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Muslim woman who subjected girl, 10 to beating for not reading Quran.

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Jan 12, 2011
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A Muslim woman who repeatedly attacked a 10-year-old girl with a steel ladle for not reading enough verses of the Koran was jailed today.
Asia Parveen, 31, who was pregnant at the time, left the child with 57 injuries and later claimed her violent outburst had been prompted by her hormones.
Parveen hit the girl with the metal spoon for 45 minutes and forced her to stand with her arms outstretched for four hours.

The girl only managed to escape when Parveen told her she was going to kill her and ran into her kitchen for a knife which she brandished.
Parveen, a former professional dancer who toured world-wide, had been fasting before the attack took place as it was the Muslim holy month of Ramadam.

Read more: Muslim woman who subjected girl, 10, to 45-minute beating with steel ladle for not reading enough of the Koran is jailed | Mail Online
There are much bigger child abuse horror stories among you infidels...

Plus we the residents of Cameroonistaan Know very well how this man hides behind defaming Immigrants to hide his spectacular failure in boosting the economy...

Lots of lame attempts to Paint the matter only in Islamic colours..

Although she says it was due to hormonal imbalance which can happen during pregnancy..
Heck women get away with Murders by saying they done it due to hormones or mental disorder..
There are multiple recorded cases in Britain of women murdering their children and getting away with nothing more than a slap on their hands.
There are much bigger child abuse horror stories among you infidels...

Plus we the residents of Cameroonistaan Know very well how this man hides behind defaming Immigrants to hide his spectacular failure in boosting the economy...
please this is not a thing to do mud slinging on each other.
The lady was insane and needs mental care. and instead of condemning her action you are taking cheep shots by calling us infidels.
I just want to know how much superior you are when compared to un(infidels). If your superiority is just what your said to belive then God help you.
please this is not a thing to do mud slinging on each other.
The lady was insane and needs mental care. and instead of condemning her action you are taking cheep shots by calling us infidels.
I just want to know how much superior you are when compared to un(infidels). If your superiority is just what your said to belive then God help you.

Infidel is not an offensive term,same as Muslim or Hindu isn't..
It simply means the one who doesn't believe in Our divine being.
The article is dripping with Religious colours..They forgot to say that the woman was beating the cahild while wearing Burqa and sat on her Prayer rug and holding prayer beads in one hand,and watching zaid hamid on the tele...
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