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He's clearly false flagging. He's also confused AF. One minute there is a hindu indian and a muslim arab, then a muslim kaliya and an indian hindu, in the middle he says some other bakwas. Sounds like he got rejected for a rishta or something.

Could also be an Indian in disguise, cannot rule it out. There is the one with elephant avatar who is obsessed with Muslims having pale skin.
What is funny: Not just one guy came and gave me a clear answer, everybody is just evading the questions. Had I asked "Would you prefer a Hindu Indian over a Muslim Arab?", then the answer would be clear "What a silly question, of course we would choose the Muslim Arab"!
But when it comes to the Muslim Kaliyaa, everybody just evades the question like "that would never happen, we would never have to choose".
This is further proof how fanatically Pakistanis hate Kaliyaa, even if they are Muslim!
No other Muslim race is so obsessed with the concept of Ummah as Pakistanis are, but when it comes to the Black skin, no, no Ummah! Pakistanis always say the Hindus are their archenemies, but if he had to choose, a Pakistani would rather see a Hindu Indian as his brother than a Muslim kaliyaa.
Pakistanis don't even want to have simple conversations with Muslim kaliyaa, and yes I have proof for that!

I have posted many evidences of the extremist anti-Black racism of Pakistanis, and everytime when I ask "Should I repost those evidences?", nobody answers! Why? Are you scared?

There exists no bigger hypocrats than Pakistanis in the world!

All Pakistanis will burn in hell for eternity!!!

What the hell are you on about, buddy we hate Hindus

You think we would choose Hindus over black Muslims????
That's crazy talk
That's not crazy at all. Maybe you yourself would not, but I'm not talking about isolated cases, they are irrelevant, I'm talking about the general population, and the general Pakistani population would without any doubt choose a Hindu Indian over a Black Muslim, because Pakistanis hate nothing in this world as much as the Black skin colour, and you can find more than enough proof for that on the Internet!
Ahh, anecdotal evidence, excellent. What more could we ask for! Maybe a meme or a whatsapp message.
That's not crazy at all. Maybe you yourself would not, but I'm not talking about isolated cases, they are irrelevant, I'm talking about the general population, and the general Pakistani population would without any doubt choose a Hindu Indian over a Black Muslim, because Pakistanis hate nothing in this world as much as the Black skin colour, and you can find more than enough proof for that on the Internet!

Reported for more nonsense.

He is from Iran.

Pakistani members are not allowed to harm Iranian interests on this website.

Please just suffer silently.

Probably true.
Reported for more nonsense.

Probably true.
I think this guy a flag flagger.
Probably a black guy who got rejected by a fair muslim family. Like why would a fair skin iranian who have all the beautiful women around him care whats happening with black people.Iranians have far bigger problems than that
I think this guy a flag flagger.
Probably a black guy who got rejected by a fair muslim family. Like why would a fair skin iranian who have all the beautiful women around him care whats happening with black people.Iranians have far bigger problems than that

No, he is not black.

Some people have agendas to promote this kind of nonsense against other nationalities.

Also not all Iranians are fair skinned either.
That's not crazy at all. Maybe you yourself would not, but I'm not talking about isolated cases, they are irrelevant, I'm talking about the general population, and the general Pakistani population would without any doubt choose a Hindu Indian over a Black Muslim, because Pakistanis hate nothing in this world as much as the Black skin colour, and you can find more than enough proof for that on the Internet!

I'm interested to know, is it that you seek fairness and equality or are you here to point out the hypocrisy of Muslims?
I'm interested to know, is it that you seek fairness and equality or are you here to point out the hypocrisy of Muslims?


Two congenial Pakistanis who don't do lying and denying :tup:

Two congenial Pakistanis who don't do lying and denying :tup:

Hey obsessed troll, is this the second or third time you are posting the same video in this thread?

So desperate to prove a point, you keep posting the same nonsense again and again.

I know several African Americans who have visited Pakistan, and I am also acquainted with many African American Muslim scholars in the US who have been to Pakistan and loved it.

Remember Peshawar Zalmi?


We even gave him Pakistani citizenship, which is very difficult to obtain.

You won't talk about your Indian friends, who will actually attack Blacks in organized mobs.

Beating of African Students by Mob in India Prompts Soul-Searching on Race


No surprise when you look that Gandhi himself was racist against Blacks.

Hey obsessed troll, is this the second or third time you are posting the same video in this thread?

So desperate to prove a point, you keep posting the same nonsense again and again.

How pathetic!

This video is from June 16th 2020.

And now go through this thread and start at page 29


and now show me where where did I post this video you liar!

And even if I posted it hundred times, that would be totally ok, because it is Pakistanis themselves who admit how racist their people are!

I know several African Americans who have visited Pakistan, and I am also acquainted with many African American Muslim scholars in the US who have been to Pakistan and loved it.

Remember Peshawar Zalmi?


We even gave him Pakistani citizenship, which is very difficult to obtain.

Totally irrelevant! I'm not talking about government action and I don't care about PR stunts! Roy Jones Jr also got Russian citizinship!

You won't talk about your Indian friends, who will actually attack Blacks in organized mobs.

Beating of African Students by Mob in India Prompts Soul-Searching on Race


No surprise when you look that Gandhi himself was racist against Blacks.


You are really beyond pathetic!


And even if I didn't talk about Indians that would be totally irrelevant, this thread is about Muslims and nothing else! If you want to talk about others, upon a separate thread!

Your pathetic attemps to hide the apocalypticaly racial hatred of Pakistanis towards kaliyaa Muslims will not succeed! I will not stop highlighting your fanatical anti-kaliyaa hatred!

And here is another video from a Pakistani who talks about Pakistanis racial obsession with skin colour!

So cry as much as you want, I will not stop!

Disgusting Arabs with their disgusting racist attitude doing again what they are best at: being slavemasters!!!
Look at this disgusting sub-human Tunisian Kuffar who openly show their fanatical anti-black racism!!!

Just imagine you are a Black Muslim and live in this disgusting Arab society, imagine what you have to go through every day in your life!!!

And in France this disgusting Tunisian sub-humans cry 24/7 about racism from French infidels, but in their own country they treat their Black Muslim "brothers" million times worse!!!

From the Button of my heart I hope the French will treat their Tunisian community just like Tunisians treat their Black Muslim "brothers"!!!

I looked up what that means and I really don't understand why you call me that. I'm the exact opposite of a SJW.

A SJW permanently twists the truth and the reality so that it fits into his leftist worldview. Where do I do that?

SJW's are for example those White Americans who permanently complain about how racist Whites are towards Black Americans, while in reality Black Americans are way more racist towards White Americans than the other way around!

In a way also Black Americans are SJW's, because they also twist the truth to fit an agenda, for example they complain about how racist Whites are towards Mexican immigrants, they do this in hope to get the Mexicans on their side and further bash the Whites, while Blacks know very well how extremely racist Mexican immigrants are towards Blacks and how they love to kill Blacks and that the Mexicans would without any doubt rather stand with a White than with a Black.

Here in Germany SJW's are those Germans who always complain about how racist their people are towards immigrants, which is a lie, and they ignore that in reality it is the mostly Muslim immigrants who are very racist towards native Germans. Deep in their heart German SJW's know the truth, but they ignore it so that their leftist worldview doesn't crumble down.

But I do nothing of that ridiculous nonsense. Everything I post is 100% the truth! I permanently post evidences, I don't in any way twist the reality!
I would be a SJW if I would complain about fair Muslims racism towards Black African Muslims, while in reality it were the Black African Muslims who are racist towards fair Muslims, but that is not the case at all, Black African Muslims are not the slightest racist towards fair Muslims, there exists no evidence for that assumption, but there exist tons of evidences of how fanatically racist fair Muslims are towards the Black abeeds, I have already posted so many and I will continue to post many many more!

So no, I'm not in any way a leftist SJW, I'm the complete opposite!!!
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