way they used Pakistan for so long, they would in fact provide more permanent visas to Pakistan's nationals, I think :coffee:

The Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years, according to official research collated for The Times.

The population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society, the research by the Office for National Statistics reveals. In the same period the number of Christians in the country fell by more than 2 million.

The total number of Muslims in Great Britain:

2004: 1,870,000

2005: 2,017,000

2006: 2,142,000

2007: 2,327,000

2008: 2,422,000

Source: Labour Force Survey

British Muslim population 'rising 10 times faster than rest of society'

Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.


You guys are way too attached to the religion....instead of thinking about muslim population growth in UK having effects on its policy towards Pakistan comeon kiddo make the country stronger and mightier dont be a loser by providing these kinda statements...growup....:coffee:

You guys are way too attached to the religion....instead of thinking about muslim population growth in UK having effects on its policy towards Pakistan comeon kiddo make the country stronger and mightier dont be a loser by providing these kinda statements...growup....:coffee:

my comments are a response to the topic. Im trying to find out the chances that Muslims will get integrated to European culture w.r.t. to the chances that one day Europe/ Britain will finally get integrated to Muslim culture :meeting:
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