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Musharraf: Pakistan will eventually recognize Israel

Anyone remembers this ?

This is what Israeli foreign policy is based on:

According to Jewish Chronicle of August 9, 1967, David Bengurian, the first Israeli Prime Minister, saw a grave danger posed by Pakistan in the following terms:-
"The world Zionism/Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates Jews and loves Arabs. This lover of Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world of Zionism that it should take immediate steps against Pakistan "...then pointing to Indo-Israeli Alliance, he said: "Whereas the inhabitants of Indian Peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred, against Muslims, throughout history, like those of the Christians of Spain, that they had demonstrated in 1492, by eliminating all of them, after they had ruled them for over Eight Centuries; therefore, India is the most important country that provides the best base for us, after Spain, to work therefrom, against Pakistan. It is important for us that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans". (Dawn, December 6, 1983 Karachi).
The Zionist are well known for their political games, This hand of diplomatic talk someday will turn into snake and bite Pakistan, People will realise this but it will be too late.

May God Protect Pakistan against the evil zionist plans, [also put some senses into musharraf]
Mush k thailay say aik do nahin balkay billion ki foj ki foj bahar aati nazar aa rahai hai. :)

Pakistani 'Kamal-At-Turk' apni asli shakl dheeray dheeray zaahir karnay per majboor ho gaya hai. Wait and watch the spectacular 'Kamal-Ata-Turk-Of-Pakistan' unfold his VISION.

To me what Dr. Israr Ahmed had said in one of his lecture now looks true. He said in his speech of 'Kya Pakistan k khatmay ki ulti gintee shuru ho chukii hai?' that Pakistan is going to be finished very soon, by its suicidal policies. these policies are exactly opposite to its fundamental theme of existence.

"We see ourselves as the guardian of the islamic faith". This statement is sickening. Pakistanis need to fix their own house first, do something for the welfare of the community and country, create oppurtunities for the working poor, provide them with welfare and health coverage. This Jihad needs to turned inside towards the welfare and the welbeing of the country and forget about the guardianship.

What is mossad going to do to pakistan that pakistanis have not done to the nation themselves. Benazir and Nawaz have already given away the pakistani secrets to india. If pakistan recognizes israel now----it would be like a coupe de grace against the pakistan haters. Against those who want to seek the destruction of our motherland. The zionist lobby will be taken aback---the anti pakistani propaganda will face a brick wall---the american news media will have have nothing to talk against pakistan and INDIA will be left alone with nobody to listen to, holding an empty bag in their hand.

Pakistanis need to look beyond their noses. As Musharraf has stated many atimes" we are more pious than the pope". Palestine has been given enough oppurtunity to make peace with israel and they havd decided not to. If they could care less about their nation then let them be.
Kasif,The zionist will try to destroy Pakistan from inside, The Pakistani nukes are the only thing they are afraid of right now, this is what stopping them in their tracks right now.

Please write in english even though I read what you are saying. I pray that day comes when Musharraf does what Kamal Ataturk did to turkey. It is just that the masses who are the moderate ones need to wake up and take their rightful position for the sake of nation and national interest.
"We see ourselves as the guardian of the islamic faith". This statement is sickening

No offence but this is exactly what that fake Prophet Ahemadi preached, no wonder the british at that time fully supported & financed his "deen".
Palestine has been given enough oppurtunity to make peace with israel and they havd decided not to. If they could care less about their nation then let them be.

Go and learn how Israel first came into existance, Will pakistan make peace with India if they occupy half of our country for 50 years?
I pray that day comes when Musharraf does what Kamal Ataturk did to turkey

The people who fought for our freedom must be spinning in their graves.

we must keep our culture and moral values alive.

5:47 Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.
We should allow our Brother, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, guide us in this matter. I might not agree him with on other matters ( him being wahabi and me being a hanafi ) but he gave Pakistan aid when it needed most---i refer to free oil worth 5-6 billion dollars...humble request was made by Nawaz Sharif as a brother to which he acceded to in the aftermath of 1998 nuclear tests and complete sanctions by the west (on whose tunes mushy sahib is dancing nowadays ).....then Nawaz sharif family approached King Abdullah to intercede on his brother's ( Nawaz Sharif ) for his liberty..........once again trading oil for Nawaz sharif.....King Abdullah came to the rescue. I mention this all because it will hurt the sentiments of our brothers in SA most if we were to jump ahead of them to recognise Israel....Today we might be financially better off and in the proverbial sunshine...but lets not forget those who came to our help and aid in the dark and rainy days......We should stick with SA on this issue.

Also by recognising Israel at this juncture would be tantamount to giving into zionist blackmail....who have run time and time again media compaigns to blacken Pakistan's name in the international arena.

Please write in english even though I read what you are saying. I pray that day comes when Musharraf does what Kamal Ataturk did to turkey. It is just that the masses who are the moderate ones need to wake up and take their rightful position for the sake of nation and national interest.

I have posted on Kamalist achievment in turkey which i am going to paste at the end of this post too.......I cannot think of anything more worse than wishing on your people ( if your Pakistani ) the worst kind of repression and the most successful form of corruption and nepotism perfected anywhere in the world....i.e. Kamalist Turkish system you want in Pakistan.

Kamalist achievment is the repeated bankruptcy the turkish state plunges into...which is then bailed out by injection of billions of dollars by the zionists....since the turkish state is such an avid hater of Islam and Muslims. Last time they injected 15 billion dollars in 2003.

To please a gathering of Israeli generals in Turkey....a senior turkish officer had some one fetch a copy of the Quran.......then he kicked the Quran...causing it to fall way into the distance on the floor and turned to the israelis and said "this is what we think of that book". It is another matter that this scondrel and his family perished in the massive earthquake that hit Turkey within days........i heard this from a Turkish student and some would say that this is an urban myth. But the Turkish army has done far worse.........like hanging to death the first person that defied Ataturk's orders to ban saying of the Azan in arabic ( Azan is the muslim call to prayer given from mosques five times a day.....Ataturk had it banned in arabic..so it could only by given in turkish ). Subsequently to the execution of the imam who had defied the ban it was legalised - the giving of Azan in arabic but the ban remained in force for decades ( 35-40 years ).
tayib erdogan the prime minster's wife is not invited to state functions because she wears a headscarf....his daughter cannot go to any turkish university since it would mean her to remove her headscarf......therefore she has to go to university in the USA....who despite being infidals have no problem with the girl's headscarf...non wotsoever.

Not to mention Tayib ardogan was banned for life from political office because once in a speech....reffering to minaretts of a mosque he had said to europe that this is our line of defence...these are our missiles ( happened during bosnia crisis ).........so when his party won the elections....Erdogan could not become PM....abdullah gul became pm.....and in face of this barbarity....those evil infidal europeans came to the rescue of Erdogan...when they told the Turkish milatary that if they want to stay in the hunt for european membership they must immediately lift the ban on Erdogan. Eating humble pie...they reversed the Life ban....Erdogan became PM and abdullah gul came down to party's intended position of FM.

I say all this because purely out of ignorance many people in Pakistan think pakistan should emulate Turkey...when in fact the truth is pakistan has never plunged to the depth of political/religious repression or financial crisis Turkey keeps on getting into.

Please give us a break----stop this holier than thou attitude. Tell me about some pakistanis who donot say ' I swear on qura'an ' and they are knowingly lying. Is it any different than kicking the qura'an! Or put their hands on qura'an and swear by it knowingly that they are lying and not one at time----a whole group of family would do that shamelessly.

A Rahman---the only guardian of the islamic faith is ALLAH. For the Almighty has promised to protect it. Incidently this protection was not offered for the muslims ie the followers.

So, truly niether the muslims have been able to protect the islamic faith niether have they done anything to better themselves in the last few centuries.

This is a very emotional subject for my pakistani colleagues----some of you may kill for it.

A Rahman---the only guardian of the islamic faith is ALLAH. For the Almighty has promised to protect it. Incidently this protection was not offered for the muslims ie the followers.

So, truly niether the muslims have been able to protect the islamic faith niether have they done anything to better themselves in the last few centuries.

This is a very emotional subject for my pakistani colleagues----some of you may kill for it.

Verily, We have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian/protector (Quran, 15:9)

Allah will protect the quran from alteration, its our duty to protect Islam.
Do you mean that we should all fall back and let US occupy Iraq without no resistance, give Kashmir to India ?

They couldnt do anything better because when ever they have tried to improve, their regime was changed and the puppet government was installed that followed the oders from CIA.

Pakistan is not the perfect example of what a islamic state should be like. It's probable the wrost example. But we are still muslims, our leaders have used "selective islam" to make sure they remain the leaders as long as possibile. All the leaders are like that, cheap and selfish. After musharraf is gone who will be the next leader and how can we say that he will do good?????
All the leaders are like that, cheap and selfish. After musharraf is gone who will be the next leader and how can we say that he will do good?????

No man is indispensible but If Mushy is gone he would be replaced by someone else, someone better than him
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