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Musharaff spokesman ...

Now all hard core general musharaf fans, what do you call to this situation?

They have the right to march. They dont realize if it was any other leader in Pakistan, they would not be able to speak out so openly. It is only President Musharraf who has really given them the right to speak freely.
Now all hard core general musharaf fans, what do you call to this situation?

What is so special about the words of Lt Gen Kiyani? Got prodded by PML-Q and he said what Nawaz Sharif wanted him to say. His points about many of the things were factually wrong just on the basis of the fact that he was not there himself yet did not refrain from commenting on them. He gave Nawaz Sharif all the benefit of the doubt yet none to Musharraf. We all know that he has a bone to grind with Musharraf for booting him out of PSCP.

Funny how suddenly he turns to be a democrat overnight. The less said the better about such opportunistic display of this individual out of respect for the great institution that he belonged to. :tsk:
I dont know whether gen.kiyani was speaking the truth or not but one thing i am sure is that the people of pakistan including myself, now has seen the poor & failure policies of the Gen. musharaf which is apparant by current worsen economic condition of pak which is mainly resulted of past 8 years.

& one major question why on earth, our ex prime minister mr.shaukat aziz, Gen.musharaf right hand man is sitting out of pakistan why dont we call him back & put him on trial and make him answerable for the present state of pak.

Is our armed forces so much faithful to Gen.musharaf that if MUSH wants to step foot on the dignity of pak to please BUSH, our armed forces will do nothing and instead follow his orders as if they dont have their own moral thinking whats right & wrong.....??

was salaam,

Why should Shaukat Aziz come back to Pakistan? For stupid politicians to drag him into courts out of vindictiveness? If I were Shaukat Aziz, I would be giving Nawaz Sharif and every other PML-N thug a middle finger from the US of A and rubbing it in while I did it.

You want to drag someone to court then start with the rapers and pillagers of Pakistan's economy and overall state starting with Nawaz Sharif and Asif Zardari then we can talk about satisfying your ego about calling Shaukat Aziz to the courts.

The country is screwed not because of the past 8 years, the past 8 years were spent to undo some of the massive problems created during the decade of the 90s. Only someone with very rudimentary understanding of economics (unfortunately the vast majority of Pakistanis falls in this category) would expect the past 8 years to solve all of Pakistan's economic problems. Well there is no silver bullet for Pakistan's problems. Like all others, we have to toil, struggle and get to where we want to...Musharraf's years have given the economy consistent policies which have helped...have they helped to alleviate all the problems? NO. Lets get this understood before talking about dragging everyone on Nawaz Sharif's personal **** list to the courts.

That bald-eagle of Pakistan needs to be dragged into the courts for screwing up Pakistan to the point that the Army had to intervene again. Responsibility rests with everyone...by cornering Musharraf and pinning the blame on him alone will not resolve Pakistan's 60 years old problems.
Long love Gen(r) Jamshed Gulzar Kiyani.

and Ex Service men who would participate in Long march and place a vigil outside MUSH HOUSE.

Be careful for what you ask. The last thing you want is opportunistic, self-serving and self-furthering individuals on your side. Unfortunately such are the politics of that idiot Nawaz Sharif. He could care less who his bed-fellows :-)lol:) are as long as they can bad-mouth Musharraf.

The issue is no longer of principles, its all about vindictiveness of a bald *** freak going through mid-life political crises in that hapless land of ours.
i hope pakistan will keep peace, steady and prosperity, and we will respect the choice of pakistan people .
We really have a problem here. Whereas I am not a great fan of Musharraf, Kiyani Saheb has lost his credibility in my eyes at least in that he has spent his working life as a cronie and therefore essentially in agreement with Musharraf's policies, only to come out following retirement to blame him for all the ills of the country. He would have held a lot more credibility had he resigned his post on principle and then come out.
Lets analyze the issues raised one by one.
There have always been problems with Pakistani economy. To turn it around in 8-10 yrs is an achievement. However, there were a lot of factors behind it including aid from uncle Sam and selling off of some state assets. While no economic expert, from what i have learned from my friends regarding this topic is that the basis of this spurt was always tenuous as there had been no substantial growth in the manufacturing sector and therefore, this period of wealth was never going to last. this has now happened although to be honest nobody could have predicted the oil prices being what they are and the loss of reserves has been to a great extent due to it.
we did see some controversies but thatis the norm in Pakistan, and i dont think you can honestly blame it on Musharraf ,although I think Mr Aziz has played a few nifty hands here and there prior to his hasty exit.
Secondly Kargil. I am sure there are a few people with better links and knowhow about the matters in the Army but it is right to say that Kargil was a pathetic and ill planned operation. Halfway through, when the services of the PAF were required, they couldnot deliver as they had never been included in the planning and did not want to turn this into an open war. Incidentally Kargil was never Musharraf's brainchild. A similar plan had been discussed during Zia's time and he basically tore it apart. Thirdly, if it is true that PAF was not informed then it is logical that NS (Nehari Khor) was also not notified. Hence, I think it is quite likely that he is telling the truth on this account.
i think as far as the Pindi action is concerned, i am still in full support of Musharraf. If he had allowed it to drag on, there would have been chaos in the country, and every Tom Dick and Harry would have tried to hold the Government to ransom. However, I am in disagreement with the fact that the gentleman, who got caught in the Burqa should have been brought to court in his Burqa. It was a cheap trick and was distasteful.
I will be honest with you guys but I dont know who to believe anymore. However, i would not lay too much faith in the words of Mr Kiyani.
Letter to the editor of Daily Times: These are the words of a very senior Pakistani Army officer (14th PMA LC).

Lack of moral courage

Sir: Through your esteemed paper, may I ask Nawaz Sharif as to why he did not take action against the COAS just after the Kargil incident? May I also ask the retired army officers who are now bickering against the president as to why they didn’t resign or speak against him when he was, if at all, doing it? It shows lack of moral courage, which was taught to me and my course-mates in 11 JSPCTS and 14 PMA.

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