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Muslims in India Demand Breaking Ties with Israel

The mullah's are gonna teach us how to conduct foreign policy now?? If they don't like it they can always leave... the doors always open.

So much of ''Indian Muslims'' Reward. On every thing they are threatened to be kicked out ... Shame on the souls who need to be called ''Patriotic Indian Muslims''
Religion will not play a role in India's policy making...muslims should understand this and i guess most of them do...
In democracy everybody has right to pursue his agenda, muslims should vote those parties that promise to implement their agenda. We voted against Lanka based on domestic politics, we may change our stand wrt israel.
I'm not particularly talking about him. It's a common Phenomena in India.

I don't think so, and last time I checked you are not an Indian Muslim. I am quite sure Indian Muslims know about common Phenomenas in India more than you.
A single hardliner cleric issues a statement and everyone wants to blame the "Indian Muslims" ? I support a peaceful two-state solution formulated with Israel and Palestine on board.

I think thats pretty much what every Indian would like to see and thats the official Indian Government stance as well.
see, Muslims have right to put their view on foreign policy but it would be more relevant when Egypt, Turkey and Jordan break their ties with the state of Israel.
Theoretically India and Israel are made for each other. They are the only two countries on this planet who are swore enemy of Muslim. Demanding cutting ties with Israel is ridiculous rather Muslim of India should demand cutting ties with India and start demanding another Indiastan in the East and NE India.

We Not NEED Another Mess In a name of a muslims country like your's.
I think the issue is similar to how many Tamils in So. Hind feel about Sri Lanka, they want to break ties with SL over SL's operation against the Tamil Tigers.
this is why Muslims will forever remain backward..we tend to concentrate too much on unrelieved issues out illusions that some how extinction of israel will magically solve all problems of ummah - which only exist in fancy Friday sermons.

I never see any Indian Muslims protesting about their backward Mullahs, or general backwardness in Muslim community of India, lower literacy rate, lower social and economic development. etc
this is why Muslims will forever remain backward..we tend to concentrate too much on unrelieved issues out illusions that some how extinction of israel will magically solve all problems of ummah - which only exist in fancy Friday sermons.

I never see any Indian Muslims protesting about their backward Mullahs, or general backwardness in Muslim community of India, lower literacy rate, lower social and economic development. etc
In democracy, people have a right to have opinion, subcontinent muslims have chosen masjid over jobs/economic progress and we respect their choice.
To be fair to muslims, they do not have good leaders after partition, so they seek leaders from clergymen. That has changed a lot since 90s, most educated muslim thinks about himself/his family/children first now.
this is why Muslims will forever remain backward..we tend to concentrate too much on unrelieved issues out illusions that some how extinction of israel will magically solve all problems of ummah - which only exist in fancy Friday sermons.

I never see any Indian Muslims protesting about their backward Mullahs, or general backwardness in Muslim community of India, lower literacy rate, lower social and economic development. etc

They seriously do that during every Friday sermon? :confused:
They seriously do that during every Friday sermon? :confused:

I remember once after Friday prayers , a mullah was talking about problems faced by Palestinians in Israel controlled land .. And wanted action taken upon Israel

Lol .. Who are we to give advices about Israel , Palestinian relations when people of our own community face many problems .
These mullahs overshadow local problems and talk about international problems which they just know BS :lol:
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