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Mumbai Attacks

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It is all bullshit, Zardari is a puppet, corrupted leader

Chosen by People pf Pakistan democratically.

^^^^democracy got ur answer

First explain him (and apparently other's) the meaning of that word.

Indians are involved in destabilizing Pakistan via Afg, so we should take that as a fact as well.

Who attacked India in 1965?
Who supported Kahlistani separatists?
Who started peration Topac in 1988?
Indians started Bus service between Delhi-Lahore. Who backstabbed Atalji then?
Who os supporting LeT, HuJI, Harkat Ul Mujahideen, Dawood Ibrahim and all others?

Facts can be so interesting sometimes.

We must secure our country first... we can't blame pakistan for our security lapse. Every country will try to destabalise its enemy for its own survival.
I feel there must be some bigger reason for not having talks with Pak.
BTW I feel by having better relation in the musharaf era has only increased the terror modules in other parts of India than kashmir.
We must secure our country first... we can't blame pakistan for our security lapse. Every country will try to destabalise its enemy for its own survival.
I feel there must be some bigger reason for not having talks with Pak.
BTW I feel by having better relation in the musharaf era has only increased the terror modules in other parts of India than kashmir.

And how do you propose to avoid IC-814 ,or Kanishka bombing type incidences?

Pak willing for talks in 3rd country

Islamabad, Dec 22: Pakistan Foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi Tuesday said his country was willing to talk to India in any third country.
While briefing country’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Qureshi said Pakistan is ready to talk to India in any third country. “We want resumption of dialogue process to resolve all outstanding issues,” he said.

Qureshi, however, said, India is not serious in reviving the dialogue process because of its political weaknesses.
He warned that non revival of dialogue process will strengthen the terrorist elements in the two countries. “In order to defeat the terrorists, it has become more important for the two countries to revive the stalled dialogue process,” Qureshi said.
The Pakistan foreign minister said resolution of Kashmir issue is must for restoration of peace and tranquility in South Asia. “Pakistan will continue to offer political and diplomatic support to Kashmiris,” he said.
Terming Kashmiris as a basic party to the Kashmir dispute, he said their involvement in any dialogue process is must. “Without their involvement, dialogue process will not be result oriented”, he added

Rising Kashmir, Daily Newspaper, Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir - Pak willing for talks in 3rd country


Talks after action on 26/11: India

New Delhi, Dec 22: India Tuesday said it is not in a position to resume the composite dialogue with Pakistan till "vigorous prosecution" is mounted against the accused in the 26/11 case.
"We know seven people have been arrested, but we would like to see a vigorous prosecution mounted in the 26/11 case) and we would like others to be caught," minister of state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor told reporters here.

"We have seen such terrible indications of how the planning, execution, financing, training and guiding of these (26/11) killers took place from Pakistani soil. So until that action takes place, we are obviously not in a position to resume the composite dialogue," he said replying to questions on the issue of resumption of Indo-Pak talks.
Tharoor said, “Our prime minister has said very clearly 'you (Pakistan) take the first step, we will reach you more than half-way. That first step has not been taken”.
India has been demanding prosecution of LeT chief Hafiz Saeed and has handed over several dossiers to Pakistan in connection with the case.
Tharoor said, "One point of view is very simple. We can talk to people but the talking can only take place in an environment where both sides have confidence that something substantial would result and then some progress will follow”.
"We can certainly talk to Pakistan when the time comes. Let them show us that they are serious in their understanding that those who have harmed India are the very same forces that threaten them, (and) they understand that we have the same enemies rather than any other approach. Then we will have a basis to talk," he said.
Tharoor told reporters here last night that the Government wants to see everyone involved in the Mumbai terror attacks case is brought to justice and has not let anyone off the hook.
"As far as we are concerned, we are pursuing what we need to do. Our colleagues in the home ministry are working very hard on this dossier," he said.
"The issue matters to us. We want to see everyone involved in the 26/11 (strikes) to be brought to justice. We are not letting anyone off the hook and we are not letting down our guard," he said.
Tharoor said the ministries were dealing "very seriously" with matters connected with the Mumbai carnage.

I don't understand why Pakistan is in so hurry to start dialogue process?
The way US has done after 9/11

You tried but failed miserably :agree:

Geez indians have a really inflated ego, it gets hurt pretty quick.
Criticise yourself once in a while rather than pointing fingers all the time at others.

Its not as if India has been showering in milk since it was created :angel:
You tried but failed miserably :agree:

Geez indians have a really inflated ego, it gets hurt pretty quick.
Criticise yourself once in a while rather than pointing fingers all the time at others.

Its not as if India has been showering in milk since it was created :angel:

A misunderstanding here...
I was responding to "garibnawaz" .
my mistake I didn't use the reply with quote
The way US has done after 9/11

You tried but failed miserably :agree:

Geez indians have a really inflated ego, it gets hurt pretty quick.
Criticise yourself once in a while rather than pointing fingers all the time at others.

Its not as if India has been showering in milk since it was created :angel:

How come? There has not been a single terrorist attack in India post 26/11. And there are almost 2 attacks every day in pakistan post 26/11. Who is losing here?

Wars are not just about tanks and fighter jets, if you know what I mean.
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:coffee:There need to be an offer , prior to anyone rejection

Last time I checked we were building bunkers along the border, I doubt there was any discussion of a meeting

Mumbai was a flase flah to give Nuclear deal to India and to shut up communist party elements in India , and also it gave india reason to backstab Iran gas peace pipeline
also to close down any investigations on indian army

So motive on one side was too strong -

I don't think there is anything to talk about
:coffee:There need to be an offer , prior to anyone rejection

Last time I checked we were building bunkers along the border, I doubt there was any discussion of a meeting

Mumbai was a flase flah to give Nuclear deal to India and to shut up communist party elements in India , and also it gave india reason to backstab Iran gas peace pipeline
also to close down any investigations on indian army

So motive on one side was too strong -

I don't think there is anything to talk about

Buddy, shall I consider the same type of reasoning for the blasts happening in pakistan???
It is an insult to the people who have died because of the terrorism...
Buddy, shall I consider the same type of reasoning for the blasts happening in pakistan???
It is an insult to the people who have died because of the terrorism...

I think , you should encourage your own gov to have a meaningful chat with Pakistani authorities closing all doors and locking doors do not prevent flu from spreading in your homes eventually it comes and hits you hard ...

I am just saying it was quite suspecious , when the attacks happend

a) Indian Army was being investigated
b) Communist party was against US nuclear deal
c) Anti Terrorism officers were on case to solve big case
d) US had offered hand to India to pull out of Iran gas pipe line
e) US needed support form india to pressure Pakistan , as Pakistan Airforce
has just said no to drone attacks and shot down a drone or fired at it

So with one attack , all the 4 goals were acomplished - Russia on other hand was side stepped ... thrown out like unwanted toy

If I am wrong to assume these 4 issues became obsolete after that you can correct me perhaps I am ill informed but I thought it was politically incorret to call these terrorist attack when clearly political gains were made, and no one actually knows

It was suspicious to see Manmohand singh shaking hands in Washington, and smiling , no political backlash as before from russian supporter, or no mention of investigation on the blasts in Indian army role etc every thing BEcAME NORMAL ...

Right after the political goals were achived, guess what ... every one went back to business as usual ??? Am I right or wrong ?

If Indeed Pakistan had to gain something from it .. we would have gained it already but our own peae efforts were derailed so on top of that we have to beg for negotiations to start .. I think discussions should only happen when you are on equal footings - as two neighbouring countries
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Every now and then some voices echo the Pakistani clamour for a need to resume the so-called composite dialogue........The strongest reason advanced for this appeal is that India’s stance of no-talks with Pakistan is only strengthening........ the forces that launch terrorist attacks on India....... In other words, India is being hurt more than it had bargained for when it decided in the wake of the macabre Mumbai attacks in ......November 2008 to suspend the on-going talks with Pakistan.

What can be expected by resuming talks with a Pakistan that has since become more irrational, grumpy and paranoiac and has opened several anti-Indian fronts? ......Pakistan is doing its best to hawk an entirely preposterous theory that India is behind the wave of terrorist attacks that are coming with ferocious regularity all over the land of the pure. At the same time the world is also being fed another blatant lie by Pakistan that it had absolutely nothing to do with the Mumbai attacks of November 2008.

The ‘proof’ of India’s hand in the terrorist attacks has long been compiled, say the Pakistanis....:oops: The slight problem is that they are unable to decide whether it has been handed over to India or not.... :argh:Sometimes, the Pakistani officials talk of the ‘proof’ having been handed over Manmohan Singh at Sharm-el-Shaikh, at other times their ministers are talking about the ‘proof’ having been collected but has been held over for delivery at an ‘appropriate’ time:pop:.

That ‘appropriate time’ will probably come when the composite dialogue is resumed—not in the near future. Or, perhaps the ‘proof’ has not been cooked sufficiently to make it look even remotely plausible:woot:. One ‘proof’ that Pakistan had provided to the Americans in recent past was about Indian diplomats seen talking to some Baloch leaders.:rofl:
I think , you should encourage your own gov to have a meaningful chat with Pakistani authorities closing all doors and locking doors do not prevent flu from spreading in your homes eventually it comes and hits you hard ...

I am just saying it was quite suspecious , when the attacks happend

a) Indian Army was being investigated
b) Communist party was against US nuclear deal
c) Anti Terrorism officers were on case to solve big case
d) US had offered hand to India to pull out of Iran gas pipe line
e) US needed support form india to pressure Pakistan , as Pakistan Airforce
has just said no to drone attacks and shot down a drone or fired at it

So with one attack , all the 4 goals were acomplished - Russia on other hand was side stepped ... thrown out like unwanted toy

If I am wrong to assume these 4 issues became obsolete after that you can correct me perhaps I am ill informed but I thought it was politically incorret to call these terrorist attack when clearly political gains were made, and no one actually knows

It was suspicious to see Manmohand singh shaking hands in Washington, and smiling , no political backlash as before from russian supporter, or no mention of investigation on the blasts in Indian army role etc every thing BEcAME NORMAL ...

Right after the political goals were achived, guess what ... every one went back to business as usual ??? Am I right or wrong ?

If Indeed Pakistan had to gain something from it .. we would have gained it already but our own peae efforts were derailed so on top of that we have to beg for negotiations to start .. I think discussions should only happen when you are on equal footings - as two neighbouring countries

All the Goals u mentioned could be achieved without 26/11.

Above all, 200 lives are far far above these goals.
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