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Musharraf charged with Benazir's murder:Judiciary does it again

Irfan Baloch

Apr 12, 2009
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Musharraf charged with Benazir's murder


RAWALPINDI: Former military ruler General (retd) Pervez Musharraf was indicted on three counts Tuesday in Rawalpindi's anti-terrorism court (ATC) over the 2007 murder of ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto.

Musharraf was also produced in the ATC amidst tight security during today’s hearing of the case headed by ATC judge Habibur Rehman.

A challan was read out against the former president and six others nominated in Benazir’s murder during the hearing.

“He was charged with murder, criminal conspiracy for murder and facilitation for murder,” public prosecutor Chaudhry Azhar told AFP at the ATC in Rawalpindi hearing the case.

The six accused persons include former City Police Officer (CPO) of Rawalpindi Saud Aziz, the then SP Khurram Shahzad, Hasnain Gul, Rafaqat Hussain, Sher Zaman and Abdul Rasheed respectively.

Musharraf and the accused men denied the charges.

The court ordered the authorities to produce all the defendants in a hearing fixed for August 27 as it subsequently adjourned the matter to the said date for evidence to be brought.

Following the adjournment, the former president returned to his Chak Shahzad residence, which had been declared sub-jail.

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a gun-and-bomb attack outside Rawalpindi’s Liaquat Bagh on December 27, 2007 while Musharraf was president. She was killed after addressing an election campaign rally in the city.

Musharraf charged with Benazir's murder - DAWN.COM

Judiciary is the best revenge
I mean democracy is the best revenge

well done judges you didnt disappoint us and did exactly what was expected of you
now get on with your business of letting the terrorist murderers go due to "lack of evidence"
oh man NOT again. So they want to afresh the case and drag it on for years.
Gradually THE POWER shifting from ARMY to civilians... more bad name for pak army :yahoo:
No one is now talking about imunity, which AZ availed. In fact immunity is against actions taken as President of Pakistan and not for past deeds. Mush has the triumph card
As far as BB murder case is concerned, it is quite weak and current decision by court is mainly ex-parte and Musharraf has vowed to prove his innocence in this particular case. The main evidence against Musharraf in BB murder case is the statement of American Journalist Mark Siegel who claims that BB wrote to him an email stating that if anything happened to her, Musharraf would be responsible. Now see, BB thought and Mark Siegel seconded her thought in this. In my opinion this evidence is not sufficient and Musharraf's lawyers would destroy the prosecution in appellate court Since Mark has refused to come to Pakistan and testify in front of anti terrorism court bench.
To me this seems a political case by Nawaz Sharif against Musharraf as his animosity against him is flagrant.
Bugti Case - Musharraf did it right.
Lal Masjid operation - Musharraf did it right.

BB case - Musharraf has no links. He (ISI) sent intelligence intercepts and reports to BB to warn her about the threats from Al-Qaeda. Musharraf gave her a helicopter for safe travelling, she denied. He gave her an Armored car and a safe route, she denied the route and didn't stay inside the car, a political publicity stunt. The explosives were set off, which means that either all possible routes were covered, or someone at airport or inside her convoy alerted the men on which route she is now taking, or, the bombers knew prior to the convoy which route was planned (possible if someone from PPP is involved). You cannot blame Musharraf for BB's idiocy.

I've the scan of the Intercept ISI sent to BB dated 10 Dec 07.
Do they have some proof?? or just playing politics???? This was not done even when benazir own party was on power....
Abhi to Bugti case bhi baki hai!

indeed and the son of the slain Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi (of red Mosque) has also lodged a murder claim against Musharraf.

the 2nd tier leaders of PMLn that normally grace the TV channels suggested that they would hand over Musharraf to BLA terrorists like Bramdagh Bughti when they will come to power.

there are also the wives of KSM and Ramzi Ahmed they might raise an abduction charge on Musharraf.

I think people should take a ticket and join the queue.
Its a necessary evil. PA must understand that further adventurism won't be allowed. Days of Martial Law are behind us.

hahaha, this is absurd, why punish him or something he didnt do?
The main evidence against Musharraf in BB murder case is the statement of American Journalist Mark Siegel who claims that BB wrote to him an email stating that if anything happened to her, Musharraf would be responsible..

a suspicion expressed with an email is used as evidence?
Pakistani justice system reaches new depths
the same judges let go terrorists who are caught on camera and by people committing murder "due to lack of evidence" but hee an expression of suspicion or allegation deems enough.

wow judges you are a real piece of work.

Its a necessary evil. PA must understand that further adventurism won't be allowed. Days of Martial Law are behind us.

dear sir
two wrongs wont make a right
charging someone for something so absurd is doing no justice to democracy and is actually inviting the adventurism.

the only casualty here is the Pakistani law where judiciary is leading its ridicule that has failed to convict even a single terrorist for over 10 years, yet it has all the time and its imagination at hand to charge a head of state who lost the most due to the murder of Benazir.
indeed and the son of the slain Mullah Abdul Rashid Ghazi (of red Mosque) has also lodged a murder claim against Musharraf.

the 2nd tier leaders of PMLn that normally grace the TV channels suggested that they would hand over Musharraf to BLA terrorists like Bramdagh Bughti when they will come to power.

there are also the wives of KSM and Ramzi Ahmed they might raise an abduction charge on Musharraf.

I think people should take a ticket and join the queue.

Last but NOT the least relatives of Osama Bin Laden will file a murder case against Zardari, relatives of those recently killed in drone strikes can file a murder case against Nawaz Sharif.
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