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Muslims mark birth of Muhammad, founder of Islam

Then How can Mohammed be the founder of Islam?
Who is the real founder of Islam?

Weren't Moses and Jesus, Jews? Don't Jews consider Yahweh as their God?

Founder of Islam is God.

Mohammad was just a messenger. That's all.
Ibrahim, Jesus, Moses all followed the guidance from Allah, which is now ultimate guidance Islam.

Why did Allah / God send so many messengers? Why did these messengers said they are the only link for human to god? Isn't it breach of trust?
Why did Allah / God send so many messengers? Why did these messengers said they are the only link for human to god? Isn't it breach of trust?

Messengers were repeatedly sent as the religion/message was altered over time. Hence Allah sent Quran which will not be altered ever again like other books.

When and which messengers said that they are the only link to Allah?
Messengers were repeatedly sent as the religion/message was altered over time. Hence Allah sent Quran which will not be altered ever again like other books.

If i follow correctly ...you are trying to say Holly Quran is the most refined version of the all holly books sent in past?

When and which messengers said that they are the only link to Allah?

Jesus, Budha , many other (most of messengers) .... they directly or in directly stated that if some one follow them people will get salvation.
You Know what LOL U we are Muslium not Hindus we are not Idiot to worship a Statue or stone which cannot do Nothing.we know that much do u:cuckoo: & most important our Islam prohibited worshiping anything Expect ALLAH and Muhammad (Saw)

its because of ppl like you that islam cannot coexist with others.
If i follow correctly ...you are trying to say Holly Quran is the most refined version of the all holly books sent in past?

Jesus, Budha , many other (most of messengers) .... they directly or in directly stated that if some one follow them people will get salvation.


Follow the guidance given to them by Allah. That doesn't include Budha, but he could be a messenger from Allah. I dont know.
Jesus, Budha , many other (most of messengers) .... they directly or in directly stated that if some one follow them people will get salvation.

you are dead wrong there. Buddha did not even believe in personal god and according to him search for salvation is what leads to pain in life. he never said he is a messenger of anyone.
If i follow correctly ...you are trying to say Holly Quran is the most refined version of the all holly books sent in past?

Jesus, Budha , many other (most of messengers) .... they directly or in directly stated that if some one follow them people will get salvation.
Where are you getting with this?
If you got questions go yo your local mosque of Islamic center and ask them.
I know whet you trying to do here. Just cut it out now before you take it out of hand.
Where are you getting with this?
If you got questions go yo your local mosque of Islamic center and ask them.
I know whet you trying to do here. Just cut it out now before you take it out of hand.

than whats the use of internet? I thought it was a place to learn and ask questions.
Messengers were repeatedly sent as the religion/message was altered over time. Hence Allah sent Quran which will not be altered ever again like other books.

When and which messengers said that they are the only link to Allah?

Message of Quran are still being altered today and that's why you see this violence among muslims.
Message of Quran are still being altered today and that's why you see this violence among muslims.

Well said.

Many of my fellow Pakistani Muslims tend to prance around that Quran cannot be misinterpreted like the other Holy books.

But as you pointed out, any holy book can be messed up to achieve someone's narrow political gains.

Until we realize this, we'll be continually hunted down like sheep by none other than Islamist Talibarbarians.

than whats the use of internet? I thought it was a place to learn and ask questions.


Your sarcasm is so infectious.

Not just "a" messenger THE LAST MESSENGER.

Oh don't get antsy pantsy

and get your panties in a bunch please.

I was translating our Kalima that doesn't add stuff you want to add.

Thank you
Well said.

Many of my fellow Pakistani Muslims tend to prance around that Quran cannot be misinterpreted like the other Holy books.

But as you pointed out, any holy book can be messed up to achieve someone's narrow political gains.

Until we realize this, we'll be continually hunted down like sheep by none other than Islamist Talibarbarians.

Allah himself took the responsibility to safeguard Quran until the day of Resurrection. It's mentioned in Quran also.


Oh don't get antsy pantsy

and get your panties in a bunch please.

I was translating our Kalima that doesn't add stuff you want to add.

Thank you
I know this is hard for you to comprehend because it ruins your childhood memories.
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