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Muslim bodybuilder hacked to death in India by Hindu extremists

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was a criminal out on bail, who had more than 30 cases of extortion, rape and murder against him, and that the murder was possibly a result of gang rivalry.

good news not just muslim if he was imam with such criminal records he deserved it probably.

Isis also have the same sort of judgement against those those they declare as "criminal" ..

Supa Pawar India.

Another story where we all say, "Thank God for Pakistan!"

IF it was hindu extremist, there would be a mob of them, all I say is a gang of 3-4 people attacking him.

The rest of that mob is here on Pak defence defending the lynching..
Thank you
Quaid Azam
We can never repay your debt on us and the great Favour you did on the muslims of the subcontinent
The most inhumanly thing is that you guys have been trying to justify this barbaric and brutal action by rubbish stories.

Holy cr@p, bunch of savages.

Thanks to Allah for making Quaid e Azad and others a waseela in order for the creation of Pakistan. Feel sad for Kashmiris.

Not Humans, but Indians.

Unbelievable savages. Thank Allah for Pakistan.

If we were in India we would be doing this to the Hindus, so Hindus should be thanking Gandhi for the Partition. Hindus would never have dared do this shit when we were there.
The victim & attackers were both muslims.
Unlike pakistan guns cannot be procured easily in India hence these morons had to use knives & swords. But any way thats what they have been doing for centuries, no surprises here.
If Eric Hobsbawm was alive, he would have written a new masterpiece: Age of internet illiteracy. No common sense, no logical analysis, only blind self justification.

Internet is just a new medium. The illiteracy is religious and quite old and a lot has been written about it, of course on respectable platforms only.
I dont know what to say. Im just thankful that i dont live in a savage society like this.
Dont worry your society will also soon be there. Instead of swords they will have guns.
Your mafia is nothing compared to these ppl, they will no ethics or values. Just kill,kill....
Every one will try to be politically correct and will not say the truth as it will indict a particular community which is known to show utter disregard to the law or society.
The victim & attackers were both muslims.
Unlike pakistan guns cannot be procured easily in India hence these morons had to use knives & swords. But any way thats what they have been doing for centuries, no surprises here.

They are in the zone now.
One criminal muslim killed by a bunch of other criminal muslims.

first they tried to play it as muslim being killed by Hindus
when it was revealed that the killers were also muslims, their theories got smashed. In desperation, they bring out the general 'thank god for Jinna' sayings to cover up their obvious foot in the a$$ posts.
he was a criminal himself killed by rival gang ,id say good riddance ..
Hindu vegetarians feel threatened by Muslim masculinity so they had to confront him with numbers, like a pack of hyenas taking down a lion. Shameless and cowardly :angry:
Hindu vegetarians feel threatened by Muslim masculinity so they had to confront him with numbers, like a pack of hyenas taking down a lion. Shameless and cowardly :angry:

Just because he was a muslim and a bodybuilder does not make him a God. He was a scumbag criminal, a murderer, a rapist, and he was killed by his rival gangmembers.

Most criminals and gangsters end up like this.
Hindu vegetarians feel threatened by Muslim masculinity so they had to confront him with numbers, like a pack of hyenas taking down a lion. Shameless and cowardly :angry:

Why such video's are even allowed to be posted on this forum? its gut wrenching can impact anyone. this video is allowed just cause it has an doctored title? actually story speaks of gang wars, where the people murdering another are Muslims only, such barbaric people.
Hindu vegetarians feel threatened by Muslim masculinity so they had to confront him with numbers, like a pack of hyenas taking down a lion. Shameless and cowardly :angry:

Perhaps the "smart" neighbour from north has not realized that the hyenas who killed this criminal muslim were also criminal muslims.

Looks like the foot in the a$$ syndrome is contagious.
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