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Muslims(Pakistanis) and RSS Hindus(Indians) Non-Stop Clashes In Leicester(UK)

Anti-Hindu violence spreads in UK, Durga Bhawan temple attacked in Birmingham​

ByHinduPost Desk
September 21, 2022


Islamists clambered onto fence of a Hindu temple in Birmingham hurling abuses and making obscene gestures amid chants of "Allah-o-Akbar" (Image: SS from video)
Emboldened by UK police & authorities weak response to the weeks-long anti-Hindu violence in Leicester, and the tacit support of British MPs like Claudia Webbe and mainstream media like Guardian and BBC, British Islamists are now targeting Hindus in other UK towns.
On September 20, a mob of around 200 masked Islamists circled Durga Bhawan temple located on Spon Lane in Smethwick town near to Birmingham, after a call for “peaceful protests” was made on social media. The mob shouting the Islamic war cry ‘Nar-e-Takbeer, Allah-o-Akbar’ came right up to the fence of the Hindu temple, with a couple of them climbing on the fence and making obscene gestures and hurling abuses at Hindus inside. A Sky News reporter said a bottle was thrown, and one video clip shows what seems like a round being fired by the police to control the unruly mob.

As per one report, “Islamists were seen hurling abuses toward the Hindus inside the Hindu temple premises. They were chanting Allah-Hu-Akbar, and some of them climbed the fence wall as well. There were Police present at the scene, but in the video, it was evident that the number of Police Personnel was far less and not adequately equipped to handle a 200-strong mob of Islamists. The majority of the Islamists were masked in the video. Towards the end of the video, Police were seen making announcements asking the mob to move back. Some Police officials equipped with batons were seen approaching the temple to control the mob.”
The reason for this protest was said to be an already-postponed event of Sadhvi Ritambhara at the Durga Bhawan temple. Her team had announced that the UK trip stood postponed owing to her poor health on September 16 itself. But that was always just an excuse. For the Islamists, the real reason was another show of strength after the shocking anti-Hindu violence that has rocked Leicester.
HinduPost has compiled multiple video clips of this latest Islamist attack into one video –

After Hindus took out a peaceful protest march on September 17, following over 2 weeks of Islamist attacks on Hindus and dozens of properties, Islamists had claimed that the march was ‘provocative’ because Hindus passed through a ‘Muslim area’ and that too near a mosque! Well, yesterday’s events at Birmingham show what real provocation looks like. But Islamists are experts at playing victim and spreading false propaganda to veil their hate for the ‘disbelievers’, especially the ‘idol worshipping’ Hindus.
At the 2:00 minute mark of the video above, a young masked Islamist issues a chilling threat, “RSS, BJP Hindutva supporters are not welcome in Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham…anywhere in the UK. None of your speakers, anyone that you call…we are going to turn up for all of them. So stop organizing this b***t. We are here now, outside the mandir. It’s a peaceful protest (sic), but we just want to let you know that if you turn up, we are all gonna be here. Even the speaker’s cancelled…look how many men have turned up.”
Then the masked man slyly tries to divide the Hindu community, saying, “We have no issue with Hindus that are from Britain..we grew up with them. But the rest of you RSS/BJP freshies, if you come here, you are going to be met by us every single time..just give us a time and place and we are there”. He ends his veiled threat by wagging his finger menacingly.
This is how Islamists establish their dominance and implement no-go sharia zones. As their strength increases, they gradually increase their demands from non-Muslims – psychologically manipulating the other side by appearing to be brotherly towards the ‘good’ non-Muslim and attacking the ‘bad’ non-Muslim. The odd Muslim who raises a voice against the Islamist bigots is also quickly shut down by branding him/her a munafiq (hypocrite, outward Muslim). Over time, more and more concessions are extracted for peaceful co-existence.
Imagine if British Hindus were to threaten violence against UK visits by Muslim clerics of Jamaat-e-Islami, Tablighi Jamaat, Tehreek-e-Labbaik or leaders of mainstream Pakistani parties like PML-N, PTI, PPP? Such a demand would actually be justified, as Muslim clerics openly spew venom against Hindus and other minorities like Shias and Ahmadis in Pakistan, and the Pakistani state’s horrific track record of persecuting their Hindu minority and sponsoring terror in the entire subcontinent is well documented. But wouldn’t such demands be dismissed outright by British and Indian liberals as anti-free speech?
Yet, when Islamists are openly threatening that they will not allow anyone from BJP – Bharat’s ruling party with a comfortable majority in Parliament – not one UK politicians or mainstream media outlet has openly critiqued the British Muslim community for such extremist acts and demands. Is the UK telling Bharat that its elected representatives and members of arguably the world’s largest voluntary organization RSS are persona non grata there?
Islamists claim that they gathered in Birmingham to protest an event involving a ‘hate speaker’; but the truth is that some of the people driving this Islamist mobilization in UK like Mohammad Hijab, Ali Dawah, Majid Freeman are known hate mongers and terror apologists! Such hypocrisy and double standards are standard operating procedure for Islamists and other Abrahamic supremacists.
The protest poster that circulated on social media in the run up to this attack has flags of different Muslim countries and calls on Muslim from all backgrounds to “stand up against these Hindus that are attacking innocent Muslims”. So much for the lame excuse that the mob had gathered to oppose Sadhvi Ritambhara’s event at the mandir.

The poster also refers to the Durga Bhawan temple as ‘Durga BJP/RSS Hindu Centre’. This provides another clue into the Islamist mindset – RSS/BJP/Hindutva are just the superficial objects of hate, what really offends them is anything Hindu, especially temples, because ultimately it symbolizes ‘shirk/kafir/mushrik’ to them.
The hate-campaign against British Hindus doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. As the Friends of India Society International UK (fisuk.com) twitter handle warned, “More targeted hate against Hindus planned in the days ahead. Communal Harmony isn’t their aim clearly. Nottingham next.”

Will the UK act to end this harassment, or will they allow the Islamist cauldron to keep simmering as a warning to Bharat and Hindus, just like they allowed the unacceptable vandalism and violence outside the Indian High Commission in London in 2019?

RSS fanatics taught a lesson:-


LOL look at the cartoon. A white RSS Hindu...
This is their inherent inferiority complex. They just can't digest the fact that Muslims are fair skinned than these kalias. Indian media is full of this shit.

Just look at this video. How they whitewashed that kalwa Abhinandan while Azad Kashmiris are shown as dark skinned :lol:

This is their inherent inferiority complex. They just can't digest the fact that Muslims are fair skinned than these kalias. Indian media is full of this shit.

Just look at this video. How they whitewashed that kalwa Abhinandan while Azad Kashmiris are shown as dark skinned :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That is jokes fam
This is their inherent inferiority complex. They just can't digest the fact that Muslims are fair skinned than these kalias. Indian media is full of this shit.

Just look at this video. How they whitewashed that kalwa Abhinandan while Azad Kashmiris are shown as dark skinned :lol:

Oh, hell no, Lol.
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