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‘Musharraf reconciled to exit’


Jan 10, 2007
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‘Musharraf reconciled to exit’

* Govt adviser says PPP will try to make president’s exit dignified
* Foreign allies pressing for smooth transition to democracy
* Officials say Saudi King Abdullah has asked Nawaz to allow Musharraf to leave peacefully

ISLAMABAD: President Pervez Musharraf, threatened with possible impeachment, is reconciled to stepping down before he is driven out of office, according to a senior adviser to the new government.

Musharraf has probably got a matter of weeks, at most a few months, before the curtain falls, political insiders say.

Dignified exit: “He is prepared to go and go with dignity,” said the source close to the leadership of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).

“We will try to make it very dignified,” the PPP source said, adding it was politically difficult to be seen helping the unpopular president, as such a stance risked losing popular support.

Foreign allies: Foreign allies, including both the United States and Saudi Arabia, are pressing for a transition to civilian-led democracy in Pakistan which avoids further upheaval in the country. Although Musharraf has been a staunch ally in the US-led “war on terror” and launched a peace initiative with India, his exit is unlikely to disturb either, as long as Pakistan stabilises.

In the post-Musharraf era Pakistan faces challenges beyond the constant threat from militants linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. The new government is grappling with a deteriorating macro-economic situation, and the stock market and the rupee have fallen sharply in recent weeks.

PPP Co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari has proposed a constitutional package that would strip Musharraf of power, but possibly afford him legal protection. The PPP hopes to buy time to settle terms for the president’s departure. Nawaz wants Musharraf impeached or tried for treason.

Officials say Musharraf wants indemnity for his actions on November 3, 2007, when he suspended the Constitution and imposed emergency rule to purge the judiciary before it could rule illegal his re-election the previous month while he was still army chief.

Some segments of the media have intensified calls for Musharraf to resign, and a lawyers movement that sprang up last year in defence of the judiciary plans a mass protest on June 10, the same day the government is due to present its budget.

Independent analyst Nasim Zehra saw few options are left for Musharraf.

“I think he has no cards left,” she said. “Musharraf may be compelled to think of resigning sooner rather than later.” To add to Musharraf’s sense of isolation, retired generals, including some who served under him, have publicly criticised him and called for him to go.

Under Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Kayani, the army has adopted a more constitutional role, though it won’t want its former chief humiliated.

The US has told the new government it wouldn’t want to see Musharraf dragged through the courts, as he has been a staunch ally and survived several Al Qaeda-led assassination attempts.

Beyond that, Washington has given assurances it will not play any role in Pakistan’s internal affairs, an adviser to the PPP leadership said.

Saudi king: Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has asked Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif to let Musharraf leave peacefully without pressing too hard for him to be put on trial, according to Pakistani officials. Before leaving for London on Tuesday, Nawaz again called for Musharraf to be put on trial for treason or impeached.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
How much influence does the Saudi King have on Pakistani politics?
NS Stance looks best to me, i do agree that Pakistaniz must not provide mushy a safe passage and Shoukat aziz must be brought back to question about all those scams happened under his very nose with the support of mushy.....

This is all i have to say

all those who have looted the resources of pak should be put trial under free & independent judicial system.

I dont think Musharaf want to exit pak if he wanted to should not be allowed to exit with out a trail.
i think first asif and zardari should riestate all the jugdes make the them free and then stand trail for all the curruption that they were responsible for and then hold others to trail.
are we going Saudi colony ?. wonder why saudies and Binladin and company have so much sympathy for NS.......US should give both NS and AZ permanent residence in Gitmo. Sorry to say have no self integrity .
NS Stance looks best to me, i do agree that Pakistaniz must not provide mushy a safe passage and Shoukat aziz must be brought back to question about all those scams happened under his very nose with the support of mushy.....

This is all i have to say


Yes I am sure it does. How about putting that hypocrite Nawaz Sharif on trial for all the corruption first? Lets talk about justice through and through. Why start with Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz only??

Its your misfortune that you can't see the night and day difference in the personal integrity of Musharraf vs. the corrupt thieves like Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari. If you want to bring someone to the courts for a trial, I suggest you start with NS and AZ first. I am sure that will take a couple of years to go through their corruption charge sheets.
i hate nawaz shareef as he is a liar and a complete hypocrite. he has no integraty and is head of a regional party. i have lost all respect for any of his supporters. he will have a bad end as all such people always do.
there is always sharp and pointed critism of mqm on this forum as i believe it is seen (wrongly) as an ethnic mafia, however a real ethnic party is pml-n, whos pollicies seem v narrow and myopic and against broader national interest. it is like in historic terms the 'muslim' punjabi regimants fighting for the british against the last mughal emperor in delhi but this time who have they sold their souls to?
NS Stance looks best to me, i do agree that Pakistaniz must not provide mushy a safe passage and Shoukat aziz must be brought back to question about all those scams happened under his very nose with the support of mushy

Oh you support the Sharif's stand. Lets look at his stand. If he was in power he would present a legislation in Parliament which would of made him Amir-ul-Momineen. If he was in power the Chief Justice would not be taken to court but instead he would of been beaten up in the Supreme Court. If he was in power he would remove the Chief's of the Armed Forces like they were his cloths. Yes I like his stands a lot. See how far they will get us?
Errr... Under NS's stand we should also prosecute Iftikhar Chaudhry, and every one of the judiciary who validated Musharraf's coup.
i... guss ,once again... a proper and a systmatic media trial... to get ride off musharraf is in full swing and the media pandiths making good money from NAWAZSHAIF ?
it was being said again and again, and rummours being lunch, that cheif of army staff went to ask musharraf... to quiet presidency. it was cleared after while pakistani media was & is trying to take out musharaf with a decicive combined...... media strom .
i dont belive that any how these kind of tactics will be fruitfull to oust musharaf, he is to strong... for that ... the chances are that, once again miltary will come back with the stronger approch.... in the face of MARTAIL LAW. propaganda type posts , plz MY DEAR MUJAHEDIN.... DONT POST THEM, PLZ AT LEAST DONT GIVE THEM THE WAY IN THE FOURM.
Errr... Under NS's stand we should also prosecute Iftikhar Chaudhry, and every one of the judiciary who validated Musharraf's coup.

Well while were at it lets charge the Sharif for his attack on the Supreme Court. His attempted hijacking of the plane. And I am sure if we look closely their are a bunch of other charges which can be applied to a lot of our politicians.
NS Stance looks best to me, i do agree that Pakistaniz must not provide mushy a safe passage and Shoukat aziz must be brought back to question about all those scams happened under his very nose with the support of mushy.....

Ulta chor kotwal ko dantay! :disagree:

Instead of criticising Mush and Aziz one should consider keeping an eye on the crooks incharge of the country now. NS left the country on the verge of bankcruptcy, Mush pulled it out and put her back on track with Aziz help.
We should count our blessings for past "seven good years" and draw the conclusion.
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