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Musharraf charged with Benazir's murder:Judiciary does it again

I hope he is convicted and hanged as soon as possible for his crimes against people of pakistan. I would love to see this criminal hanged in public.

your wishes will be crushed after a few months, & your sorry belives on fairytails will be brought down, if the justice really served, just like in the case of LALmasjid , fake prapoganda & after the investigation by SC, nothing been found?

Immunity of the person is for his acts in the office. Moreover, implicating President of Pakistan in just anything is absurd. Thing to understand it that President alone does not run the country. He is assisted by a number of organisations and individuals. It has to be established that Gen Musharraf gave a direct order for her assassination. Conspiracy theories cannot be made basis of a legal proceeding. Under legal proceedings circumstantial evidences have to be proved beyond reasonable doubt for a FAIR trial.

In 66 hears of history politicians have proved to be inferior leaders/rulers/visionaries. This is not a sweeping statement, as facts can be verified from authentic sources. (for details please see World Needs A Change). Pakistan has shown best of economic indicators during military rule. Industry growth is maximum in Gen Ayub's tenure. Among the three main military rulers lowest indicators of Gen Zia's regime are better then any of the political governments. Just see what our last democratic government has done, they undid efforts of Gen Musharraf who got us out IMF trap. Today our IMF debt is umpteenth time higher then ever in the past. Again see the statistics on IMF site. Even the present government is following their foot prints, instead of reducing the debt.

Common man is most effected by indirect taxes like GST. Companies working as GST agent are in benefit in such type of tax and only class which suffers is end consumer, which in other words is called common man.
India has its own problems, may be much more in quantity and quantum as compared to Pakistan. They have been able to sustain democracy because, immediately after partition they went into land reforms and did not allow feudalism to flourish. On the contrary Pakistan's democracy has always been dependent on feudal lords. It is due to this reason dynasties are ruling this country. We see same people, some of them changing sides, with same old stories.

I regard Indira Gandhi for what India is today. She ruled with an iron hand, a democratically elected dictator who was sincere to the country. She banned each and every import, with the comment that whatever is needed has to be produced in India. Or else live without it. Generation of that time missed the imported luxuries, but today their generations are getting benefit of Industry.

In last PPP regime electricity charges have been revised at an average of 2% per month for last two years. Who is the sufferer? Common man.

Pick up anything and see how these politicians have humped the common man.

It is battle for the throne everywhere. Do you think politicians want to serve the country? No my dear a ruler who wants to serve the country follows the example of Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Ali, who made themselves responsible for the unjust death of dog in their regime. Those who wore clothes same as the lowest income person under their rule and ate poorest of food. what do you expect from people who wears watches worth millions of dollars and sherwanis worth couple of hundred thousands.

This is a million dollar question. Lets see what happens in the vanguard of democracy. In USA people democratically elect a dictator. I don't have to elaborate as it is evident to all, as to how Bush and Obama has been dictating, despite resistance from Congress and Senate. How UN resolutions have been blatantly molested in some of the international armed interventions.

No doubt that democracy is the solution for any country, but the point to ponder is how to safe guard the interest of people. Americans also went through a civil war and reached a conclusion that only strict laws can help nurture democracy. Unfortunately. in our country people of the power corridor always considered themselves above the law. Some people give example of Turkey. They fail to register that it was sincere dictatorship which lead to a strong democratic Turkey today.

What we need today is an iron hand who concentrates on implementation of law and administration of fair justice. Detachment of legislative assembly from administrative and development work. Sincere civil servants to honesty administer governance. A purely legislative assembly overseeing loop holes in the system and making appropriate laws to mend the gap.

Just by adding prefix of Democratic to the name Pakistan does not make it a successful democracy. It will always remain as DemocraZy like it is today.
thanks dear panther!
Sad Very Sad:

Playing with Fire

The Judiciary is up to it again. They finally indicted Musharraf with the murder of Benazir Bhutto. This is the same judiciary that lets terrorists go on lack of evidence when there is video footage to prove their crimes, when they threaten to kill in the court room, and when they boast about their crimes publicly. The Judges of the lower courts know that if they go with article six and try Musharraf for treason, their own boss becomes party to that crime. So, let’s pull out another card and get him on something else. There are a few other court cases pending….. Like the Bugti Murder and Lal Msjid killings, plus the case of missing persons. Musharraf, who recently turned 70, will have to live for another 70 years to prove these cases are false. So, here is what will happen in my humble opinion. Nawaz Sharif just met his “mai-baap,” the Saudi King. He got the go ahead to humiliate the General, and after Sharif gets some satisfaction for his humiliation at the hands of the former General, a deal will be negotiated between the Sultans of UAE and The Saudi King, to let Musharraf off and sent to exile. Let us just wait and watch. Pakistan has become a joke around the world. The judiciary, the executive and the military, they have no interest in Pakistan’s image worldwide. All they want is to line their own pockets with loot from the country by making a mockery of the people of Pakistan. The most corrupt leaders of the Judiciary and the Military are retiring soon, let us just hope that the ones who take over have little love for the country, so they may help it grow and prosper.

Source: Playing with Fire | The Pakistani Spectator
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