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Muslim youth attacked with sword by man returning after watching 'Kashmir Files'

Tshering isn’t even a Hindu you communist

He may not be a Hindu but he is a Hindutvadi. I know his posts from a long time.

the inner Islamist in you will never sympathise for him who was attacked by Muslims so why tagging me in such nuisance?
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Leave aside the inner Islamist in me, the inner rational in me asks why at all was this boy in a Ram Navami procession where there would have been sword display, saffron scarfs and dancing with violently provocative and genocidal slogans in front of Muslim structures including houses for hours ? Did the Muslims whose stones hit this boy go to his house and stone him or did he go along with some Hindutvadi criminals and try to provoke a reaction from the Muslims who unfortunately gave the reaction which will now lead to bulldozing of Muslim properties and arrest warrants against even Muslims who are already in jail for shooting other Muslims ? :lol:Shubham chose wrong company and suffered. I hope once he is out of hospital he joins progressive groups and leads a life of positive contribution to his country and humanity. I say to Muslims of India not to listen to PFI or the Tableeghis but I also condemn any criminal processions by the Hindutvadis.

Now, can you condemn the attack on Amanullah, please ?

BTW don't post tweets by this serial poison frog Anshul Saxena.

The movie is based on reality, you are free to debunk scene by scene if anything fake is there. Every one knows the reality so we don’t need lal salaam coomerades to tell us anything. What happened today is another proof of it.

I have posted before that the Kashmiri Pandits should not have been thrown away from Kashmir and some murdered and I don't like innocents to suffer but man, even some Kashmiri Pandits objected to the one-sided half-truths and poison in that film. Search for a short BBC vid recording about that. As for the killing of the Kashmiri Pandit in Kashmir it should not have happened and the report itself says that Kashmiri Muslims gathered for the last rites of the murdered person. And who knows, the people who murdered this man could have been government people out to create disturbance in what was very slowing becoming a calmer society.

After making havoc across India for killing Hindus, attacking Hindu festivals, villages for 4 days you would be fool to not expect that people won't be sitting around with bangles & wouldn't respond.

Why were these "Hindu festival processions for four days" being taken out through Muslim-dominated neighborhoods, stopping there for hours and the Hindutvadi criminals openly displaying swords, shouting and dancing to provocative, criminal and genocidal slogans and songs ? Why was the police not acting against these deliberate Hindutvadi provocateurs ? And where are Hindus being killed ?

It's same like Israel where Jews are getting attcked daily.

LOL, Hindutvadis and their love for Israel even if the Israelis don't care a bit about Hindutvadis. Hindutvadis in their zeal to hate Muslims see Israel as a bulwark against "Muslim" countries surrounding it and beyond even though there are Christians and others too living in those countries. And Hindutvadis have lynch mobs hunting "cow slaughterers". In their rabid fanaticism just two days ago they murdered a Hindu caretaker of a farmhouse whose family also took care of some cows in the building. The Hindutvadis murdered the man claiming he slaughtered some holy cows. But the Hindutvadis don't realize, since they are utter dullards, like our Paranoid Android, that the Jews they so much adore eat cows too and also the Jews are an Abrahmic religious community - Abrahamics the Hindutvadis hate a lot. What fools. :lol:

About myself though I like meat I don't like it coming off live animals so I have posted this thread about lab-grown meat which is real meat but no animal has to be killed. Hindus then shouldn't have objection :

This truly is offensive to me. When you have a clown running the country, these incidents looks inevitable.

Sadly true state in India since 2014, the year Modi became PM.

Dude, 130 billion people . It's been months of people watching this movie. One incident .....and voila Victim and Justification card ....

Why even one case ? Hindutva has no empathy for loss of human life - whether one or whether those sucidied 350,000+ Indian farmers I told you about - unless that human life happens to be another Hindutvadi.

And there have been many incidents in the cinemas where that poisonous and dangerous film has been shown and the Hindutvadis in the cinema hall got up and raised slogans for Hindu Rashtra and genocide and other crime against non-Hindus, particularly Muslims. Those provocative sword-display Ram Navami processions through Muslim areas and speeches by criminals like Kapil Mishra are the effects of the film in addition to the poisonous atmosphere already present in the country.

Hindustan mein, let Hindus practice their unfettered religion.....fair and square.

Like I told you, the people, ideas and events you are presenting as Hindu, the rational Hindus too reject them.
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Victim Card Pronto but still failed

It might be either thing : It being what the police is saying ( personal grudge attack ) or the police is being forced to give out the statement because the state government in Karnataka is by the BJP. Who knows ? But Maktoob Media should have interviewed the attacker to know his side and then confirmed if he had become incited after watching the film or it was a personal grudge attack. It is not good for a news agency to give out misleading information and for me it is doubly not good if that misleader is Muslim.
Muslims ( largely) are violent and as % of population,many times more criminals and law breaker. Same genes , same people as Hindus but that ONE something make them what they are . They take some weed that make them a Yahoo but when they face reality, they pick up victim card. The show repeats again and again and again.

This works for BJP. In today's media / news being in hands of all...Hindus now see the nuisance as what they are and it helps in vote consolidation for BJP. Every incident and every controversy...yields dividends for BJP. ...to the extent that now BJP is also creating these incidents . Politics you see.

Congress and Muslim intellectuals and partied which had been winning due to Muslim votes are working hard to divide Hindu Votes. They are doing their best. They hate Hindu votes consolidation. They want Hindus to divide basis caste, basis reservations, basis Brahmin and non Brahmin etc etc

...these incidents however puts water to all these efforts. All that is needed by BJP is to hire these Muslim criminals and pat them to attack Hindus and Hindu's festivals. It's a trap...politics however for BJP.

I agree that many modern Indian Muslims have become aggressive, violent, anti-intellectual and anti-progressivism. Boys of 10 chanting "Ghusthaak-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda". This especially so since the mid-2000s. For example, Hyderabad was place that had the Communist leader Makhdoom Mohiudeen. Now Hyderabad has the Owaisis and their AIMIM. Indian Muslims have changed over the last few decades for the worse. There was a time when progressive Hindus took the progressive ideas of true Islam :
When we examine marriage laws in their historic context, it is interesting to note that the universally accepted notion that marriages are contractual rather than sacramental originates in Muslim law, which was accepted by the French law only in the 1800s and incorporated into the English law in the 1850s and became part of codified Hindu law as late as 1955. Today it appears to be the most practical way of dealing with the institution of marriage. Treating marriage as a sacrament which binds the parties for life has resulted in some of the most discriminatory practices against women such as sati and denial of right to divorce and remarriage, even in the most adverse conditions.

The cornerstone of a Muslim marriage is consent, ejab-o-qubul (proposal and acceptance) and requires the bride to accept the marriage proposal on her own free will. This freedom to consent (or refuse), which was given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago, is still not available under Hindu law since sacramental rituals such as saptapadi and kanya dan (seven steps round the nuptial fire and gifting of the bride to the groom) still form essential ceremonies of a Hindu marriage. Even after the codification of Hindu law, the notion of consent is not built into the marriage ceremonies.

The contract of marriage (nikahnama) allows for negotiated terms and conditions, it can also include the right to a delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez) where the woman is delegated the right to divorce her husband if any of the negotiated terms and conditions are violated.

Mehr is another unique concept of Muslim law meant to safeguard the financial future of the wife. It is an obligation, not a choice, and can be in the form of cash, valuables or securities. While there is no ceiling, a minimum amount to provide her security after marriage must be stipulated. This is a more beneficial concept than streedhan which is given by choice and usually by the natal family. In addition to Mehr, at the time of divorce, a Muslim woman has the right to fair and reasonable settlement, and this is statutorily recognised under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 as per the 2001 ruling of the Supreme Court in the Daniel Latifi case.

It is also important to address polygamy and triple talaq, two aspects of Muslim law which are generally used to discredit the community and argue in favour of a uniform civil code. While sharia law permits a man to have four wives (before 1956 Hindu law permitted unrestrained polygamy), it mandates equal treatment of all wives. If a man is not able to meet these conditions, he is not permitted to marry more than one woman. (Quran 4:3; Yusuf Ali’s translation)

On the other hand, though codification introduced monogamy for Hindus, the ground reality has not changed and Hindu men continue to be bigamous or polygamous. The most disturbing aspect is that while men in bigamous/adulterous relationships are allowed to go scot-free, it is the women who are made to pay the price. Women in invalid relationships with Hindu men are denied maintenance and protection and are referred to as “mistresses” and “concubines”, concepts specific to the uncodified Hindu law. Any attempt to codify Muslim law to bring in legal monogamy should not end up subjecting Muslim women to a plight similar to that of a Hindu second wife. This is an important concern which needs to be taken into account while reforming the Muslim law.

And lastly, the much maligned triple talaq or talaq-ul-biddat, which the Prophet himself considered as the most inappropriate form of divorce. Fortunately, in 2002, in Shamim Ara vs State of Uttar Pradesh & others, the Supreme Court laid down strict Quranic injunctions which must be followed at the time of pronouncing talaq, hence now fraudulent practices adopted by errant husbands (including email and SMS talaq) can no longer constitute valid talaq. Yet, after a decade and a half, very few know challenge the validity of such divorces in court as they are unaware about this ruling.

Though Muslim law stipulates many different ways to end a marriage, including a woman’s right to dissolve her marriage (khula), divorce by mutual consent (mubarra), delegated divorce (talaq-e-tafweez), judicial divorce (fasq)

And you are right that now the BJP creates a trap for Muslims by inciting them through taking out violence-thought-filled Shobha Yatras through Muslim-majority areas and many of these modern Indian Muslims fall for that incitement without thinking and then end up in jails and having their properties bulldozed and having the name of Islam tarnished and the BJP benefiting by showing a violent face of Muslims and telling Hindus that they should choose the BJP or else these violence Muslims will cause harm to them. You are also right that the BJP may hire criminals from among Muslim to stand among Muslim mobs and do things like shoot at the police. This is what must have happened in the Delhi violence of yesterday.

Lastly, you are wrong on one thing. It is not the Congress and the Muslims who divide Hindus on the basis of caste. Hindus have been divided on the basis of caste and other socio-economic factors for the last 3000 years.
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I agree that many modern Indian Muslims have become aggressive, violent, anti-intellectual and anti-progressivism. Boys of 10 chanting "Ghusthaak-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda". This especially so since the mid-2000s. For example, Hyderabad was place that had the Communist leader Makhdoom Mohiudeen. Now Hyderabad has the Owaisis and their AIMIM. Indian Muslims have changed over the last few decades for the worse. There was a time when progressive Hindus took the progressive ideas of true Islam :

And you are right that now the BJP creates a trap for Muslims by inciting them through taking out violence-thought-filled Shobha Yatras through Muslim-majority areas and many of these modern Indian Muslims fall for that incitement without thinking and then end up in jails and having their properties bulldozed and having the name of Islam tarnished and the BJP benefiting by showing a violent face of Muslims and telling Hindus that they should choose the BJP or else these violence Muslims will cause harm to them. You are also right that the BJP may hire criminals from among Muslim to stand among Muslim mobs and do things like shoot at the police. This is what must have happened in the Delhi violence of yesterday.

Lastly, you are wrong on one thing. Hindus have been divided on the basis of caste and other socio-economic factors for the last 3000 years.
Being an atheist myself, I have to acknowledge you for the very difficult balancing act you do - having to remain rational mostly. However the predisposition to end up justifying any ‘true’ form of dogma is a dangerous one and should be avoided. Cheers.
Being an atheist myself, I have to acknowledge you for the very difficult balancing act you do - having to remain rational mostly. However the predisposition to end up justifying any ‘true’ form of dogma is a dangerous one and should be avoided. Cheers.

I agree that many modern Indian Muslims have become aggressive, violent, anti-intellectual and anti-progressivism. Boys of 10 chanting "Ghusthaak-e-Rasool ki ek hi saza, sar tan se juda, sar tan se juda". This especially so since the mid-2000s. For example, Hyderabad was place that had the Communist leader Makhdoom Mohiudeen. Now Hyderabad has the Owaisis and their AIMIM. Indian Muslims have changed over the last few decades for the worse. There was a time when progressive Hindus took the progressive ideas of true Islam :

And you are right that now the BJP creates a trap for Muslims by inciting them through taking out violence-thought-filled Shobha Yatras through Muslim-majority areas and many of these modern Indian Muslims fall for that incitement without thinking and then end up in jails and having their properties bulldozed and having the name of Islam tarnished and the BJP benefiting by showing a violent face of Muslims and telling Hindus that they should choose the BJP or else these violence Muslims will cause harm to them. You are also right that the BJP may hire criminals from among Muslim to stand among Muslim mobs and do things like shoot at the police. This is what must have happened in the Delhi violence of yesterday.

Lastly, you are wrong on one thing. It is not the Congress and the Muslims who divide Hindus on the basis of caste. Hindus have been divided on the basis of caste and other socio-economic factors for the last 3000 years.

Religion / belief / Communist Belief

These are the uncontolled Nuclear kind of stuff, which is dangerous for layman.

Ultimately everything is controlled by God and is Will of God. God wants the divisions / differences ..to make life challenging ...to make us trough through these things...to make choices...

At personal / individual level...we should be a good soul.

In these aspects, Chinese have done well. Religion should be a personal choice and be practiced in the manner we wear our under wear...hidden...for our own personal spiritual journey....not like an orgy WE ALL DO...in temple or masjid. But who am I....a nobody.
He may not be a Hindu but he is a Hindutvadi. I know his posts from a long time.

Leave aside the inner Islamist in me, the inner rational in me asks why at all was this boy in a Ram Navami procession where there would have been sword display, saffron scarfs and dancing with violently provocative and genocidal slogans in front of Muslim structures including houses for hours ? Did the Muslims whose stones hit this boy go to his house and stone him or did he go along with some Hindutvadi criminals and try to provoke a reaction from the Muslims who unfortunately gave the reaction which will now lead to bulldozing of Muslim properties and arrest warrants against even Muslims who are already in jail for shooting other Muslims ? :lol:Shubham chose wrong company and suffered. I hope once he is out of hospital he joins progressive groups and leads a life of positive contribution to his country and humanity. I say to Muslims of India not to listen to PFI or the Tableeghis but I also condemn any criminal processions by the Hindutvadis.

Now, can you condemn the attack on Amanullah, please ?

BTW don't post tweets by this serial poison frog Anshul Saxena.

I have posted before that the Kashmiri Pandits should not have been thrown away from Kashmir and some murdered and I don't like innocents to suffer but man, even some Kashmiri Pandits objected to the one-sided half-truths and poison in that film. Search for a short BBC vid recording about that. As for the killing of the Kashmiri Pandit in Kashmir it should not have happened and the report itself says that Kashmiri Muslims gathered for the last rites of the murdered person. And who knows, the people who murdered this man could have been government people out to create disturbance in what was very slowing becoming a calmer society.

Why were these "Hindu festival processions for four days" being taken out through Muslim-dominated neighborhoods, stopping there for hours and the Hindutvadi criminals openly displaying swords, shouting and dancing to provocative, criminal and genocidal slogans and songs ? Why was the police not acting against these deliberate Hindutvadi provocateurs ? And where are Hindus being killed ?

LOL, Hindutvadis and their love for Israel even if the Israelis don't care a bit about Hindutvadis. Hindutvadis in their zeal to hate Muslims see Israel as a bulwark against "Muslim" countries surrounding it and beyond even though there are Christians and others too living in those countries. And Hindutvadis have lynch mobs hunting "cow slaughterers". In their rabid fanaticism just two days ago they murdered a Hindu caretaker of a farmhouse whose family also took care of some cows in the building. The Hindutvadis murdered the man claiming he slaughtered some holy cows. But the Hindutvadis don't realize, since they are utter dullards, like our Paranoid Android, that the Jews they so much adore eat cows too and also the Jews are an Abrahmic religious community - Abrahamics the Hindutvadis hate a lot. What fools. :lol:

About myself though I like meat I don't like it coming off live animals so I have posted this thread about lab-grown meat which is real meat but no animal has to be killed. Hindus then shouldn't have objection :

Sadly true state in India since 2014, the year Modi became PM.

Why even one case ? Hindutva has no empathy for loss of human life - whether one or whether those sucidied 350,000+ Indian farmers I told you about - unless that human life happens to be another Hindutvadi.

And there have been many incidents in the cinemas where that poisonous and dangerous film has been shown and the Hindutvadis in the cinema hall got up and raised slogans for Hindu Rashtra and genocide and other crime against non-Hindus, particularly Muslims. Those provocative sword-display Ram Navami processions through Muslim areas and speeches by criminals like Kapil Mishra are the effects of the film in addition to the poisonous atmosphere already present in the country.

Like I told you, the people, ideas and events you are presenting as Hindu, the rational Hindus too reject them.
These online activism means nothing unless you people change. These verbal diarrhoea won't make you look won't make Muslims look credible.
These online activism means nothing unless you people change. These verbal diarrhoea won't make you look won't make Muslims look credible.

ITs worse. It gives people a glimpse into their mind that seeks to dehumanize anyone who do not agree with their world view.
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