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Murder mayhem in Mumbai


Sep 7, 2008
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Mumbai in totoal contorl of the terrorists. There is total and absolutel anarchy in Mumbia. Many in the press have been saying for the past few weeks that the BJP will stage some spectacular attacks to spark ethnic rioting and then use the communal card to come to power. Narendar Modi has done this in Gujarat before. An attack on a train was staged and then 2000 innocnet people, mostly women were raped, murdered and burned.

Recently several Hinduvata members in the Indian army were arrested in blowing up the Samjhota Express train which plies between Pakistan and India. Terrorist are holding hostages in the upscale Taj and Oberoi hotel. About 100 hostages are held in the Oberoi hotel. There are conflicting reports on the number of hostages that seem to be well planned.

NEW DELHI - Coordinated terror attacks struck the heart of Mumbai, India’s commercial capital, Wednesday evening, targeting at least two five-star hotels, the city’s largest commuter train station, a historic movie theater and a hospital.

The state’s highest ranking police official, A.N. Roy, said the attackers, armed with machine guns and grenades, opened fire and disappeared. Local television reported deaths tolls as high as 80, none of them could be confirmed and the police were yet to give an official count of their own.

A spokesman for Mumbai’s St George’s Hospital told Agence France-Presse: “Fifty-eight bodies have been brought in. There are another 50 who are injured, some critical, who have been transferred to the nearby J.J. Hospital.”

Leopold’s restaurant, a Mumbai landmark popular with tourists, was also targeted in the attacks, The Associated Press reported, and the news agency quoted a top state official, Johnny Joseph, chief secretary for Maharashtra State, as saying that at least 78 people had been killed and 200 more injured.

There were initial unconfirmed reports of hostages having been taken at one of the hotels.

Around midnight, more than two hours into the serial attacks, television images from near the movie theater, the Metro Cinema, showed journalists and spectators ducking for cover as gunshots rang out in the city.

A fire raged inside the Oberoi Hotel, a luxury hotel that is popular with foreigners, according to the police. Television footage showed the charred shell of a car in front of the train station, Victoria Terminus, apparently from the impact of an explosion. A nearby gas station was blown up. New York Times. November 27, 2008, Death Toll Rising in India in Coordinated Attacks, By SOMINI SENGUPTA

Rupee News for the past several years has been discussing the Indian support for terrorists in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. India has been playing with fire. Goyem: India support for Frankensteins will create blowback. it appears that the analysis of Rupee News was correct.

The knee jerk reaction of the Indian media is to blame the neighbors. “Deccan Mujahideen” has never been heard of before and seems to be a made up name to malign Muslims–a favorite tactic of the Hinduvata extremsis.

At 1 a.m., local time, two guests trapped inside the Taj Hotel, which is next to the iconic Gateway of India, said by telephone they heard a fresh explosion and gunfire in the old wing of the hotel.

The Maharashtra state chief minister, Vilasrao Deshmukh, told the private CNN-IBN station that the military had been called in to assist local police. He said there had been five to seven targets in the attacks, concentrated in the southern tip of the city, known as Colaba and Nariman Point.

The Indian home minister, Shivraj Patil, said that two suspected attackers had been killed in shootouts with the police.

One witness, at 31-year-old who was inside the Taj attending a friend’s wedding reception. He was getting a drink around 9:45 p.m., he said, when he heard what first sounded like firecrackers - “loud bursts” interspersed with what sounded like machine gun fire.

A window of the banquet hall shattered, guests scattered under tables, and they were quickly escorted to another room in the hotel, he said. No one was allowed to leave. Just before 1 a.m., another loud explosion rang out and then, about a half hour later, another, said the man inside the Taj.

His friend, the groom, Anil Thadani, was two floors above him, in the old wing of the hotel, trapped in a room with his wife. One of the explosions, Mr. Thadani said by telephone, took the door off its hinges. He blocked it with a table. Then came another, and gunfire throughout the evening.

The State Department immediately condemned the attacks but said there were no immediate reports of American casualties. “Our sympathies go out to the families and friends of those killed and injured, and to the people of Mumbai,” said Robert A. Wood, a spokesman, in a statement. New York Times. November 27, 2008, Death Toll Rising in India in Coordinated Attacks, By SOMINI SENGUPTA

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