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It is popular, but really fucking stupid if you ask me.

You seen only concerned about these bantu women. We should worry about ourselves and improving our own lives. Forget these other people.

The guy I quoted had a point. Black men seem very eager to marry outside their race. Go talk to them.
You seen only concerned about these bantu women. We should worry about ourselves and improving our own lives. Forget these other people.

The guy I quoted had a point. Black men seem very eager to marry outside their race. Go talk to them.
It is because they consider a white woman a trophy wife, but I could care less. Their female children as adults are sometimes more attractive than non-mixed people.
You can not possibly tell me what I just said is an unpopular opinion. It is not.

what I wrote is truth.. you cannot lecture ignorant ppl.. its the same about man.. if you think about it male humans are the realy attractive one superior inbeauty like a male lion is more beautifull than a female lion..
its just male hormons that make us see woman in such beauty.. if we are not able to understand this simple nature of males its just because of hormons that are stronger than the intellectual part..

and because of environment, society and family ppl begin to brabble idiotism.. and than you will come across ppl who say only blond, or only brown hair or green eyes or latinas or only black ppl or only this long hair, butt or else.. and than we have ppl you just have to add color on mouth face eyes and wear certain clothes and here you have ugliness made beauty for them.. sometimes its just triggers and how ppl grow up and begin to develop a mental issue.. so they end saying never this or that so you could have a black guy having asian fetish..

the reality is beauty is everywhere and some ppl cannot see it or do not want to see it because they are used to see something else

non-mixed people

I have also come to that point that many mixed ppl look better than non mixed :D

could also be that it just makes them more interesting?
It is because they consider a white woman a trophy wife, but I could care less. Their female children as adults are sometimes more attractive than non-mixed people.

The funny thing is that the European woman often wants to date/marry Arabs (exotic and beautiful looking for many of them and mainly traits) and many European males want to date Arab women. I mean just look at the popularity of certain internet searches and nothing more needs to be said.;):lol:

That filthy Arab Christian Lebanese **** star who became the most popular one overnight.

At the same time there are Arabs who have an obsession with blonde women but personally I have never found them attractive at all. I guess this all depends on the individual.

In many ways the main difference, to be blunt with you, is that most European women are very cheap.

I know many colleagues (non-Muslim and non-Arab) who have confessed to me that they want to date Arab/Muslim women but they do not have the courage to approach them and know already beforehand that they will most likely not succeed.

Now people will tell, what do I know about all this, well, I lived in various European countries for half of my life and I am familiar with the societies as much as the locals while having my legs in the other "world" as well so I can compare.

There are exceptions but in general this is how it is among 15-30 year olds in Western Europe.

The US is even worse and the entire African-American society prides itself on doing you know what. It is part of their culture (males) and I hear that the women are not much different hence the many broken families, one-parent homes etc.

It is funny what a huge difference culture, customs, religion, geography etc. makes. Compare the African-Americans with our Afro-Arab lot. Similar past (not precisely but partially) yet totally different realities.
The funny thing is that the European woman often wants to date/marry Arabs (exotic and beautiful looking for many of them and mainly traits) and many European males want to date Arab women. I mean just look at the popularity of certain internet searches and nothing more needs to be said.;):lol:

That filthy Arab Christian Lebanese **** star who became the most popular one overnight.

At the same time there are Arabs who have an obsession with blonde women but personally I have never found them attractive at all. I guess this all depends on the individual.

In many ways the main difference, to be blunt with you, is that most European women are very cheap. Easy to get, they frequently date Arabs and other foreigners. Nothing like the Arab or Muslim world who do not engage in such practices by large.

I know many colleagues (non-Muslim and non-Arab) who have confessed to me that they want to date Arab/Muslim women but they do not have the courage to approach them and know already beforehand that they will most likely not succeed.

Now people will tell, what do I know about all this, well, I lived in various European countries for half of my life and I am familiar with the societies as much as the locals while having my legs in the other "world" as well so I can compare.

There are exceptions but in general this is how it is among 15-30 year olds in Western Europe.

TBH The best looking girls I have ever seen are Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan and Pakistani. NEVER EVER found White, black or indian women attractive in any way. Particularly black and indian.
TBH The best looking girls I have ever seen are Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan and Pakistani. NEVER EVER found White, black or indian women attractive in any way. Particularly black and indian.

I prefer fellow Arabs, Latinas (especially of Arab or Southern European origins), Circassians (I have distant Circassian ancestry myself so I will always have a weakness for them also because the Arab world hosts the second largest Circassian diaspora in the world), certain fellow Middle Eastern groups (won't mention any names) and some Southern Europeans.

I find many Habesha women very beautiful as well.

Mixtures are also usually very beautiful. I know many half Arab half European mixtures. Even Arab-Habesha mixtures are at times incredibly stunning.

But this is all personal taste and depends on the individual. I subscribe to the notion that you can find elements of beauty in every race and people. It is all a question of taste. Some are drooling over pale blondes, while others over Arab women, Chinese or Africans or whatever. Many Arabs like South East Asian girls and find them cute, while I have nothing against them, I don't understand the attraction.
TBH The best looking girls I have ever seen are Iraqi, Iranian, Afghan and Pakistani. NEVER EVER found White, black or indian women attractive in any way. Particularly black and indian.
These things are subjective and depends on indivisual but best looking girls to me are different type of women from Pakistani ethnicities(Punjabi,Pashtun, Sindhi, Kashmiri, baloch, dardics and so on) , different types of Pashtun Afghans(not other Afghans) and various type of White women. Indians can also look good but unmixed indians like sikhs and Kashmiri muslims.
These things are subjective and depends on indivisual but best looking girls to me are different type of women from Pakistani ethnicities(Punjabi,Pashtun, Sindhi, Kashmiri, baloch, dardics and so on) , different types of Pashtun Afghans(not other Afghans) and various type of White women. Indians can also look good but unmixed indians like sikhs and Kashmiri muslims.

White women may be good looking but are NOT in the slightest bit attractive or feminine. Have NEVER EVER seen a good looking indian or sikh woman. Yes I have to agree, Afghan girls are very pretty and attractive too.
White women may be good looking but are NOT in the slightest bit attractive or feminine. Have NEVER EVER seen a good looking indian or sikh woman. Yes I have to agree, Afghan girls are very pretty and attractive too.
pashtun afghans are good looking ,rest farsi afghans look manly to me. Lebanese are also very femanine but they are very small population.
No my logic is the only way to protect humans is to send people like you back.

One hand we have a pseudo scientist pushing debunked Darwin theory and then you a confused Pakistani who thinks he is superior when his kind is slaving away building for Arabs.

They presented you with their version of God and then beat you with it till you imitate them. Then you beat others like a mimmicking monkey. Go do some charity, give back with an open heart to whoever needs help and earn your place in heaven.
The only debunked is you because Darwinism is a fact.
we like the change.. arabs want blondes and blondes want arabs.. we like the contrast as a human.
black shny indian hair are considered lovely in europe but not in india as much.. while blonde hair are normal in europe but valued more in asia lets say.

The funny thing is that the European woman often wants to date/marry Arabs (exotic and beautiful looking for many of them and mainly traits) and many European males want to date Arab women. I mean just look at the popularity of certain internet searches and nothing more needs to be said.;):lol:

That filthy Arab Christian Lebanese **** star who became the most popular one overnight.

At the same time there are Arabs who have an obsession with blonde women but personally I have never found them attractive at all. I guess this all depends on the individual.

In many ways the main difference, to be blunt with you, is that most European women are very cheap.

I know many colleagues (non-Muslim and non-Arab) who have confessed to me that they want to date Arab/Muslim women but they do not have the courage to approach them and know already beforehand that they will most likely not succeed.

Now people will tell, what do I know about all this, well, I lived in various European countries for half of my life and I am familiar with the societies as much as the locals while having my legs in the other "world" as well so I can compare.

There are exceptions but in general this is how it is among 15-30 year olds in Western Europe.

The US is even worse and the entire African-American society prides itself on doing you know what. It is part of their culture (males) and I hear that the women are not much different hence the many broken families, one-parent homes etc.

It is funny what a huge difference culture, customs, religion, geography etc. makes. Compare the African-Americans with our Afro-Arab lot. Similar past (not precisely but partially) yet totally different realities.
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