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Musharraf's public support!!

Do you support musharraf's impeachment!!!

  • yes

    Votes: 2 7.4%
  • no

    Votes: 24 88.9%
  • lost, not sure.

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters



New Recruit

Aug 14, 2006
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As we all know, the public of pakistan overwhelmingly rejected musharraf's policies during the electrion. But I feel, due to the complete failure of the ruling parties, the support for musharraf is rising again but although is still not satisfactory. I have added the pool in my thread only just to know where the composition lies now. Kindly insert your views by taking part in poll.
I think people of Pakistan in general and with economic rise were better off with Musharraf than in current situation they are in.
Musharraf at least keeps national interests first unlike present government.
I think our voting system is seriously messed up. People in the rural areas vote for their masters (which are basically owned by the kind of Zardari with corruption money).
I think our voting system is seriously messed up. People in the rural areas vote for their masters (which are basically owned by the kind of Zardari with corruption money).

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Most Pakistanis have as much faith in their civilian politics as they do with martial law . . . zero.

The political system is broken [beyond repair]. Without a credible political system, the country will continue to see-saw between two [equally unacceptable] options that are driving Pakistan into the ground. It is nothing short of a miracle that Pakistan has maintained the level of social unity under the onslought of a highly bastardized, bankrupt and corrupt political order.
Every person I now talk to, would prefer Musharraf over this PPP government. This government has literally failed to outline any economic policy or developmental program. They are bunch of clue-less feudals, that have been voted to go to some looting spree.

The business community in KHI is becoming desperate and their despodency is growing. The PPP govt is well aware of their own capabilities (lack of it) and are diverting the public towards impeachment and lawyers issue.
quite right, everyone now prefers musharraf over these donks. They just have one formula, musharraf out and then other works. In the past 6 months musharraf did not interfere any decision of the government so they cant blame him. Its simple, they see musharraf as the only obstacle to their rude policies they wanna apply after his exit.
musharraf wont get impeached or anyfing... GEO/PAK private media just wants to make alot of money with breaking news and be the attention whore..
musharraf wont get impeached or anyfing... GEO/PAK private media just wants to make alot of money with breaking news and be the attention whore..

That's true. I think Western papers get their information from Pakistani journalists like the ones at GEO, who in turn overly dramatize the whole thing to try and sell stories.

But Musharraf's impeachment won't be successful. It should be fun watching Zardari claim that it's Musharraf's fault that the impeachment process didn't work, since everything not working is blamed on him by Mr10%. No integrity.
Hello everyone,
I just joined this forum as I was trying to know what people of Pakistan thinks about the current situation in Pakistan.
In my opinion the politicians of Pakistan as per their previous track record, (mainly PPP and PML-N) are all corrupt and none of them is sincere.
I admit that Mushrraf made few mistakes which were even misguided by his fellow politicians but still he made this country and before the new coalition Govt. took charge, the country foreign exchange reserve, $ price (rupee R.S. value) and stock exchange were in really good shape and now the position is totally different.
It is our dilemma that people of Pakistan just love the politicians and political parties but can't see their own country.
I feel really hurt when I think what is happening with a person like Mushrraf who atleast tried to do something for the country unlike our Politicians.
I am living abroad and to whom I speak (Pakistani people) they are in full favor of mushrraf and I don’t know from where these media like GEO and others get infromation which they show on tv against mushrraf.
You wait and see what happens if mushrraf steps down and what these politicians will do more and more with this country. Already done a lot in this 6 months of Govt.
Ahhhhh...tooooooo baddddd GEO and Too Bad people of Pakistan who still don’t see...
PPP's Sherry rehman said that the next President is Zardari...ager chorron ko hi Presidentship deni hai to...Altaf hussain is the right person
I dont really care if Musharraf stays or not, point is Pakistan's not gonna go anywhere till we dont have a pool of educated people inside the country who can make a difference and who, more importantly, know how to differentiate good from bad.

The illiterate people of this country can/will never bring a change because they are under the ownership of political/fuedal lords. The educated people of Pakistan who are living in foriegn lands need to return to Pakistan and change things.

Even Musharraf was working with the fuedals as there is no one else. Pakistan needs a revolution.

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I think the only people that support mushy are a memebers on this forum.
Pakistan had elections and the people rejected pro mushy parties.
The guy had just under a decade to improve pakistan but ended up fighting a civil war.
You want miracles in months from the current govt.
Give the democratic process time and then we can see which is better ...dictatorship or democracy.
Musharraf at least keeps national interests first unlike present government.

Musharraf own interests come first.

"I am not at all a politician. I don't think I'm cut out for politics. I am certainly not going to stand for election."

CNN.com - Musharraf says Kashmir solution top priority with India - July 5, 2001

Well at least he told the truth when he said "I am certainly not going to stand for election." .......you right about that mate ,the public has never elected you to any postion you have held in govt.
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Give the democratic process time and then we can see which is better ...dictatorship or democracy.[/QUOTE]

For your information, Pakistan was made as a safe place for the muslims of hindustan, and islam does not support democracy, so democracy is already out when it comes to islam.
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