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Muslim Sect gets Caucus on CapitolHill

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Not related to the topic here ! reporting for religious discussion


The new Muslim Caucus will represent the estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Ahmadis living in America, a small percentage of the nearly 3 million Muslims living in the United States.

(3) the belief that all those so-called Muslims who have not entered into his [i.e. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s] Bai’atformally, wherever they may be, are Kafirs and outside the pale of Islam, even though they may not have heard the name of the Promised Messiah. That these beliefs have my full concurrence, I readily admit.”

Report again but 99.999999999999999999.9999999999999999999999999999% of Muslims are according to you Kaafir ?

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad wrote a book A’inah-i Sadaqat, published in 1921, which was translated into English and first published in 1924 under the title The Truth about the Split. In this book, while acknowledging his beliefs, he writes:

“(3) the belief that all those so-called Muslims who have not entered into his [i.e. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s] Bai’at formally, wherever they may be, are Kafirs and outside the pale of Islam, even though they may not have heard the name of the Promised Messiah. That these beliefs have my full concurrence, I readily admit.”

The Truth about the Split, Rabwah, 1965, pp. 55–56.


Yep, you got it right. These heretic murtads have been calling all Muslims kafir.
It must be recognized that they are doing a better job of propagating their point of view.

It is only a matter of time that they grow in influence to the point it will cause serious effects on US foreign policy with regards to Pakistan.

we might disagree with on religious view which i believe you are completely entitled to hold but we can agree on the above two quotes. Some of that work has already paid off you can have a look.

The Ahmadiyya Caliph already gets a "Presidential Protocol" in LA



mind you the visitors thought Shariah was coming to the US :D

Oh and in Canada its not even a problem anymore

It is only a matter of time that they grow in influence to the point it will cause serious effects on US foreign policy with regards to Pakistan.

in a positive or a negative way?
in a positive or a negative way?

It depends on the situation. This has the potential to be another handle that gives US influence over what happens inside Pakistan. Pakistani media and government should be keeping an eye on these developments.
It depends on the situation. This has the potential to be another handle that gives US influence over what happens inside Pakistan. Pakistani media and government should be keeping an eye on these developments.

US by going under the influence of qadyanis will be resulting in creation of more anti-US elements.

though qadyanis are patriotic but i feel they can go against Pakistan for growth of their cult.

Pakistani media gets more favour by supporting qadyanis so dont think so they are going to keep an eye
US by going under the influence of qadyanis will be resulting in creation of more anti-US elements.

though qadyanis are patriotic but i feel they can go against Pakistan for growth of their cult.

Pakistani media gets more favour by supporting qadyanis so dont think so they are going to keep an eye

As I said before, whether these potential impacts are positive or negative depends on the situation, but they are likely going to be significant as time goes by.
As I said before, whether these potential impacts are positive or negative depends on the situation, but they are likely going to be significant as time goes by.

to some extent but not likely to greater one since it is qadyanis Vs Muslims

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad wrote a book A’inah-i Sadaqat, published in 1921, which was translated into English and first published in 1924 under the title The Truth about the Split. In this book, while acknowledging his beliefs, he writes:

“(3) the belief that all those so-called Muslims who have not entered into his [i.e. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s] Bai’at formally, wherever they may be, are Kafirs and outside the pale of Islam, even though they may not have heard the name of the Promised Messiah. That these beliefs have my full concurrence, I readily admit.”

The Truth about the Split, Rabwah, 1965, pp. 55–56.


1. There are many preachings/beliefs this pseudo sect hold that would boil any ordinary Muslim's blood. Some examples, and may Allah forgive me / Nauzubillah:
a. Our Holy Prophet committed many mistakes to correct which this Mirza guy has been sent by God.
b. The Holy Quoran that we know is incomplete and requires updates from time to time. These are done through revelations/ohi through the Massih.
2. Being non-Muslims they cannot enter Mecca-Madina. So a revelation/ ohi was manufactured conveniently. This new verse orders "Muslims" (meaning these Qadyianis) to perform Hajj at al Aqsa al Mashriq. This is Qadyan town in E Punjab. Indian govt provides all sorts of support for this gathering. The official TV channel DD even make live telecast of the event.

I think I posted here a long while back that a best friend of mine told me " convert and become ahmedi & you will become beheshti"! lol, meaning obviously that my current belief is gonna lead me tell hell!
As ahmedi member here wasted no time in basically telling me that I was lying!
I think I posted here a long while back that a best friend of mine told me " convert and become ahmedi & you will become beheshti"! lol, meaning obviously that my current belief is gonna lead me tell hell!
As ahmedi member here wasted no time in basically telling me that I was lying!

I can tell you that right now its not true ! may be you guys misunderstood each other

The videos you posted a pretty much made up. He is not his grandson even though lot of people were fooled by his claim. He calims to be a "Razye Bhai" but the truth is this

You bring up a religious topic and then you cry wolf. Shame on you!

Its Frigging News ! get over it. Dont we all cry wolf when people after a terrorist attack bring up the attackers religion as if it had to do something with it. And this is not even giving "Islam" or "Muslims" a bad name. Its a political story and human right / religious freedom story.
I can tell you that right now its not true ! may be you guys misunderstood each other
There was no mutual misunderstanding. I ve never had religious discussion with any of my friends. What he said was a a spontaneous one liner with clear message. Stop assuming that there was mis-communication. You were not there.
The fact remains that our and your views do not converge and never will. In great scheme of things, that is truth vs falsehood there are obviously going to be issues at some future point.
Same goes for sunnis vs shias. The two paths cannot meet unless one of the two changes.
I am not even gonna discuss shia beliefs and the things I ve seen/heard myself.
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