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Musharraf Case.

Well that's a bad news for Musharraf if that's true! but i think Musharraf isn't goona gve up so easily! he is very approachable person! n majority of peoples are with Sir musharraf not only in pakistan but also in outer countries like in UK , Canada n they are also protesting on this issue! i think we should hope for the best!

Well what u guys think is this a Mistake of Sir Musharraf or not that he has came to pak??

It is his bravado.

Previously, General Yahya Khan was meted this treatment in 1971 by Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The Prime Minister was then toppled by the Army and hanged in 1977. That's why today all the big parties have gone a little quite as soon as he returned (they were hoping he wouldn't return).

No political party is stupid enough to confront the Army so they've put the judiciary in the front line.

We'll find out what happens to the judiciary soon.
It is his bravado.

Previously, General Yahya Khan was meted this treatment in 1971 by Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The Prime Minister was then toppled by the Army and hanged in 1977. That's why today all the big parties have gone a little quite as soon as he returned (they were hoping he wouldn't return).

No political party is stupid enough to confront the Army so they've put the judiciary in the front line.

We'll find out what happens to the judiciary soon.

So he's relying on the military to bail him out ?? <- Nice democratic principles.

If he doesn't trust the people then what's the point in elections for him?
It is his bravado.

Previously, General Yahya Khan was meted this treatment in 1971 by Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The Prime Minister was then toppled by the Army and hanged in 1977. That's why today all the big parties have gone a little quite as soon as he returned (they were hoping he wouldn't return).

No political party is stupid enough to confront the Army so they've put the judiciary in the front line.

We'll find out what happens to the judiciary soon.

Yahya Khan was a stain PA itself wanted to remove. Yahya Khan and Gen Niazi were both made scapegoats of PAs failure in East Pakistan. Politicians got scared for what happened to Bhutto, as he had a great following and that could not save him.

Judiciary is an equally important pillar of state, you can bet that with CJ being dragged on the roads of Islamabad by his hair was not a sight appreciated by legal fraternity. Judiciary is not going any where and PA can't do diddly squat they also need the favor of judiciary. Just to get the point across during the lawyers movement most lawyers couldn't make half of they used to earn. If they are attacked again no ex-service man is going to find a lawyer in whole country to represent him. PA can't challenge the whole system.

PA has also blown all its chances with political parties so it needs Judiciary on its side even more.
I don't think Army will take stand very soon that will be the last option if any thing worst will happen so Army will take stand against Judiciary but that time will not come i think!
So he's relying on the military to bail him out ?? <- Nice democratic principles.

If he doesn't trust the people then what's the point in elections for him?

He's not relying on anybody. He's come back just to shut all those up who said he was a coward and ran away. They used his exile to malign the Pakistani Armed Forces since November 2008-March 2013. However, once President Pervez Musharraf returned, they've all been caught with their pants down.

All they had to do was keep quite once he left the country, move on and President Musharraf would've happily retired from politics. Instead, they all started scoring points with each other, making bold claims of taming the Pakistan Army.

What are they going to do?

Some are dreaming of making an example out of him (from the shadows) so Pakistan Army would not dare topple another sitting government again if the government starts losing people's confidence. Most politicians go as far as claiming or reassuring people that Pakistan Army will take it lying down while President Pervez Musharraf is going through the judicial sausage factory. But, Pakistan Army ain't going to sit there and watch tamasha for too long.
Do guys know that in Musharaf case ATC judge Kausar Abbas Zaidi is brother of Capt. R. Mansur Zaidi, the deserter who was court martialled by Mush at Siachin. He was also caught again during Mush era running a security company in isld for supply of weapons to foreigners.
If this is true,then ''salute'' to Iftikhar Chaudhary's judiciary.

Judge Kausar Zaidi's Brother Exposed as Black Water Contractor!!!

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Gen (ret.) Musharraf is a former Army Chief of Pakistani Republic.

nobody will dare to lay a hand on him; terrorists -- they can try if they like.

but whether you get annoyed or some of you are also like those bastard "lawyers" (rat looking people in coats and black ties) who showered petals also on Mumtaz Qadri or whether you aren't -- here's what i will tell you:

nobody will dare to touch him or humiliate him and if they do, they should prepare for consequences
Gen (ret.) Musharraf is a former Army Chief of Pakistani Republic.

nobody will dare to lay a hand on him; terrorists -- they can try if they like.

but whether you get annoyed or some of you are also like those bastard "lawyers" (rat looking people in coats and black ties) who showered petals also on Mumtaz Qadri or whether you aren't -- here's what i will tell you:

nobody will dare to touch him or humiliate him and if they do, they should prepare for consequences

It would be better for Gen Musharraf and the country if due process is followed. Let the terrorism and murder cases against him proceed through court, and if and if anything is proven against him, which is highly unlikely, then we can worry about the consequences. If he is acquitted, then all is well.

oh my god! @Umair Nawaz bhai @Patriots...excellent post......I strongly say that we need neutral judge who is dealing musharraf's case...not a controversial personality like kauser zaidi....this is an eye opening video for those who still chant "democracy and azad adliya":hitwall:

Gen (ret.) Musharraf is a former Army Chief of Pakistani Republic.

nobody will dare to lay a hand on him; terrorists -- they can try if they like.

but whether you get annoyed or some of you are also like those bastard "lawyers" (rat looking people in coats and black ties) who showered petals also on Mumtaz Qadri or whether you aren't -- here's what i will tell you:

nobody will dare to touch him or humiliate him and if they do, they should prepare for consequences

touch him???abu here whole story is upside down.....in the name of judiciary and law and order...a bunch of traitors are planning to take revenge...tell me why they are not touching Raja pervaiz Ashraf??the truth is that PPP has decided to take its revenge before leaving completely:hitwall:
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Why we are even surprised with this revelation? Even Chief Justices Iftikhar Ahmed Chaudhry and many on the bench morally cannot hear the case against Musharraf. The courts are there to be honest brokers of Justice. It is the prosecution (The government) that brings a case to the court and they impart justice and stay unbiased. In Musharraf case the courts are asking the government to initiate the case so they can do their (un) Justice and punish Musharraf. This has been a mockery of Justice. These corrupt judges should be investigated by unbiased jury of not only judges but educated people for all faction of society.

Pakistanis need to open their eyes and see this current bunch of Judges who have been acting street thughs with undue power!
So he's relying on the military to bail him out ?? <- Nice democratic principles.

If he doesn't trust the people then what's the point in elections for him?
Democrazy, In Pakistan Doesnt Worth To Bail Any Innocent Out, There Were Times ! When Peoples On This Fourm Were Telling Others, That He Will never Come Back To Face The Music In Waiting For, Him Bt he Is Back & Stupid Hypocratic Prapoganda Failed To Its Core?
He Isnt Facing The Normal Procecution Bt He Is Facing Croupt Paid Judiciary Politicly Motivated, With the underground Backing , Of Every major Political Party Against Him? In That Case If He is Been Targated Just Because His Past As The Militry President Of pakistan, Thn Sure Its PA,smresponsibilty To Help Him Against Any Barking Dogs?
Why we are even surprised with this revelation? Even Chief Justices Iftikhar Ahmed Chaudhry and many on the bench morally cannot hear the case against Musharraf. The courts are there to be honest brokers of Justice. It is the prosecution (The government) that brings a case to the court and they impart justice and stay unbiased. In Musharraf case the courts are asking the government to initiate the case so they can do their (un) Justice and punish Musharraf. This has been a mockery of Justice. These corrupt judges should be investigated by unbiased jury of not only judges but educated people for all faction of society.

Pakistanis need to open their eyes and see this current bunch of Judges who have been acting street thughs with undue power!

I agree with you ... But we have no choice to get rid of this corrupt judiciary ..............
He's not relying on anybody. He's come back just to shut all those up who said he was a coward and ran away. They used his exile to malign the Pakistani Armed Forces since November 2008-March 2013.
Some are dreaming of making an example out of him (from the shadows) so Pakistan Army would not dare topple another sitting government again if the government starts losing people's confidence. Most politicians go as far as claiming or reassuring people that Pakistan Army will take it lying down while President Pervez Musharraf is going through the judicial sausage factory. But, Pakistan Army ain't going to sit there and watch tamasha for too long.

What statements are these? You make it sound as if the PA's reputation depends on one man's presence in Pakistan. :lol:

What Musharraf is facing is an unfair trail, no doubt. But pulling the Army unnecessarily into these matters will not solve anything.

Democrazy, In Pakistan Doesnt Worth To Bail Any Innocent Out, There Were Times ! When Peoples On This Fourm Were Telling Others, That He Will never Come Back To Face The Music In Waiting For, Him Bt he Is Back & Stupid Hypocratic Prapoganda Failed To Its Core?
He Isnt Facing The Normal Procecution Bt He Is Facing Croupt Paid Judiciary Politicly Motivated, With the underground Backing , Of Every major Political Party Against Him? In That Case If He is Been Targated Just Because His Past As The Militry President Of pakistan, Thn Sure Its PA,smresponsibilty To Help Him Against Any Barking Dogs?

He's not being targetted for being a military man, but for the gross misuse of that power to overthrow the government and now the laywers have found the perfect excuse to take their personal revenge.
oh my god! @Umair Nawaz bhai @Patriots...excellent post......I strongly say that we need neutral judge who is dealing musharraf's case...not a controversial personality like kauser zaidi....this is an eye opening video for those who still chant "democracy and azad adliya":hitwall:

touch him???abu here whole story is upside down.....in the name of judiciary and law and order...a bunch of traitors are planning to take revenge...tell me why they are not touching Raja pervaiz Ashraf??the truth is that PPP has decided to take its revenge before leaving completely:hitwall:

the fact that they aren't touching rental raja speaks volumes about their bias and their agenda

i'm disgusted with this pre-election period and the disgusting politics in Pakistan

either way - my vote goes to PTI
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