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Musharraf is wrong, Sharif is right–for once


Mar 13, 2009
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Musharraf is wrong, Sharif is right–for once

Posted on March 16, 2010

Two news stories are making the rounds in Islamabad. The first one has not been challenged, not even by Imran Khan or the Jamat e Islami. The second one has created a huge strom along Constitutional Avenue and in the National Assembly building.

President Mushrraf has stupidly claimed that it is in “our” national interest to stay in Afghanistan. We are not sure, who “we” are in Afghanistan, but it is poignant to note that there are no Pakistani troops occupying Afghanistan. Not sure which Single malt the former president is on this week, but the use the plural “we” depicts the UK and the US. Just because the disgraced president lives in the United Kingdom, he does not have the right to speak for the UK. If he does, then he has no right to speak for Pakistan.

Former president Pervez Musharraf criticized U.S. plans to begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan in just over a year. At a stop on his speaking tour, Musharraf praised President Barack Obama for committing 30,000 more troops to fighting the Taliban. But the former leader was sharply opposed to Obama’s plan to begin withdrawing forces in July 2011, saying U.S. soldiers should fight until the Taliban is defeated. “We are there because we understand how critical it is to the region, to the world,” Musharraf said. “We must win.”

Mr. Musharraf’s remarks are intended to appeal to the hawks in the US government. He is seeking to get support from outside Pakistan. This is pathetic, and reminds us of the silly antics of Benazir Bhutto when she was out of office. She would say anything to get an audience.

The continuation of occupation can not be good. US occupation of Afghanistan creates a spill over into Pakistan. The sooner the occupation ends, the better it will be for Pakistan. The occupation gives Bharat a foothold in Kabul, from which it can send mercenaries to Pakistan. Mr. Musharraf is very wrong on this issue.

The second story is about the alleged statement made by Mr. Shahbaz Sharif. I listened to the statement and found it to be innocuous and sublime. The tone, the language and the halting nature of the speech did not show any aggressiveness or parochial agenda. Mr. Sharif was simply saying that if the Talibs have any grievance against the bad policies of the former president, why are they attacking Lahore. Lahore has not done them any harm. Perhaps it would have been politically correct to add Quetta, Peshawar, and Karachi to the sentence and then it would have not have been made into a huge issue.

The liberal media needed an opportunity to pounce on the Sharifs. Mr. Shahbaz Sharif’s ill fated remarks gave them the opportunity to do so. All sorts of charges are now being brought against him. Mr. Sharif is being called Pro-Taliban. This is a charge that will stay with the Sharifs, no matter how many trips they make to the US Embassy, and no matter how much the praise the American presence.

The Sharifs have not played the political field as well as “Abbajee” would have liked them to play it. They took a national political party and reduced it into a one province party. Mr. Sharif was the Chief Minister of Punjab under President Zia Ul Haq. He used that opportunity to build the Muslim League as a national organization. However in the last poll he failed to appeal to the Sindhis and the Baloch. The Sharifs waged an unnecessary and fratricidal war against Urban Sindh in an needless military action. More than 10,000 lives were lost chasing ghosts. Mr. Zardari had the sense to end that action and use the duly elected leaders in building the province and the country. Mr. Shairf should learn a lesson from that. Mr. Sharif should reach out to Urban Sindh, and rural Sindh. mr. Sharif should liberate himself from his self-imposed incarceration in Raiwind, and should be waging an election campaign in Quetta, Peshawar, Karachi and Mirpur. This is the time–sle the liberal media will have him for lunch

Rupee News
This is not even news, its a blog entry from a corrupt politician or whoever this person is.
This is not even news, its a blog entry from a corrupt politician or whoever this person is.

Try to read first. It's a blog called Rupee News, the author of which is obsessed with conspiracy theories and the sexual lives of Indian politicians.
Rupee news is most credible news of the world.p.
ha...another rupee news based thread...:hitwall:
I have been listening to the discusson with interest. I have also listened to the specific portion of what Shahbaz Sharif actually said. It is usual for the right wing media and Taliban sympathizers to make light of a very serious remark. He is not being quoted out of context. This is just an excuse being made by PML-N supporters after the event.

What Shahbaz said in actual words is: (He said it in Urdu. This is the closest translation in English)


If Taliban are fighting because they are against dictation by a foreign power, it is our (PML-N) stance as well. Taliban should therefore refrain from attacking Punjab.


Pray tell me, what do you understand by it? I am not very bright, but to me it is clear that Shahbaz is asking Taliban not to attack Punjab because it is ruled by the PML-N which has similar feeling towards foreign dictation (foreign meaning US) as themselves.

Indirectly he is implying that it is okay for Taliban to attack and kill people of NWFP, Baluchistan and Sind but not Punjabis because PML-N is sympathetic to Taliban! Finally, protégé of the bigot Zia has shown his true colors. Provincial harmony be damned!

I am from Punjab too, but this remark is out and out ethnic bigotry. To top that he has not even apologized for this gaffe. The remark is against the stance of National Assembly which supported the Army action. It condones suicide attacks which killed nearly 7,000 innocent Pakistanis in the last 5 years. It was said at the Jamia Naemia! Maulana Naemi was killed by the Taliban because he was against terrorism. To my simple mind this tantamount to treason.

At least now we know that people at the highest places in the in Pakistan are in covert sympathy with the worst butchers of innocent Pakistanis. PML-N Punjab Minister of Law has been attending SSP (allied to Taliban) meetings. PML-N also opposed the amendment to the huddood ordinance. With 6-million people voting the bigots of Sharif brothers supporters in the election. Pakistan is sure to suffer the cancer of terrorism and sectarianism for a very long time.

My family has been Muslim League supporters since the 1930's, but with PML-N turning out to be pro terrorists, I would rather vote for MQM or PPP than for these hypocrites. At least PPP don’t condone Taliban attacking the other provinces of Pakistan.
everyone knows that US will have to pull out. also everyone knows that once US pulls out it will again give rise to Taliban. So, in essence Musharraf has tried to put forward a "prediction" which seems like he would capitalize in near future.

Also, Musharraf and likeminded people are right to say that the seed of extremism needs to be completely removed and this does not mean by force but includes the whole nine yards including social development, education and so forth. because without it, this will be all for nothing.

We might not be in Afghanistan, but we are in war on terror, whether we like it or not.
I have been listening to the discusson with interest. I have also listened to the specific portion of what Shahbaz Sharif actually said. It is usual for the right wing media and Taliban sympathizers to make light of a very serious remark. He is not being quoted out of context. This is just an excuse being made by PML-N supporters after the event.

What Shahbaz said in actual words is: (He said it in Urdu. This is the closest translation in English)


If Taliban are fighting because they are against dictation by a foreign power, it is our (PML-N) stance as well. Taliban should therefore refrain from attacking Punjab.


Pray tell me, what do you understand by it? I am not very bright, but to me it is clear that Shahbaz is asking Taliban not to attack Punjab because it is ruled by the PML-N which has similar feeling towards foreign dictation (foreign meaning US) as themselves.

Indirectly he is implying that it is okay for Taliban to attack and kill people of NWFP, Baluchistan and Sind but not Punjabis because PML-N is sympathetic to Taliban! Finally, protégé of the bigot Zia has shown his true colors. Provincial harmony be damned!
How many members of this forum were present at the occasion when Mr. Shabaz made the alleged comments? Any one of these able members got the chance to listen the conversation first hand? Suni sunai par itna shour kar diya? Rasool Allah hi ka farman hey na, Jhootey honey key liyeh itna hi kaafi hey key suni sunai baat baghair tahqeeq aagey kar dey.


Source: Jang Group Online
How many members of this forum were present at the occasion when Mr. Shabaz made the alleged comments? Any one of these able members got the chance to listen the conversation first hand? Suni sunai par itna shour kar diya? Rasool Allah hi ka farman hey na, Jhootey honey key liyeh itna hi kaafi hey key suni sunai baat baghair tahqeeq aagey kar dey.


Source: Jang Group Online

Hon Sir,

In modern times, you don’t have to be physically present to hear the account verbatim. Hamid Mir was there and also the ARY network. For your kind info, I have heard the excerpts of Shahbaz's speech not once but many times. The tape was played a number of times for people to clearly understand what Shahbaz was saying. I have read Irfan Siddiqui comments too. This gentleman is from JI and part of the Urdu press gang that hold extreme right views. You must have heard heard JI activists chanting “Sufi Mohammed, Aao hum tumhare saath hein”. JI chief has candidly admitted his admiration for Taliban and their philosophy.

The very reason why Pakistan is currently drowning in blood is that there is continued support for Taliban in Pakistan. Somebody provides safe havens and facilitates the nefarious activities of suicide bombers. Their supporters don’t tire of recounting 700 or so people killed in drone attacks, but totally ignore more than 7,000 killed in the Taliban suicide bombs. I condemn drone attacks as well as Taliban bombings as most of victims are innocent Pakistanis, regardless of the province they hail from.

In my view; any one, who implies, directly or indirectly, that Taliban should not attack Punjab but other provinces, is beneath contempt. But then who am I am, nothing but a simple minded Pakistani, Shahbaz on other hand is Chief Minister of Punjab, born and bred in nursery of the bigot Zia ul Haq. If your love for right wing extremists doesn’t let you deride Shahbaz, you are welcome to your views. We have so many in Pakistan, another one makes little difference.
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