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Mughal influence in India and Indian history

Mughals were strong till Akbar he ruined the Mughal Empire
If not for Akbar the Mughal empire would not have lasted even close to the time it did.
BUt he alienated conservative muslims just to appease rajputs due to his twisted deeneelahi religion
True, but it was because of him that Mughal rule lasted as long as it did.

The only other person I can think of is Dara Shikoh. Had Dara come to power instead of Aurangzeb, the Mughal empire would have again been saved. It was Aurangzeb who started the downfall of the Mughals.
BUt he alienated conservative muslims just to appease rajputs due to his twisted deeneelahi religion

It was his right thinking that made the Mughals acceptable.

Conservative Muslims have always done damage - back then it happened when Aurangzeb applied it & now your own nation is fine example of what needless conservatism can do .
Kings also killed their own brothers to sit on throne, People did and will do unthinkable things to hold on to Power and Money.

That is what I am saying. The medieval era was brutal when it came to warfare.

Go and ask a Sikh nihang what he thinks about the rajputs who killed the sons of Guru Gobind Singh. Or ask a Maratha what they feel about the rajputs who fought them under mughal orders.
It was his right thinking that made the Mughals acceptable.

Conservative Muslims have always done damage - back then it happened when Aurangzeb applied it & now your own nation is fine example of what needless conservatism can do .
Aurengzeb was wrong to impose his views forcefully but so was Akbar and his deeneelahi
All Hindu Rajput clans of India served the Mughals and mind you I am not even starting with the muslim Rajputs, most famously the Qaimis.

The Marathas might have fought against Mughals for 27 years in the Deccan, but it was rajput soldiers they were killing in the conflict. Raje Mirza a convert rajput was the mughal commander and there were many rajputs in the mughal army. The Sikhs too had to fight the rajput soldiers of the mughals.

If you hate the mughals then also hate those who helped the mughals.

I was correcting your statement that Rajputs stuck with Mughals till last. They rebelled against Mughals during reign of AUrangzeb himself and never again formed part of Mughal empire, not in least because 13 years after death of Aurangzeb, Mughal empire crumbled.

They showed Priyanka Chopra a punjabi playing the role of Mary Kom who is Manipuri. LOL!!!

Priyanka Chopra's mother is Malyali.
Aurengzeb was wrong to impose his views forcefully but so was Akbar and his deeneelahi

In hindsight it is easy to be judgemental. Both did what they felt was in the best interests .

One worked, the other backfired.
The AKbar in this song looks like the portrait version
All Hindu Rajput clans of India served the Mughals and mind you I am not even starting with the muslim Rajputs, most famously the Qaimis.

The Marathas might have fought against Mughals for 27 years in the Deccan, but it was rajput soldiers they were killing in the conflict. Raje Mirza a convert rajput was the mughal commander and there were many rajputs in the mughal army. The Sikhs too had to fight the rajput soldiers of the mughals.

If you hate the mughals then also hate those who helped the mughals.

More rubbish.

All Rajputs were hostile to the Mughals from 1681 onwards. They stood with the Mughlas only from 1620 to 1680, for around 60 years, that's it.
EVERYBODY :cheesy: Rajputs were distrusted and hated by the Mughals and vice versa.

Man Singh is a much hated figure in Rjaput history and narrative. MahaRana pratap and Rana Sangh are their Heroes. what does that tell you ?

And what do rajputs have to say about Qaim Khan the emir of Firuz Shah Tughlaq? Pardon me if I ask uncomfortable questions. And are we talking about the same Rana Sanga who invited Babur to attack India in the first place? Very patriotic move.

That is what you do when you loose a war :lol: ............ doesen't make them best friends. LOL.

Amar Singh was not defeated and captured. He SURRENDERED. He did not have the courage or the will to fight the mughals. Rao Surjan Hada of Ranthambore also bowed down in front of Akbar. To celebrate his absolute victory over rajputs Akbar build Fatehpur Sikri which stands till today.

All Rajputs were hostile to the Mughals from 1681 onwards. They stood with the Mughlas only from 1620 to 1680, for around 60 years, that's it.

Then who were fighting the Sikhs and Marathas. Wait, there was another expedition to Assam to fight the Ahoms there and again the commander of the mughal army was a rajput named Man Singh.

The rajputs sided with the mughals till the mughals were in power. It is like jaatraam said, the rajputs were looking after their own interests.
And what do rajputs have to say about Qaim Khan the emir of Firuz Shah Tughlaq? Pardon me if I ask uncomfortable questions. And are we talking about the same Rana Sanga who invited Babur to attack India in the first place? Very patriotic move..

Rana sangha invited babur to fight off Ibrahim lodi, Rama Sangha later fought Babur to kick him off India. Very patriotic indeed.

Your questions are funny.

Amar Singh was not defeated and captured. He SURRENDERED. He did not have the courage or the will to fight the mughals. Rao Surjan Hada of Ranthambore also bowed down in front of Akbar. To celebrate his absolute victory over rajputs Akbar build Fatehpur Sikri which stands till today.

LOL. So surrender does not mean defeat ? :lol:

They fought till the end, just not till death. They lived to fight another day.
I was correcting your statement that Rajputs stuck with Mughals till last. They rebelled against Mughals during reign of AUrangzeb himself and never again formed part of Mughal empire, not in least because 13 years after death of Aurangzeb, Mughal empire crumbled.

The Mughals did not crumble after Aurangzeb's death. A mughal emperor Farukhsiyar who hand over a firman to the british which would change Indian history forever.
India was arguably the richest country in the world during Mughal era. Indian manufactured goods would be sold of as far away as Africa and Europe. Key industries in the Mughal period included shipbuilding, textiles and steel.
Mughal empire did have its pros and cons. On one side Mughal empire was able to unite parts of India while on the other side the religious intolerance within the subcontinent grew by leaps and bounds during this period, also the agrarian crises were not addressed.
The golden age of India is and has always been the Gupta period. Nevertheless, Mughal's contribution to our "recent" past can not be ignored.
Rana sangha invited babur to fight off Ibrahim lodi, Rama Sangha later fought Babur to kick him off India. Very patriotic indeed.

Your questions are funny.

Rana sanga invited babur to fight lodhi but babur turned out to be smarter than rana sanga. Who had the last laugh?

LOL. So surrender does not mean defeat ? :lol:

They fought till the end, just not till death. They lived to fight another day.

No surrender does not mean defeat. Surrender means you do not even have the courage to face the enemy and instead submitting before your enemy in hopes of mercy.

Yea, Amar Singh lived to fight another day by surrendering to the mughals.

Why is it that only rajputs surrendered while the Sikhs and Marathas never did any such thing?
Then who were fighting the Sikhs and Marathas. Wait, there was another expedition to Assam to fight the Ahoms there and again the commander of the mughal army was a rajput named Man Singh.

The rajputs sided with the mughals till the mughals were in power. It is like jaatraam said, the rajputs were looking after their own interests.

Maratha Sindhia formed alliance with the Rajputs to conqure rest of India.

While under detention in Gwalior Fort, Guru Hargobind came in contact with some Rajput chiefs similarly held in custody there, and was instrumental in their eventual release from captivity. Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber (1605-67), his queen, and his son, Raja Ram Singh, were devotees of the Gurus.

Guru Har Krishan (1656-64) and Guru Tegh Bahadur (1621-75) stayed in Mirza Raja Jai Singh's palace in Raisina, a Delhi suburb. According to some accounts Guru Tegh Bahadur, during his journey towards the eastern provinces, was arrested near Delhi, but was soon released through the intervention of the Amber prince. The Guru later accompanied Raja Ram Singh, at the latter's request, during the Assam expedition.

Rana sanga invited babur to fight lodhi but babur turned out to be smarter than rana sanga. Who had the last laugh?

Who cares :lol: ........ its HISTORY. Today, Hindus are laughing :azn: digest that :P

No surrender does not mean defeat. Surrender means you do not even have the courage to face the enemy and instead submitting before your enemy in hopes of mercy.

Yea, Amar Singh lived to fight another day by surrendering to the mughals.

Why is it that only rajputs surrendered while the Sikhs and Marathas never did any such thing?

LOL..... surrender does not mean defeat :lol: ... retard spotted.

Shivaji surrendered too...... only to live another day and establish the maratha Empire that kicked Mughal @ss :lol:
Mughal empire did have its pros and cons. On one side Mughal empire was able to unite parts of India while on the other side the religious intolerance within the subcontinent grew by leaps and bounds during this period, also the agrarian crises were not addressed.
The golden age of India is and has always been the Gupta period. Nevertheless, Mughal's contribution to our "recent" past can not be ignored.

Namaste Levina Ji, aap kaisi ho? :D

Religious intolerance erupted under Aurangzeb. The turks, afghans etc. had the same policy of jizyah for Hindus like the Mughals. In fact Akbar was the one who abolished jizyah.

How is Gupta invasion of other princely states better than Mughal invasions? The Guptas did not send Buddhist monks, they also sent soldiers like the Mughals did.
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