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Musharraf leads international poll survey as a quick decision maker


Mar 31, 2007
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Musharraf leads international poll survey as a quick decision maker

Musharraf leads international poll survey as a quick decision maker

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

ISLAMABAD, Sep 26 (Online): The masses of Pakistan have declared former PM and head of the PML (N), Mian Nawaz Sharif as the most corrupt leader .

A survey poll conducted by an international entity from 01st to 15th August from major cities of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi based on 168 persons of Lahore, 680 persons of Karachi, and 287 persons of twin cities, has cited Mian Nawaz Sharif as the most corrupt with a 74% aggregate, followed by PPP chairperson at 71%, while Musharraf has been termed as the least corrupt with 55% against him. While voting the worst of those who have misused their office to facilitate their corrupt endeavors, Mian Nawaz Sharif topped the list 55%, followed closely by Benazir Bhutto at 37%, while Musharraf was the lowest of the evils with a meager 8%. Similarly among those having the utmost decision making power, in inclement times, Musharraf topped the list with 44% , followed by Benazir with 27% and Mian Nawaz Sharif at a lowermost ratio of 24% . The remaining 3% abstained from participating in the opinion poll .
President Musharaf is far far better leader for Pakistan as compared to Ms Benazir Bhutto or
Nawaz Sharif. People are only against President Musharaf b'caz he is a Army Man, is'nt he a Pakistani. We ca judge him with formers on performance parametres. Look at Karachi.. lots of development work happened there, despite Ms Benazir a Sindhi P.M. she never focused on Sindjh, rather alway tried to tusle with MQM. Mr President also diplomaticaly handled MQM, which no ojne have ever did before. President Musharaf live long live and God bless Pakistan. If we love Pakistan Vote for Musharaf. B'caz Benazir or Nawaz Saheb will again ruin the country.
I think the Gen. M has done a fantastic job. If 9/11 had not happened he would have done an even better job.
BUT he is still a benevolent Dictator. Hope he hangs up his uniform and returns Pakistan to true and lasting democracy.
BUT he is still a benevolent Dictator. Hope he hangs up his uniform and returns Pakistan to true and lasting democracy.

He is a prominent world leader and enjoys the support of masses of Pakistan. Is this your defination of dictatorship?

Look around Pakistan none of our neighbours are so free neither by process and neither in its spirit and your criticism under such circumstances can only be termed as biased.

Musharraf being cheif of Army does not serve our enimies can you explain how does it hurts you.
Dear Batman,

Why does everything get personal here. A forum usually means a platform for discussion ? So YES I like Gen M but I want a good guy like him to follow the rules of democracy and thats all. if Pakistanis elect him again I would be happy. For God sake calling Gen M a dictator does not make me an Indian lover or Pakistani hater.

I like Musharraf.

However, I am not a fool to not see he has dictatorial powers and tendencies.

Am I to understand the turmoil that is current is not because of his dictatorial behaviour? That the Pak lawyers and the common man are fools? That is CJ is a blithering imbecile bent on dismembering Pakistan?

Do the masses rebel with a kind and just King?

If they do, then such people are idiots!

Are the people of Pakistan of the same ilk?

Please stop insulting the intelligence of Pakistanis.

Musharraf indeed has dictatorial tendency (as any Army man of action will have). Dictator he may be, but he has raised Pakistan from a failed sailed and a pariah to where it is.

Bless him instead of the Red Mosque Joes!

He has been Pakistan's Saviour, like it or not!
President Musharaf is far far better leader for Pakistan as compared to Ms Benazir Bhutto or
Nawaz Sharif. People are only against President Musharaf b'caz he is a Army Man, is'nt he a Pakistani. We ca judge him with formers on performance parametres. Look at Karachi.. lots of development work happened there, despite Ms Benazir a Sindhi P.M. she never focused on Sindjh, rather alway tried to tusle with MQM. Mr President also diplomaticaly handled MQM, which no ojne have ever did before. President Musharaf live long live and God bless Pakistan. If we love Pakistan Vote for Musharaf. B'caz Benazir or Nawaz Saheb will again ruin the country.

I totally agree with you.

And yet, people like NS abd BB are elected till the Army overthrows them, The public supports the Army and there is no remorse or heartburns.

And then..................

screw the same Army leader by mass demonstrations like the one that the good CJ caused! It is not the CJ who has the personality to do so. Could be some pent up problems that they released with CJ as the excuse? If so, why?

Do Pakistanis not appreciate the better life Musharaf has given to Pakistan by bouncing the economy to great heights that none has been able to do?

OK, he has kowtowed to the US who opened the purse string including the WB and IMF.

Remember the Punjabi saying - kadi kadi, gadhe ko bhi Gad--he bolne hota hai! (Sometimes one has to call a donkey as his father to suit the moment!) [I am not a Punjabi; are you?]

Punjabis are clever chaps. That is why they rule!
He is a prominent world leader and enjoys the support of masses of Pakistan. Is this your defination of dictatorship?
You dont have the right to speak on behalf of all the Pakistani's. There is a sizeable chunk of people in Pakistan who dont like Musharraf as well. And whether he is liked by even the last Pakistani or not is not the issue, he is still a dictator. Check out the meaning of the word if you dont know it.

Look around Pakistan none of our neighbours are so free neither by process and neither in its spirit and your criticism under such circumstances can only be termed as biased.
Oh yeah, look to your right, see India, there are elections held there, the govt changes almost everytime, and without the army getting involved.
You dont have the right to speak on behalf of all the Pakistani's. There is a sizeable chunk of people in Pakistan who dont like Musharraf as well. And whether he is liked by even the last Pakistani or not is not the issue, he is still a dictator. Check out the meaning of the word if you dont know it.

Oh yeah, look to your right, see India, there are elections held there, the govt changes almost everytime, and without the army getting involved.

I stand by batman! Musharraf has support from most of the people of Pakistan!

:hitwall: How the hell is he a dictator when the action he takes is according to what the majority of people in Pakistan want?

Well if he is a dictator then India is no less than a dictatorship! Why are the Kashmiris treated like animals? Why are minorities in your country so discontent and why are so many muslims shifting to Pakistan? Why are you not helping the farmers in your country who are killing themselves because of their hardship and why does'nt your government subsidise cotton or support the farmers through other means? Why are children in India picking out food from the drain and why is the government not giving them food? Does'nt all this prove that India is a dictatorship?

In Pakistan the army gets involved only when there is a corrupt and foolish leader! They are rather the saviors of the nation and are protectors of the people! Please go somewhere where people will listen to your paranoid Pakistan-bashing!

I am so sick of you Indians always looking for a chance to pick out Pakistans problems and what the hell in this forsaken world gives you the right to call a good leader a dictator when most of the people of the nation believe that he is a democratic ruler who acts according to the wishes of the people???
dimension117 said:
How the hell is he a dictator when the action he takes is according to what the majority of people in Pakistan want?

Well if he is a dictator then India is no less than a dictatorship! Why are the Kashmiris treated like animals? Why are minorities in your country so discontent and why are so many muslims shifting to Pakistan? Why are you not helping the farmers in your country who are killing themselves because of their hardship and why does'nt your government subsidise cotton or support the farmers through other means? Why are children in India picking out food from the drain and why is the government not giving them food? Does'nt all this prove that India is a dictatorship?

In Pakistan the army gets involved only when there is a corrupt and foolish leader! They are rather the saviors of the nation and are protectors of the people! Please go somewhere where people will listen to your paranoid Pakistan-bashing!

I am so sick of you Indians always looking for a chance to pick out Pakistans problems and what the hell in this forsaken world gives you the right to call a good leader a dictator when most of the people of the nation believe that he is a democratic ruler who acts according to the wishes of the people???
:yahoo: :yahoo: :tup:

i completely agree what dimension said. most of the people here in pakistan dont know what they want & who can give them what they want, they are just toys in the hand of our politions. We need a lead who can lead us to the right side with positive intentions not some BS person who lead this country with his own personal intentions. & in now a days we dont have any other choice then musharaf, he is the only person who can lead us well.

Tbh, i would love musharaf to stay with us for cupple of years, but many peopel dont allow that because army gets in the way.

I AGREE that army should NOT interfear with the country's inner political decissions.
Actually people of pakistan have started to get more knowlege of what is happening that was never before in the past thanks to the current government who made the media so free, that they even make cartoons of the president which i never saw it during NS and BB's rule. Musharraf is however the likely ruler for pakistan as his vision for pakistan is long sighted and during tough times hes made the country come out of it however there are a few wrong judgements on his part that has made him political weak, the CJ case where the opposition has cashed every possibility to hurt his government and to some extent they have succeed in it as well. NS isnt returning that is for sure however when the news of a deal struck between MUsharraf and BB makes a person like me to question the creditbility of Musharraf. AS he was the same person who use to say that there is no role of BB and NS in the politics anymore and it was him that passed the rule of person having elected two times for the ofice cannot be elected for the third time and now it seems to be ammended as musharraf seeks BB's support due to international pressure. We'll all know how corrupt BB is and how seriously can she damage the interest of pakistan if she gets elected for the third time, yet to go for her support makes me and i'm sure other pakistanies too doubtful.
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