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Musharraf still leads race with 83% polls

I have seen Musharraf facing hundreds of Indian scholars and they pointing “guns” at him. He not only defended his stance without budging the slightest but also made them clap for the same stances Indians were initially angry at. A great expression of confidence and convincing power. Thumbs up for that!

Now come towards the other side. Musharraf had authority to do anything and everything being the Chief Executive of Pakistan and let’s see what he did being so powerful and almighty. There was a report published by Public Accounts Committee (correct me if that was issued by some other body) that all the offices chaired by ex or in-service military personals are getting defaulter. The report data and the whole office were burnt with complete record and details. Media had protested and highlighted that but who was there to listen. This was not the first incident of corruption or misuse of power from his side but every time, he ended up favoring the people he was standing with.

I am not against army serving the civilian sectors but Musharraf had stood for “Pakistan First”, he must have stood for the country and had brought to justice every single person involved in the corruption. But what we had instead, burnt records and offices. Since Musharraf came into power illegitimately, he needed people who could support him at every cost and he ended up collecting the worst out of worst. He got deluded that he could do wonders for the country being at the top of the pyramid, he can go along with corrupt characters sitting under him. I don’t doubt his personal intentions or patriotism but his decisions has harmed the country to unprecedented levels. The notorious politicians team he was standing upon has made him nothing but equal corrupt and responsible for results. We have seen Musharraf denying international reports about corruption and poor governance but we didn’t see a single action or corrective measure taken up by him. His hand-picked prime minister made numerous stock-exchange scandals and was on the verge of selling Pakistan Steel for peanuts but Musharraf remained silent and rather penalized the person who stopped the sale of National assert of immense importance. When you see Musharraf standing with such people, he doesn't appear any prettier. Nation has tested him for 9 good years and has seen what he could do in terms of Security, Social Development, Nation Building and above all, self respect.

A right person standing on the wrong side doesn't do any good. Musharraf has committed irreversible mistakes which Nation is not ready to tolerate. His own record of the past people associated with him are not good enough to be given yet another chance or some importance position in the country.

Musharraf might have been a great person in himself who put forth great slogan, “Pakistan First” but didn't mention he comes even before Pakistan.
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Hail my Leader ! :pakistan:

Is that H or you actually wanted to put an N as "Nail my Leader"?

By definition, leader is a person who stands on the front when it is time of sacrifice and stands on the last line when its time to be rewarded. But Musharraf proved the other way around I suppose. He sold his countrymen for $2000 and put them under Drone strikes after "understanding" and at the end, decided to stay away from his Nation when he had to answer few pinching questions. I think a more appropriate title would be

"Bail my Leader"

Mushi leads the "polls" ... you mean like an online poll open only for 2 hours? how big was the sample? 15 people?

Don't get too excited. Anything unbiased cannot put Musharraf above 8-10%, impossible.
"Bail my Leader"

Some people want to "Jail my Leader"

Not saying I am one of those.
I agree with you in some ways. He is a patriotic person who made some bad choices. He is definitely the lesser evil compared to the civilian idiots, but that's not saying much.
Nawaz Sharif has already received a shut-up call from the Saudi's on Musharraf's trial

Zardari is openly saying that he cannot touch Musharraf for reasons known

Support for Musharraf's trial in the Parliament is not unanimous which is why PML (N) is afraid that if it brings a resolution on Article 6, it will fail and further strengthen Musharraf and his supporters.

The Supreme Court CJ has dis-aligned himself from the PML (N) anti-Musharraf politics and has turned down multiple petitions to try Musharraf.

So I ask all the Anti-Musharraf lobby on this forum and in Pakistan thereof, who is indeed a better politician in this game and other than the usual on-TV and off-TV Yak-Yak-Yakety-Yak what real-time support do you have to carry out this task of Article-6? All the facts point to BIG BAK BAK, NO ACTION! Reminds me of the famous Urdu saying, Bhonknay valay kuttay kattay nahin and katnay valay kuttay bhonktay nahin! Cheers!
Some people want to "Jail my Leader"

Not saying I am one of those.
I agree with you in some ways. He is a patriotic person who made some bad choices. He is definitely the lesser evil compared to the civilian idiots, but that's not saying much.

Pakistan is not out of capable people who are honest, competent and more talented than him. If Musharraf has made bad decisions, the Nation has suffered as and compensated as a result. His bad choices didn't harm him but the innocent countrymen and when he is admitting he made wrong decisions inventively, he should be at-least asked why.

Want to think about Zaid Hamid?
Want to think about Zaid Hamid?

I don't know all his views but he doesn't seem to be very good at tactful diplomacy. He sounds too much like Ahmedinijad. Very good at getting people patriotic, but I don't know how good he would be at finding solutions and governing.

He could be useful in a ministerial post, but I don't see him viable as President.
Islamabad—Despite his retirement as President of Pakistan Musharraf is still favoured and respected by the enlightened segment of Pakistani society.
Who !! the Illuminati????????????????
Hello Sir. If you liking to put more mass of logic in the discussion, Nawaz-Sharif and BB, both were heavily supported by few hundred elites who liked to stay behind the curtains as always. Even present tenure of Banezir aka Zardari was pre-decided and the same elites were doing few dirty-tradings that average must not know. Thats why many average heads have started to believe that democracy sucks, big time! :agree:

my numerous visits to pak makes me believe that thy had more than just the support of the elites :woot:
i say let him play his golf. he looks like a saint in front of zardari and nawaz sharif..
and beleive me am not an elite , i am one of those who bought only 1kg of red beans today and i nearly fainted when i saw the price.. 170 rs for just one kg.. can you imagine...
You certainly have that right to say no.
But we shouldn't be interested in names but who is better for Pakistan , Pakistan comes first you can put a mule as the president of Pakistan if he is good I don't care. We all should be thinking of Pakistan and its future and these 2 parties have done nothing but to suck the blood out of Pakistan and its people , Nawaz and PPP.
Yes a lot of you will not like what I said but I have worked with the father , Worked with the late BiBI worked with both brothers and to tell you they were all back stabbing SOBs.

Do you mean to say that only army is our savior why cant we let the democratic process go a bit longer. If the people all around world can get matured about their democratic system so can we lets have faith in the people of pakistan that sooner or later they will figure out what is best for them Inshallah.
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I know its off topic but just thought to share it please dont get mad over me

Fasting is off the menu
Mayor Boris Johnson has been encouraging Londoners to have a day of fasting during Ramadan, which lasts until 20 September, to help them gain a better understanding of “their Muslim neighbour”.

That's all fine and dandy but has anybody told former Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf?

Musharraf, who it was revealed this week is living in a flat near Edgware Road, was seen lunching in Kensington Chinese restaurant Min Jiang on Tuesday with five friends.

Pardon my Urdu, but isn't this supposed to be the Islamic month of fasting, when devout Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and smoking, from dawn to sunset?

A fair number of dishes were brought to his table, including a whole Peking duck.

More shocking still, if these really were devout Muslims, is that they washed it down with Le Télégramme Châteauneuf-du Pape 2006 — a little young, I fear — from top producer Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe, at £67.

Perhaps it is Musharraf who needs to gain a better understanding of his Muslim neighbours.

I know its off topic but just thought to share it please dont get mad over me

Fasting is off the menu
Mayor Boris Johnson has been encouraging Londoners to have a day of fasting during Ramadan, which lasts until 20 September, to help them gain a better understanding of “their Muslim neighbour”.

That's all fine and dandy but has anybody told former Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf?

Musharraf, who it was revealed this week is living in a flat near Edgware Road, was seen lunching in Kensington Chinese restaurant Min Jiang on Tuesday with five friends.

Pardon my Urdu, but isn't this supposed to be the Islamic month of fasting, when devout Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and smoking, from dawn to sunset?

A fair number of dishes were brought to his table, including a whole Peking duck.

More shocking still, if these really were devout Muslims, is that they washed it down with Le Télégramme Châteauneuf-du Pape 2006 — a little young, I fear — from top producer Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe, at £67.

Perhaps it is Musharraf who needs to gain a better understanding of his Muslim neighbours.

Kelly Brook's place in the limelight is taken by... me | News

LOL where are you living mate ? dun you know mushraf kept his first ever fast in 2007.. ;)
watch this video

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