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Aug 27, 2010
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That’s the title of a startling new report out of CUNY Law School. It calls for imams and other Muslim community leaders to “announce to your congregations or membership that informants will not be tolerated in your communities.”

The report is co-authored by the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition, CUNY’s Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Project, and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. They argue that the NYPD’s secret surveillance of Muslim mosques and neighborhoods in the New York area has “marginalized and criminalized a broad segment of American Muslims.”

Let’s take a deep breath here. As NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly noted, his cops adhere to guidelines signed by a federal judge in 1985 and amended in 2002. Last year, an investigation by the New Jersey attorney general backed up the commissioner when it found there were “no violations of law.”

The cops are looking at these communities for one reason: They are a logical place for terrorists to hide themselves. Both the 1993 bombing of and the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were planned and enacted by Muslims living in New Jersey. So long as New York remains a terror target, there will be active plots against the city.

We saw that in December, when two Pakistani brothers were arrested for targeting New York City landmarks to avenge comrades killed in US drone attacks. The FBI didn’t know the two had come to New York from Florida — they were located by NYPD surveillance. And the lead cop in the investigation that resulted in the arrest of Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law was an NYPD detective.

The activists hope to portray the NYPD’s work as broad-based and biased. But knowing which mosques house transients, or what Internet cafes they might seek out, or where they might find jobs yields information that can later prove critical.

To pretend otherwise is to deny reality. And to demand that New Yorkers refuse to cooperate with police in preventing another 9/11 is just plain irresponsible.

Two years ago, a local imam described the vast majority of the Muslim population in our area are “unapologetically Muslim and uncompromisingly American.” We agree. So why not help authorities keep the guilty few away from the law-abiding many by cooperating with police?

Mad call for Muslims to not cooperate with NYPD—Editorial - NYPOST.com
The OP should get an infraction for posting troll thread.
Discrimination, hate, prejudice, propaganda against Muslims in the 'West' is reaching new heights...

Westerners just LOVE to antagonize "others" (whether they are Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, Chinese, Indians, Jews, Mexicans etc etc)...
This is extreme form of prejudice against Muslims in America, but the effort put in has yielded results - there have been no terrorist attacks in America ever since 9/11. They are doing something right. The saving grace is all detective work is confined to the background and Muslims in America don't face much direct discrimination. Normal folks are going about their life as usual. The prejudice comes when they treat everyone as a potential terrorist.

Police work needs to be commended and praise must be given where it is due. Unfortunately the biggest victims of terror in the Sub continent don't match up and don't take policing actively, our investigations are mostly post a terrorist incident. Cops and agencies sit on their haunches and only go active once when terrorists have scored a terror attack.
The OP should get an infraction for posting troll thread.
Truth hurts !!

this is very obvious , All Major Countries are suffered from Islamic Terrorism , America,Russia,China,India, Europe ..... And all Major Muslim Countries have Non-muslim hate-trade policy ....in all major Islamic countries non-muslims are second class citizens and in path to vanish

Aye I agree.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow the erection of Churches and Mandirs in their country but finances with generosity for the erection of Mosques in other countries, isn't this prejudice.

In 1947 Pakistan had 23% non-muslims but now it's mere 3%, doesn't it indicate something towards intolerance ???

I don't know why they take the world as a fool .Time to set your priorities correct .
It's time to introspect.Turkey did it age ago and today she is different from rest of the lot.
The FBI and DHS actually has done a commendable job in infiltrating jehadist groups ; FBI in particular have fished out a lot of radical terror-infested jehadis from Bangladesh and Pakistan, who in turn have jehadi apologists in CAIR and ACLU's Islamic chapter. CAIR in turn have had this long running tradition of financiers in their midst for terror activities in the West and elsewhere. A good time to start disbanding them toot-sweet.
Truth hurts !!

Aye I agree.

Saudi Arabia doesn't allow the erection of Churches and Mandirs in their country but finances with generosity for the erection of Mosques in other countries, isn't this prejudice.

In 1947 Pakistan had 23% non-muslims but now it's mere 3%, doesn't it indicate something towards intolerance ???

I don't know why they take the world as a fool .Time to set your priorities correct .
It's time to introspect.Turkey did it age ago and today she is different from rest of the lot.

You are looking for truth in the cesspool known as Murdochs NY Post
Good luck on that one.

OP is not fishing the bottom of the barrel for dirt on Muslims, he is digging through it

The FBI and DHS actually has done a commendable job in infiltrating jehadist groups ; FBI in particular have fished out a lot of radical terror-infested jehadis from Bangladesh and Pakistan, who in turn have jehadi apologists in CAIR and ACLU's Islamic chapter. CAIR in turn have had this long running tradition of financiers in their midst for terror activities in the West and elsewhere. A good time to start disbanding them toot-sweet.

A percentage of Western second generation and third generation Muslims are radicalized to a certain degree. They view the war against Terror as a war against Islam directly. Al Qaeda gets funded by both the Arabs as well as individuals based in Western countries who view their contribution as a donation towards safeguarding their religion. Many Western Muslims view the terrorism as a holy war and media plus internet fuels this immensely, They feel that the West, Israel and India or other Non Muslim countries as the enemies against whom Jihaad has to be declared.
A percentage of Western second generation and third generation Muslims are radicalized to a certain degree. They view the war against Terror as a war against Islam directly. Al Qaeda gets funded by both the Arabs as well as individuals based in Western countries who view their contribution as a donation towards safeguarding their religion. Many Western Muslims view the terrorism as a holy war and media plus internet fuels this immensely, They feel that the West, Israel and India or other Non Muslim countries as the enemies against whom Jihaad has to be declared.
This problem is more acute in Europe especially in the UK, than in the US. Europe and UK have been experimenting with the notion of Multiculturalism for some time now, which by well-documented social parameters have failed, not on account of the government, but because of the immigrated Muslim populace, from North African countries like Morocco, Algeria, Sudan and Somalia and South Asian countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, who simply have been living off welfare schemes and in that process have collectively failed to upgrade themselves out of their ghettos, into an affluent group. Even Canada is slowly moving in that direction, with every Muslim country in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia among the poorest sections of the society there. This statement is especially poignant from a recent article in Dawn.
While immigrants from Pakistan lack the social networks necessary for success with employment, I would also argue that they suffer from a self-imposed identity crisis. After arriving from Pakistan, many male immigrants feel threatened by the Canadian liberal values, which empower their children and women. Suddenly the head of the household cannot dictate the way he did in Pakistan. Instead of embracing the change that empowers their families, several male immigrants end up in a hostile standoff with their families that sometimes lasts for decades. At the same time, religious leaders, which are almost always imported from back home to serve in mosques in Canada, preach orthodoxy to the parish, further confusing the struggling males.

With turmoil at home and bleak employment prospects outside, Pakistan-born male immigrants struggle with the decision to stay in Canada or return to Pakistan. Children and wives are often shipped back to Pakistan for prolonged periods while the males continue struggling in the job market. While their children see themselves as Canadians, the Pakistan-born male immigrants spent decades figuring out how to cope with their hyphenated identity, i.e., Pakistani-Canadian.
Link :: Pakistani-Canadians: Falling below the poverty line

A lot of this has to do with the cultural imbibing influenced to a large extent by religious orthodoxical traditions and views. On the other hand, you should see the spread of the Indian diaspora in the US. In my brief period of Grad study in Cornell of almost 2 years, i have not encountered a single Pakistani in my department. Neither have i seen any Muslims at Conferences apart from Iranians. The majority Muslim populace incidentally here is someone who has stuck to the the true notion of Secularism, the Turkish populace.
If you are not a terrorist organization, what are you afraid of?

I do not think FBI only infiltrate muslim organizations. They pretty much infiltrates every organizations in the U.S.

That’s the title of a startling new report out of CUNY Law School. It calls for imams and other Muslim community leaders to “announce to your congregations or membership that informants will not be tolerated in your communities.”

The report is co-authored by the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition, CUNY’s Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Project, and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. They argue that the NYPD’s secret surveillance of Muslim mosques and neighborhoods in the New York area has “marginalized and criminalized a broad segment of American Muslims.”

Let’s take a deep breath here. As NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly noted, his cops adhere to guidelines signed by a federal judge in 1985 and amended in 2002. Last year, an investigation by the New Jersey attorney general backed up the commissioner when it found there were “no violations of law.”

The cops are looking at these communities for one reason: They are a logical place for terrorists to hide themselves. Both the 1993 bombing of and the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were planned and enacted by Muslims living in New Jersey. So long as New York remains a terror target, there will be active plots against the city.

We saw that in December, when two Pakistani brothers were arrested for targeting New York City landmarks to avenge comrades killed in US drone attacks. The FBI didn’t know the two had come to New York from Florida — they were located by NYPD surveillance. And the lead cop in the investigation that resulted in the arrest of Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law was an NYPD detective.

The activists hope to portray the NYPD’s work as broad-based and biased. But knowing which mosques house transients, or what Internet cafes they might seek out, or where they might find jobs yields information that can later prove critical.

To pretend otherwise is to deny reality. And to demand that New Yorkers refuse to cooperate with police in preventing another 9/11 is just plain irresponsible.

Two years ago, a local imam described the vast majority of the Muslim population in our area are “unapologetically Muslim and uncompromisingly American.” We agree. So why not help authorities keep the guilty few away from the law-abiding many by cooperating with police?

Mad call for Muslims to not cooperate with NYPD—Editorial - NYPOST.com

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