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Mubashir Luckman. Khara Such unvieling arab meddling in Pakistan

Well General Kiyani raised Indian role in Pakistan terrorism in Kerry hosted talk,during Afghan peace talk.

Indian role in Pakistan instability will remain...The answer why india name didnt came up is that sheikh's ,iranians and usa are the root cause of instability in Pakistan...India as usual go along with anti Pakistani groups providing them a way to execute their missions..Although iranians have been tamed by Pakistan a bit but the other two especially the sheikhs needed to be taught some lessons..
I suspect Indian hand in balochistan(bla separatist), but India supporting ttp or others is far fetched.

Thats like Pakistan supporting Abhinav Bharat - although it totally makes sense for pakistan to do it, without any proof such baseless claims should be posted under funny and weird from all over the world.

Yet I've seen pakistanis repeating those claims over and over for the last 5 years...
Thats like Pakistan supporting Abhinav Bharat - although it totally makes sense for pakistan to do it, without any proof such baseless claims should be posted under funny and weird from all over the world.

Yet I've seen pakistanis repeating those claims over and over for the last 5 years...

Go and watch the Musharraf thread in political videos section...his conversation with Arnab Goswami...it comes early on in the video.
India is an immoral and culturally diseased society, ofcourse it will cause death and despair to people in the region. But they are what what they are and they make no excuses for it.

My real problem is with these arab sheiks who are pouring millions into radicalizing our youth and funding militancy.
they are hand in hand with Al CIAda no doubt about that.
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