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Muslim wages dropped 10% after WTC attacks: Study


Jul 8, 2006
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New York: The earnings of Arab and Muslim men working in the US dropped about 10% in the years following the 9/11 attacks, according to a new study. The drop in wages was most dramatic in areas that reported high rates of hate crimes, according to the study due to be published in the Journal of Human Resources.
The study measured changes in wages of first- and second-generation immigrants, from countries with predominantly Arab or Muslim populations from September 1997 to September 2005. It then compared them to changes in the wages of immigrants with similar skills from other countries.
The average wage was about $20 an hour ahead of the attacks in 2001 and dropped by $2 an hour after them, Robert Kaestner, co-author of the study and a University of Illinois at Chicago professor of economics, said. That drop persisted through 2004 but showed signs of abating in 2005, he said.
“I was surprised,” Kaestner said. “We see an immediate and significant connection between personal prejudice and economic harm.” REUTERS
Guess americans are not keen to hire them after 9/11, which is quite understandable but unfortunate.
Decline in demand usually decreases the rewardings, thats the way it works!
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