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Mubashir Luckman. Khara Such unvieling arab meddling in Pakistan

well known facts, but sadly majority of our people are misguided and think Arab means Islam. This urge to goto heaven without doing any good deeds is just killing us
Pakistanis make a lot more sense when they talk after in depth research and homework :D

He showed proof of USA , Arab countries and Iran's meddling in Pakistan but no mention of India there. I understand he found nothing against India :D

Good show , all in all
Pakistanis make a lot more sense when they talk after in depth research and homework :D

He showed proof of USA , Arab countries and Iran's meddling in Pakistan but no mention of India there. I understand he found nothing against India :D

Good show , all in all

India is an enemy state, no need to expose it. However, its the right time to expose the subversive role the Arab Royals and Iran are playing in Pakistan.
India is an enemy state, no need to expose it. However, its the right time to expose the subversive role the Arab Royals and Iran are playing in Pakistan.

No need ? or no evidence to expose it ? :azn:

Secondly, I noticed how you put the blame of the Arab meddling on only the royals while you put the blame of Iranian meddling on the entire nation. I can see which way your bias lies.Thanks
No need ? or no evidence to expose it ? :azn:

Secondly, I noticed how you put the blame of the Arab meddling on only the royals while you put the blame of Iranian meddling on the entire nation. I can see which way your bias lies.Thanks

Iran is a democracy,some Arab countries are not,they are totalitarian governments with most of the vested interests that conflict with ours. As for India, there is no need to expose it as the threat is real and consistent.
Iran is a democracy,some Arab countries are not,they are totalitarian governments with most of the vested interests that conflict with ours. As for India, there is no need to expose it as the threat is real and consistent.

I was talking about proof of Indian meddling in Pakistan, not the threat.
I was talking about proof of Indian meddling in Pakistan, not the threat.

Good thing India is not meddling. A big hug to all the Indian ladies and a big thank you to all of the Indian guys.

Even though it is true that Pakistani fundoos get money from Arab and Irani fundoos.

But I hate to continue repeating this ill-conceived mantra.

Are we the Paks so innocent that big bad Arabs and Iranian Mullahs and Ayatullahs can do whatever they want?

Don't we know to keep our doors locked and our pants buttoned up?

If we don't care about our door, or we willing bend over and lower our pants in front of Arab and Irani Mullahs Ayatullahs, then whose fault is this?

India hasn't been accused in this video nor it is the topic here, don't derail.

Isn't the video about foreign powers meddling in Pakistan ?

Did the host not provide whatever proof he could about Arab , Iranian and American meddling in Pakistan ? but he did not provide anything against India .

I just said that it is a strong possibility that he did not find anything against India. There is no reason to leave India out otherwise. Where am I derailing ?

Anyway, I am out of here. Made my point.
India is an enemy state, no need to expose it. However, its the right time to expose the subversive role the Arab Royals and Iran are playing in Pakistan.

Vote for change, once PTI is in power no illegal money is going to come into Pakistan, we already read PTI manifesto large withdrawals from accounts will be subject to scrutiny and checks. Banks, Western Union and all other companies are gonna cry out loud. Last days of saudi royals, arab royals and american interferences after 11 May if Allah wills PTI wins, A New era.

But I hate to continue repeating this ill-conceived mantra.
Are we the Paks so innocent that big bad Arabs and Iranian Mullahs and Ayatullahs can do whatever they want?
Don't we know to keep our doors locked and our pants buttoned up?
If we don't care about our door, or we willing bend over and lower our pants in front of Arab and Irani Mullahs Ayatullahs, then whose fault is this?

Sorry mate when your Goverment is corrupt this thing will continue don't blame common Pakistanis, common Pakistanis are running from pillar to post for daily survival, we need a strong voiced strong independent policy maker government. A Government that would tell saudis stop it or we'll do some damage what more can saudis/arabs do stop oil? we can diss iran all we can they'll sell us oil at huge discount. We need to keep excellent relations will all our muslim neighbors and a few others but at the same time be watchful[not discussing india].
Vote for change, once PTI is in power no illegal money is going to come into Pakistan, we already read PTI manifesto large withdrawals from accounts will be subject to scrutiny and checks. Banks, Western Union and all other companies are gonna cry out loud. Last days of saudi royals, arab royals and american interferences after 11 May if Allah wills PTI wins, A New era.

Sorry mate when your Goverment is corrupt this thing will continue don't blame common Pakistanis, common Pakistanis are running from pillar to post for daily survival, we need a strong voiced strong independent policy maker government. A Government that would tell saudis stop it or we'll do some damage what more can saudis/arabs do stop oil? we can diss iran all we can they'll sell us oil at huge discount. We need to keep excellent relations will all our muslim neighbors and a few others but at the same time be watchful[not discussing india].

My dear dear.

too mnay iffs and b-u-tts in this approach.

My view (and I could be utterly wrong), is that PTI wins urban Punjab vote. This will give them substantial number of MNA positions. But mostly from Punjab.

This means, PTI will have to form some kind of coalition. May be with PPP, may be with MQM, may be with ANP.

thus the final picture in the Federal level may not be too different from the one we just had. TI rulling with the help of PPP, ANP, MQM and others.

In that coalition, IK will find it really hard to make concrete laws using pretty much the same coalition MNAs who have just spent 5 long years doing nothing. OK perhaps they were busy doing something. And we all know their time was pretty much spent scratching their own balls and scratching balls of any Mullah or Mr. who was anti-West

If you mix this picture with IK being a Taliban Khan, there will be no change when it comes to gulf players. No change at all.

Call me an optimist! ;)
It's not so important that the PTI wins, what's important is that the people of Pakistan are told the truth of who is funding sectarian terrorism in Pakistan and who is funding TTP -- because it is Pakistan, denial by large numbers of people will be the first response, the second response will an even greater emphasis on sectarianism and pointing finger at Amrika and Iran and the martians - but the truth about the involvement of Saudi and other arab entities such as the emirates, has to be repeated, till it sinks in, till the people understand --- When they understand this, the terrorism will end, the sectarianism will end

See, even if NS were premier and LeJ ruled the roost, they could not be successful if the people understood these as agents of foreign powers who mean Pakistan deadly harm.
Well General Kiyani raised Indian role in Pakistan terrorism in Kerry hosted talk,during Afghan peace talk.
Well General Kiyani raised Indian role in Pakistan terrorism in Kerry hosted talk,during Afghan peace talk.
I suspect Indian hand in balochistan(bla separatist), but India supporting ttp or others is far fetched.
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