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Musharraf's political career launch speech (apology, promises and clean slate)

despite being a extreme opponent of military dictator aka Musharraf, on principle it was unfair of media not to cover properly and very dictator of the sindh government using force to prevent the AIML jalsa.
Leader today You have made me happy! today after long time i see you speaking from head rather then your heart. I respect that and i expect constructive talk like this now especially from you. Yes indeed they should have shown some democratic attitude i mean if you look at Musharraf time he never stopped any political party from Jalsa beside some for security concerns because each blast was taking Pakistan backward. Anyone like it or no " meaning PPP/PMLN Inshah Allah Future of Pakistan will be With APML and PTI both, not one but Both! Inshah Allah soon we will see the end of PML-N then PPPP
Hurriyat Conference (M) chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq is the most famous and popular leader on IoKashmir. According to Mir, President Musharraf's formula(s) for the solution of Kashmir issue is teh best:

Srinagar, Nov 15: Reiterating his demand for demilitarisation of Kashmir, Hurriyat Conference (M) chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Tuesday asked mainstream parties to shun power politics and apologize to the people “as their leaders had failed to get the AFSPA revoked” even partially.

“Mainstream parties, the National Conference and Peoples Democratic Party should apologize to the people and resign from power politics as they are being ruled by the army. (Chief Minister) Omar Abdullah should now apologize as he has played a prank with the people in the name of revocation of AFSPA,” Mirwaiz told KNS in an interview.

“When India isn’t ready to revoke AFSPA even partially, how it can settle the Kashmir dispute,” he asked.

On the controversy between army and the Chief Minister over the AFSPA issue, Mirwaiz said, “He (Omar) says there are no militants in Kashmir and army says there is threat of militants. AFSPA revocation has been made into a joke.”

“PDP and NC are playing vote politics on AFSPA while Hurriyat Conference and other resistance groups demand complete revocation of draconian laws only as a confidence building measure for the final settlement of the Kashmir dispute,” he added.

Asserting that army was virtually ruling Jammu and Kashmir, Hurriyat (M) chairman said, “Actually, the army enjoys absolute control over politics, government and the administration in Jammu and Kashmir and there is no democracy. Whatever the army wants happens in the state.”

Mirwaiz said if the affairs continued to be controlled by the army, time may not be far off when, instead of talking to the political leadership, “we may have to talk to army generals for resolution of the Kashmir dispute.”

“Till now India was claiming that there is army rule in Pakistan, but virtually it is here in Jammu and Kashmir where we have army rule,” he said.

Hurriyat (M) chairman said that utterances of an army general that India would be forced to grant independence to Kashmir by 2016, if the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act was revoked even from some parts, “vindicates that India is holding Kashmir through its military might and draconian laws in vogue here.”

“These remarks reflect the bitter truth that India is in Kashmir for the past six decades due to its armed forces. It also substantiates that Kashmiris don’t want to live with India,” he said.

He said army commander’s remarks reflect that governments established here in the name of democracy “entirely bank on the army.”

“In light of these remarks, we hope that Indian rulers will acknowledge the harsh realities and start dialogue with pro-freedom leadership of Kashmir and Pakistan for just solution of Kashmir issue,” he said.

Describing the report of the 3-member team of interlocutors as “ridiculous” as it had failed to touch upon the basic issue, Mirwaiz said by these futile exercises, India was only trying to buy time.

The Hurriyat (M) chairman said that according to UN resolutions whole of Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh, Pakistan-administrated-Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan are disputed. “People of all these regions should be given a chance to determine whether they want to remain with India or Pakistan or be independent,” he added.

Repeating his demand of demilitarization on both sides of the LoC, Mirwaiz said, “General Musharaf’s 4-point formula is a better option as demilitarization on both sides can pave the way for final settlement of the dispute,” he said, adding that India wasn’t sincere in settling the dispute.

“Indian leadership should realize that it had failed to forcefully suppress the Kashmiri people’s struggle. As the people have launched a peace offensive which manifested the 2010 protests, the Indian establishment has got scared and tries every oppressive method to quell the uprising,” Mirwaiz said, adding the Indian leaders and policy planners lacked political will.

Mirwaiz said Kashmir was merely a political dispute, but had a tragic humanitarian aspect as well which could not be overlooked in any case. Describing the AFSPA as the law mainly responsible for human rights violations, he demanded a probe by international rights groups and agencies into the unmarked graves issue and other rights abuses perpetrated by the Indian forces in Kashmir.

Musharraf Formula Remains Better Option: Mirwaiz
Musharraf slams NATO attack, vows to return in March

By Asad Farooq

KARACHI: All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) chief and former president of Pakistan Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf has condemned the NATO attack and said that Pakistan government should take strict measures at diplomatic level.

He expressed these views while speaking at a telephonic press conference at the Karachi Press Club here on Thursday. Ghulam Rasool Anur from Nawabshah, a prominent figure in his community, Zulfiqar Butt, belonging to Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Azad Kashmir and former Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid MPA Afshan Mansoor announced joining APML. Musharraf said that he would return to his homeland before March23.

He further said that the attacks were violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty. He said the country had to ask the US and NATO forces for a guarantee not to repeat such type of any action. Talking about memogate scandal, he said that those who wrote, ordered and delivered the memo should be punished. He further said that the matter should be ascertained properly.

In response to a question, APML central chief organiser Mian Zahid Sarfaraz said that Shamsi air base was formed for hunting purpose only. He said after 9/11 and discussion with the United Arab Emirates, the base was handed over to the US. He further said that in 2009, the government had stated that NATO or the US forces were not using the base for any attack. “The present government is responsible if the base is being used for drone attacks on Pakistani territories,” he said

Later, talking to Daily Times, renowned celebrity and APML leader Attiqa Odho stated that after Ashura, APML would start its activities, including conventions with full swing. To a question, she said being the nation, we should take a solid stance against those who violated the borders and integrity of the country. The APML chief appointed Pervez Ali as senior vice president, Anur as chief organiser Sindh and Afshan as women wing president. Major General (r) Rashid Qureshi, Syed Pervez Ali and others were also present.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Musharraf announces January 2012 return

LAHORE: All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) President Pervez Musharraf announced on Sunday that he will come back to Pakistan in January 2012.

Addressing a videoconference in Lahore from London, APML President stated that the solution for Pakistan’s prevailing challenges do not lie in undemocratic initiatives and that military intervention into politics would be fatal for Pakistan and its people.

The APML arranged a public gathering at Nasir Bagh Lahore, where party workers from across the country had gathered to listen to Musharraf’s address.

APML President asserted that the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Army guarantee Pakistan’s solidarity and sovereignty and added that some elements were conspiring to defame the ISI and Pakistan’s security forces.

Commenting on the performance of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) in the current government, Musharraf said that both the leading political parties had been in power twice but had delivered nothing to the masses.

Musharraf urged that the people of Pakistan should cast their votes regardless of their caste and creed, linguistic, religious and provincial prejudices.

Endorsing the demand of Pakistan Tehreek-e- Insaaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan, Musharraf said that politicians should submit details of their assets.

“I will provide details of my assets on my arrival in Pakistan,” Musharraf reiterated.
The APML President also said that Pakistan was engulfed into crisis due to incompetent rulers and amidst these hard times, any institution of the country solely cannot steer the country out from the current crisis.

“I led Pakistan towards prosperity and stabilized the economy of the country during my regime and boosted the image of the country worldwide,” APML President said.

“I will soon be among my countrymen and the elements who levelled allegations against me should gather evidences, as they have failed to prove even a single corruption allegation against me”, Musharraf challenged.

APML President also said that only the people of Pakistan can bring change in the country.

Lahore Jalsa 18th
APML Jalsa Lahore 18th Dec 2011 - YouTube

Next stop: Karachi - 30th December.

more info at http://www.facebook.com/SubSayPehlayPakistan
cheetah Mushy!

A brave leader and a true patriot! The ONLY leader who has been defending Pak army and the ISI wherever he goes! And our other so called "leaders" like Nawaz, Zardari, Gilani or Shabaz pee in their pants when they see a "white" crowd!

Lols.... this brave man brought the country to such a situation that even today the 45% of our country is demanding freedom....when he imposed emergency in Nov 2007 Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and than after a while he lifted the emergency by saying that the goals of imposing emergency are achieved...I ask my brothers who is responsible for creating that NRO through which this sick corrupt government is ruling and destroying the people today....yes people admire him due to his bluntness and statesman qualities but the way he handled the sensitive issues like the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti, drone attack policies, CJP's case, issues with the media, Red mosque operation, so badly that we are still paying the price today....we should remember that the suicide attacks drastically increased after the Red Mosque operation which could have handled easily with peaceful negotiations.....
Ok buddy let me tell you this the best thing you wanna do is just blame Musharraf because this is the only way his opponents will have a way out. now let's get on the topic emergency? Well look at the terrorist conditions in Pakistan in 2007? do you know why the emergency was imposed? All you who claim that emergency was bad it was bad it was bad must understand why it was imposed? You all have seen the programs now regarding terrorist being freed by our judges. right do you remember that over 15,000 terrorist were released by Most honored Judge Dajal justice? i mean sorry Chief justice? go watch programs done on this, categorically Mubasir lucman investigative report. Now according to CJ dajal our constitution doesn't punish potential terrorist until he has done terrorism, so guess what i say stick that LAW and constitution up CJ @ss because if he can't help armed forces to punish terrorist which created all the problems. BB death all i will say is this there were 9 people in her car, she did 1 hour and half speech jalsa then she traveled for 30 mins then who told her to open the roof of the car don't forget that all inside were BB inner circle people, inner security was also handled by Jiyallay of PPP because they said they don't trust Police even that the SP SHO were hand picked people of BB now BB come out of the car roof for 5 mins then BOOM but guess what not even a single person got a scratch inside the car not even so who is to blame? i say BB now Drones, there were 7 drone attacks during Musharraf time, Pakistan only gave permission for surveillance i hope you know the difference between surveillance and attack. Now there were 7 attacks on every attack there was a massive protest on internationally plus go pick news, every time there was a drone attack you would see NATO supply being blown now why every time? Well After Musharraf is gone there are 357 drone attacks, now afia saddiqi watch her arrest here on this video? and it is in Afganistan buddy
Initial Questioning of Aafia Siddiqui in Afghani - YouTube
She was american citizen here is that,
Aafia Siddiqui is an American Citizen!! PML-N .... No Visa Status - YouTube
here is her sister and Hamid mir admitting that she was caught in Afghanistan
'Aafia Siddiqui Was Not Handed Over ' Fauzia Siddiqui - YouTube
here is our beloved Marvi momen and everyone love her including PTI.
"Dr. Aafia Siddiqui Is No Pakistani Hero" | DesPardes.com | Breaking News|Latest News|India News |Pakistan News|Politics News |Bollywood News|Cinema News|Hollywood News|Cricket|Business News|Sports News|Health News|Science & Technology News|Stock Mar

Lols.... this brave man brought the country to such a situation that even today the 45% of our country is demanding freedom....when he imposed emergency in Nov 2007 Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and than after a while he lifted the emergency by saying that the goals of imposing emergency are achieved...I ask my brothers who is responsible for creating that NRO through which this sick corrupt government is ruling and destroying the people today....yes people admire him due to his bluntness and statesman qualities but the way he handled the sensitive issues like the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti, drone attack policies, CJP's case, issues with the media, Red mosque operation, so badly that we are still paying the price today....we should remember that the suicide attacks drastically increased after the Red Mosque operation which could have handled easily with peaceful negotiations.....
Akbar bugti? well go ask real boloch people, how happy they are, Now having said that here is what your beloved Bugti admitted and tell me if you beg to differ
"We Killed More Than 35 SSG Commandos" Confession of Akbar Bugti - YouTube
do you want me to prove you red mosque? tell me? his actions are all justifiable that's why i can with proofs, now NRO was his mistake but public should also take responsibility. because BB was barred to contest election but people were not respecting law then she get killed and PEOPLE voted for PPP and zardari came to power so how is it Musharraf's fault? red mosque? i seriously take extreme reservations because it was all in front of people and they wanted to make Pakistan banana republic. do you want me to prove you that? how much efforts were made? do you want me to tell you what went wrong

Lols.... this brave man brought the country to such a situation that even today the 45% of our country is demanding freedom....when he imposed emergency in Nov 2007 Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and than after a while he lifted the emergency by saying that the goals of imposing emergency are achieved...I ask my brothers who is responsible for creating that NRO through which this sick corrupt government is ruling and destroying the people today....yes people admire him due to his bluntness and statesman qualities but the way he handled the sensitive issues like the killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti, drone attack policies, CJP's case, issues with the media, Red mosque operation, so badly that we are still paying the price today....we should remember that the suicide attacks drastically increased after the Red Mosque operation which could have handled easily with peaceful negotiations.....
One good thing I liked about his speech was when he apologized for his mistakes.

but that doesn't mean who wont make them again. The problem with this man is that he thinks that he is the most intelligent person and better than everyone else, this attitude makes him do blunders as he did in the past.

Besides an apology is not enough he must be tried for lying to the nation about the free access he gave to American CIa to operate in Pakistan against Pakistani interests, giving military bases to US and letting CIA to operate drones to kill Pakistani citizens and then lying about it to the nation. He must be tried for murder of all innocent Pakistanis killed in drone strikes.
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