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Muslim scholars reject prophecies of doomsday on December 21, 2012


Apr 25, 2012
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The Muslim religious scholars have rejected the baseless prophecies of Mayan civilisation predicting eschatological events on December 21, 2012 with an annihilation of life from the face of the earth.

The scholars criticised the role of media in projecting such flawed and unauthenticated predictions creating terror among the general public importantly at times when there is severe depression and chaos already prevailing in the society.

It is, however, noted that number of people believing in the news reports over media had been scared, especially those who had scene a Hollywood movie ‘2012’ that was released last year. Many people especially women and juvenile children had been found gripped with an awe; waiting for the fateful day as professed by some foreign sources quoting from the ancient Mayan civilisation.

It is however, very important to note here that the reliable internet sources like wikipedia also rejects the idea of doomsday on December 21, 2012 and it is written over there that “Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar “ends” in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture, while astronomers have rejected the various proposed doomsday scenarios as pseudoscience, stating that they conflict with simple astronomical observations”.

Several television channels for the last couple of months had been televising reports about the Mayan civilisation predictions about the doomsday. The constant televising of the message has resulted into forming a belief of several people that the dreadful story is actually true and end of the time is as near as a day after tomorrow. The people had been waiting for the next Friday when either one way or the other the story could get unfold.

Muhammad Saeed, a Rawalpindi resident, told this scribe that he read about the devastation of December 21 in a magazine and was caught with a terror. “I don’t know whether it was true or false, but the idea of massive destruction everywhere was just beyond the human heart that could get panicked. I immediately stopped my children not to read any such story or see a news report,” he added.

Zara Ahmad, a housewife, said: “As Muslims we believe in several warning signs appearing before doomsday and we know that all that have yet to occur. Since no one could tell with finality when it has to happen, so such predictions could not be either accepted or rejected. But accepting and visualising the great devastation is horrible and I pray to Allah to save us,” she also said.

Qari Muhammad Hanif Jalandhri, Nazim-i-Aala Wifaq-ul-Madaris Pakistan, while talking to this correspondent said that the prediction of doomsday on December 21, 2012 is a ‘greatest lie’. “No one knew about the exact date and time of doomsday. The Allah Almighty has kept this knowledge secret and exclusive to his own person. So any such prediction would be baseless and futile, he also said. Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) has told us about the warning signs before doomsday and several things have yet to occur,” he also said.

This correspondent tried to contact the Islamic scholar Allam Tahirul Qadri of Tehrik-i-Minhajul Quran, but was told that he is in Canada and would be coming to Pakistan on December 23. His media director Qazi Faiz, however, tried to explain about the version of Tahirul Qadri and said that there were several lectures of Tahirul Qadri about the arrival of doomsday. In one of these lectures Qadri has explained that there were more than 700 year left when Imam Mehdi (AS) would be coming to the earth.

Muhammad Adam Khan, a ‘khateeb’ at a local masjid while talking to ‘The News’ said that Allah Almighty tells at the beginning of chapter 25 of Quran that no one but Allah has the knowledge of doomsday. He also mentioned about a Hadith from Mishkat Sharif where the angel Jibrael had questioned to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) about the arrival of doomsday and the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) replied to him that the person to whom this question has been asked don’t know more than the person who asked the question. Before arrival of doomsday there were several warning signs like Dajjal, Yajooj Majooj, rising of the sun from West and then the fight of Imam Mehdi and Hazrat Esa (AS) against the infidels.

Muhammad Adam Khan said that these superstitions were popular among the people because they don’t seek knowledge from Qura’an and Hadith. “Whosoever has been professing about these events has no bases for such claims. While whatever we Muslim tell, we have basis and those were found in Qura’an and Hadith,” he said. He said that people spend exuberant amount of money for learning the western education that is inflicting them with such superstitions, but they never try to come for the free education of Qura’an and Hadith.

Mufti Nasir Mehmood, another Khateeb at a local masjid said that a Muslim should deny any such rumour when he hears about it. “Allah almighty gave knowledge to our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) more than any other person in the world. If anyone could have the capacity to tell the exact date and time of doomsday, it must have been our Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him). When Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) has clearly said that he doesn’t know about the date and time of doomsday then anyone whosoever may be predicting is spreading falsehood,” Mufti Nasir also said.

He said that there were also several warning signs that have to appear before doomsday and these warning sings have yet to appear. So the Muslims should avoid such falsehood and think that Allah Almighty alone is the creator of this world. He would destroy this world and he knows when it is.

Zahid Habib Qadri of Sunni Tehreek said that if educated people have believed such falsehood, it is quite unfortunate.

All the religious scholars lamented over the role of media, the media of an Islamic country in particular. They said that the media should play a responsible role and should avoid spreading such false and baseless stories. There were people of all kind exposed to the media like women, children, heart patients and people with emotional disorder. Such rumours could create something horrible in their lives. Media has to play its role in the education of the people rather than spreading of falsehood and rumours, they said.

Muslim scholars reject prophecies of doomsday on December 21, 2012 - thenews.com.pk
There are only indications for those who believe when the doomsday is near(or rather the conditions for it have been met).
The rest of the idea of people being scared is lack of faith and lack of understanding or need to research their religion.
Which is why they will be misled by Mayans and Mullahs alike.
Good news. I was worried there a second... The Mullahs have assured me.

Besides, the Mayans predicted an "end" not "the end". An "end" could simply mean the end of the way we perceive life.
Good news. I was worried there a second... The Mullahs have assured me.

Besides, the Mayans predicted an "end" not "the end". An "end" could simply mean the end of the way we perceive life.

Or they simply could not think that far.
Good news. I was worried there a second... The Mullahs have assured me.

Besides, the Mayans predicted an "end" not "the end". An "end" could simply mean the end of the way we perceive life.

4 days only now, we will see what hapns "The or An".
Good news. I was worried there a second... The Mullahs have assured me.

Besides, the Mayans predicted an "end" not "the end". An "end" could simply mean the end of the way we perceive life.

Dont worry the world will not come to an end before the liberation of Palestine.
I wish people try to understand.... There will be no doomsday but there will be a change.... 3rd dimension humans will perish. New DNA 4th dimension humans will replace 3rd dimension humans.... 21st december 2012 is about change. Mayas and india predicted totaly same details (indian details are complete while mayas perished before they could complete the details).... Both of them said 21st december 2012 is Golden age when sun will be in center of galactic. This will be time when nibirians will enter earth.... Nibirians Has 6 Gods (has 12 but 6 of them are life creators).... In that 6 gods 3 are copy of other 3.... It means they same but in different body.... Anu is Brahma, Enki is vishnu, Enlil is shiva.... When Enlil and Shiva (both are same but in two different bodies) will land on earth than time will come when majority of humans will perish (bad karmic ones).... ENLIL aka Shiva is God of destruction.... He destroys anything evil. How will he destroy? Its by Natural disasters as he is Lord of natural disaster who targets bad karmic.... The only way u can survive is by entering into 4th dimension. Also Planet nibiru will bring one of its moon that will be used to crash it on sea to generate tsunami (great flood).... This cycle going on since ages.... Its a cleaning process.... Peace, love, meditation, mantra and good karma will save u. U can hide inside underground shelter but still disease will get u.... Enter in 4th dimension and built a invisible sheild around u. A sheild of good karma.... Btw war will be faught but it will be between nibirians, Nagas, greys, humanoids in our orbit....
If the world still exists after the doomsday date, I just hope the indians don't blame the ISI for setting up a conspiracy.
i agree.nothing's gonna happen.this prediction and the importance being given to it is totally unneeded.
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