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Muslims in the Americas before Columbus

So because people hold lectures and say it, it must make it true? lol silly people :rofl:

Dude my bad that I though that I could talk to you like humans normally do, give their point of view and reason with counter arguments. I didnt know that you were probably a 5 year or younger kid who has no power to understand with only trolling on his/her mind. And by the way just because u use a smiley next to a point dont make your less of a retard, nor does it make you funny, as it still sounded stupid.
Alot of people think china at some point reached australia.

bit offtopic but oh well lol.
Based on the above historical, geographical and linguistic evidence, a call to celebrate the millennium of the Muslim arrival to the Americas (996-1996), five centuries before Columbus, has been issued to all Muslim nations and communities around the world. We hope that this call will receive complete understanding and attract enough support.

Hey! Guys! 1996.... You are already 15 years late for the party! We had the party for the Muslim Millennium back when Clinton was President. Sorry you all missed it. It wasn't that much fun for us unbelievers though, we couldn't drink Champagne. Just fruit juice and dates.
Archeological evidence of Muslim presence has been found as far as Mexico so i doubt some of them did not explored the North. Anyway, Colombus "finding" America is a plain sci-fi myth! It only serves the modern purpose of starting American history from a subject other than presence of indigenous people.
Eric the Red from Scandanavia, a Viking, was in Mobile, Alabama area circa 900 AD some archeologists say. He most definitely was not Chinese.

Many scholars, including Chinese historians, have dismissed these claims

Actually make that most historians, most of whom Chinese historians who actually spent significant portions of their lives studying the stuff, dismissed these preposterous claims.
Another nonsensical claim to take credit away from Westerners
On October 12, 1492 CE, Columbus landed on a little island in the Bahamas that was called Guanahani by the natives. Renamed San Salvador by Columbus, Guanahani is derived from Mandinka and modified Arabic words. Guana (Ikhwana) means ‘brothers’ and Hani is an Arabic name. Therefore the original name of the island was ‘Hani Brothers.’


:rofl: So that Guanahani means Iguana Island in the language of the locals is just a wild coincidence

There are so many great Islamic scholars and explorers it is sad that people feel they have to grasp at straws to make up fake ones.
Well to be honest Alaska is closest to Asia if anyone had a boat and they took a voyage they could have reached America easily west coast
Be patient. Soon enough, a muslim imam or 'scholar' will find a way to turn Eric into a muslim...:lol:

Dunno tooo much about that yet. We're lucky that Eric the Red Has'nt been turned into Chinese. After all the East is Red,
Go read or re-read the book KONTIKI. From Asia currents naturally carry a craft to South, not North, America. FYI.
let us throw out our text books and all the proof there has been arround for 500 yrs and now lets belive this guy ,

come on people , grasping at straws arent we?
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