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Muslim protesters brand war heroes 'murderers' as homecoming parade turns violent.

The british government must keep them locked in their radar at all times as they are potential recruits for al qaeda and other islamic organisations.
everyone has a right to protest, but there is a method of protesting as well. How would u find it if people protest against India during our parades and insult our soldiers?

These British soldiers are risking their lives to do what they are ordered to. They didnt ask to be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. If the protestors wanted change, they should protest to the policy makers.

Also, look at the nature of the protest. Anti-war protestors dont link war to religion. I doubt these same protestors would have been on the streets had Britain been waging a war in South America. It is evident that their sentiments are not anti-war, but anti-British. If they dont like how things work in Britain, they should just get the hell out of there! In fact they should consider themselves lucky they are in Britain, and not in Saddam's Iraq or Taliban's Afghanistan, where they would be lynched if they protest.

And if for some reason they think their protest will help muslims, they are very sadly mistaken. It just creates more anti-islamism and belief that Muslims are traitors. So in a way, these guys really ensured that muslims will be further discriminated against!

Actually some folks from South America would have protested. During the Vietnam war soldiers were called baby killers in protests.
these guys are minority and never ever represent the opinion of british muslims.
these guys are minority and never ever represent the opinion of british muslims.

you might be right.. but all the we see is only this very minority every where.. what happened to the opinion of moderate majority? oh i got it.. they never SPEAK!
you might be right.. but all the we see is only this very minority every where.. what happened to the opinion of moderate majority? oh i got it.. they never SPEAK!

i can see you are indirectly accusing all the other muslims, but if we consider opinions, then british muslims never side with these guys. can we accuse the white british to have sympathy with the BNP just because they are white?
i can see you are indirectly accusing all the other muslims, but if we consider opinions, then british muslims never side with these guys. can we accuse the white british to have sympathy with the BNP just because they are white?

you misunderstood what I said.. I'm not accusing all the other muslims..I'm just saying that all the moderate muslims should come out openly and speak against these retards when ever such incidents happen .. and with the hungry press ever ready to highlight the bad apples.. you should be careful and vociferous to negate all the bad impression that these fools create for the religion...
Their right to protest in a democratic country is being insulted in this forum. They have the right to protest before marching soldiers returning from base in countries which are occupied by Britain. These occupation forces do not apply the laws of democracy in the countries which they occupy recall ? So chances are slim that either Iraqis or Afghanis will conduct such protests to soldiers departing their nations after serving time there. Why shouldn't the Muslim or any other group opposed to the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan protest to the soldiers ? If time was turned back and if a majority Indian protest group in the 40s or early 50s protested against British Raj soldiers returning from active duty in occupied India, would they have been also termed as unfit to live in Britain and terrorists? If my memory serves me correct, during the 80s when Britain launched an attack against Argentinian forces occupying the Falklands, certain segments of anti war British people accompanied by Argentinian settlers in Britain conducted protests against returning British forces. Were they also terrorists and people unfit to hold British passports ? As a citizen of the world's largest democracy, I admire the resolve of the protestors. Perhaps if groups like these would start springing up in our sub continent then we wouldn't have the corruption and mess which we have in our countries

As strongly inclined as I am to agree with you and thank your post, there is a small difference. The people protesting against the Vietnam and Falkland wars were actually protesting against war and killing of innocents. There have been similar protests against the Iraq war in the US as well.

But these protesters were protesting with a religious identity. That is unacceptable because the world is built on sovereignty of nations, not on religious allegiance. If you have a problem with policy, please speak against it. But not using reference to the crusades. If these people are immigrant Afghanis/Iraqis, they have every right to protest, but then the UK has every right to kick them out for not behaving in a foreign land. If they are naturalized citizens, they are violating their oath of supporting their adopted homeland.
these guys are minority and never ever represent the opinion of british muslims.

Unfortunately Ahmed yaar ..even a single person can destroy the image of a whole religion in the time we are living ..
you misunderstood what I said.. I'm not accusing all the other muslims..I'm just saying that all the moderate muslims should come out openly and speak against these retards when ever such incidents happen .. and with the hungry press ever ready to highlight the bad apples.. you should be careful and vociferous to negate all the bad impression that these fools create for the religion...

It depends.
Maybe they cannot access the media: you should understand that for a journalist it is easy to write an article or to have an opinion based on something that can easily be seen.
As well do the people want to speak? Who? When we have a normal life and we are sure about our peaceful religion, why we should try so much to explain ?

For exemple i am spending much time on forums denying fake accusations against Islam by fascist groups in France which go in any forum to show always the same ideas and videos: people making priar in the street, our prophet abusing a girl 9yo, djihad being terrorist act, blabla blabla ... you don't know how hard it is when people are already full of bad perception of our religion.
I have a job and it is already not easy to manage. So i guess most people are like me: they do their best but what they can do to show a better picture than living normally here? They don't make much effort to show a good picture of Islam.
you misunderstood what I said.. I'm not accusing all the other muslims..I'm just saying that all the moderate muslims should come out openly and speak against these retards when ever such incidents happen .. and with the hungry press ever ready to highlight the bad apples.. you should be careful and vociferous to negate all the bad impression that these fools create for the religion...

council of british muslims and many other muslims on the TVs have spoken against these guys.
hmmmm ...........sad indeed.this is not the homecoming these soldiers deserve.after all soldiers are soldiers.
Neuter these vermin. I have my fair share of Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan friends from my childhood back home and some used to wince with embarrassment when these type of characters came up on the tele or news. These tribal ignorant SOB's are in a very vocal minority thanks to the media but that doesn't mean we should bury our heads and pretend they aren't a threat and growing one at that.

This behavior is just despicable. And over here stateside these people would think twice nay thrice before indulging in it which should give our mandarins something to ponder over. It's been a while I've called a "Kuffar 'Insert Expletive'" and I'm all the more glad for it. I fear the UK is falling into a appeasement mindset once again.
Well in my opinion soldiers of any country wether it be ours or the british or americans cannot refuse orders wether it be against there will ,a soldier is not allowed to think of morals in front of orders and that my friends is the taradition of all disciplined militaries of the world,in our case bear in mind lal masjid where our soldiers had to storm a mosque many of them would never dare do that were they not wearing the uniform of pakistan army,under specific orders lal masjid was stormed the hell under orders soldiers riddled the whole mosque with bullets I am just giving u an example I can’t blame those soldiers but I do blame musharaf for the reckless act, a soldier is not allowed to have a concious a soldier is not responsible for wat he has done following orders,but the responsibility lies with the ones who gave the orders,if u want vengence go for the top brass or policymakers,ofcourse this does’nt mean u don’t need to fight a invading army fight them that’s ur duty to ur motherland and nation every man and child and resist them but blame there generals and policy makers and whoever put those policy makers on that position of power.
a warrior respects a warrior u can only fight ur enemy effectively when u respect him that way u never underestimate him unlike the westerners who burn dead taliban or germans playin with skulls of afghans but at the same time wakey !wakey! its been Fin ten years almost have u been able to crush them with ur might no bcuz u don’t think of them as humans even ,yeah these sand nigers and towel heads have been resisting the west for 7 to 10years in iraq and afghanistan ,so if westerners don’t even treat them as pows then westren soldiers should not expect the same from us,all this said a soldier should respect a soldier and if u wan’t to blame some one blame the policy makers and the voters who put those policy makers in that place.:flame::sniper:

And to my indian friends who definitely are non muslims taking a opportunity to lash on muslims,first of those were muslims protesting that does’nt mean they were pakistanis I thought u only hated pakistanis and as the claimers of worlds biggest democracy u would stand up for their right of speech wether it offended u those are the basics of democracy u should learn something from the british authorities maybe u should allow muslims in india to exercise that a bit then maybe they will stop becoming the instruments of our secret services,ohhhhhhhh! I forgot u have tried to reboot muslims in india to ur version of nationalism or should I say hinduism those who don’t fall in line are killed by the state mercenires rss or suppressed economically and socially ,oh what a great democracy u have ,so try to learn a few things from the most sophisticated democracy british democracy huge does’nt matter when u have a biased bueorocrocy and state officals towards one part of the populus.the handling of the brits by brit officals surely u will be able to learn a few things.:taz:
The article said 40, but I only counted fourteen in the pics. I question whether this is newsworthy material at all.
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