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MRCA Competition-threat to PAF?

GOOD, attitude!
yes you are 1000%, right!
that it will , not take its load on , Indian economy ,but only on , poors living in "millions of slumps"!;):azn::lol:

Dude are you donating any money for those poor people in India living in slums, if not then keep quit. I do not think you have an iota of idea what you are talking about. If India has poor people we should stop buying any arms and send the military for cleaning slum and the rich country like Pakistan should spend all its money on armed forces since there is nothing to worry. Pakistan has everything in top condition and there is nothing to worry, so lets spend everything on armed forces. This is not your first comment on poor India.
Dude are you donating any money for those poor people in India living in slums, if not then keep quit. I do not think you have an iota of idea what you are talking about. If India has poor people we should stop buying any arms and send the military for cleaning slum and the rich country like Pakistan should spend all its money on armed forces since there is nothing to worry. Pakistan has everything in top condition and there is nothing to worry, so lets spend everything on armed forces. This is not your first comment on poor India.

Dear MUNA!
war never give any oppourtunity, of devopment instead its a total distruction itself!
now comming back to, " SLUMP SUPER INDIA" i feel oky. its the INDIANS like you , who are living in USA, always in thier , dreams ,see POOR india becomming , a militry might & having simmilar QUALITIES like USA,& can think , it will certnly happen on a very fine morning!:lol:
its very good to have, this kind of dreams, but its not good that you, suffer, these kinda dreams every night & day , 100 times?
sory reality, bites!
MRCA is good, but plz also clean , the biggest slumps of WORLD, its nothing wrong, it will be a good thing to do!
well, i guss PAKISTAN doesnt take it serious, i mean MRCA thing, the fast & final solution, PAKISTAN can have?> a ICBM test!:cheers:;)
wht you say?:smitten:
^^^ batmannow you want your thread to be clean but you go off topic in every other thread not FAIR

sory, to say!
plz have look , on some of the posts, by ur INDIAN heros!
kashmir ?
wht it has to do with MRCA?
they derailled the thread, already!
what can , i do them for now, i guss if the thread maker, stricted the guys from the very begining, it would not have been happened!
sory, mate hard to find , a INDIAN like you!
but as to make you , happy! i am very sory to all indians, who were hurted by my posts, on the thread !:cheers:
Pakistan govt has accepted that the planning and funding of 26/11 was done in Pakistan soil.
Pakistani government only admitted that Pakistani soil was used as well,Pakistani government also tell that funding was done from some Western country, Pakistani government also said that logistical support was given by elements inside India. Why you always ignore these elements? Dont try to be more smart than you actually are.

Now is it the incompetence of pakistani security agencies that they are asking evidence from India ? The evidence is in pakistai soil.
It is Indian who are accusing certain Pakistanis in this. We are asking for provers about those individuals.

How can india interrogate pakistanis who are still staying in pakistan.
But for interrogation you need some atleast some substance. Arrest is first thing interrogation comes afterwards. FYI, interior minister has said if India is not satisfied with our investigation they can bring their own people and lawyers. BTW, It was India who rejected joint investigation not Pakistan.

Evidence - my foot.
Interrogation - my foot.

If you lack the will then why dont you openly admit it. The so called fontline ally in the WoT.
Ever heard Swat. Did u see any lack of commitment?

Its laughable..
Who stopping you.. do what u wanna do...no one cares :agree:

Pakistan is an ally only for 1 reason....to get those $$$.
How the hell we can keep on fighting with out financial help. Even US can't fight with out money. If Indian have develop any such thing that is admirable.
They could not [did not want to] kill baitulla meshud....finally a drone attack took him.
Yeah Yeah... And US drones were got blinded by some super tech of Baitullah when in May ISI passed six-by-six figures location coordinates of his presence? Huh,

Absolute incompetence!!!
Oh, I see! “problems” with JF17, would you kindly list any such problems. Dear for your kind information the first Pakistani JF17 sq is going to get operational before end of this year. We will have a fully operational JF17 sq this year stationed at Peshawar. Update urself, before writing any thing. JF17 is way ahead of ur LCA, you can’t list any “So called” problems related to JF17.

This is unlike the Indian LCA (late coming aircraft) which is under construction since 1983 and still in progress. LCA have not yet passed IOC from IAf. LCA will under go process of “IOC” by most optimistic estimates within 2-3 years from now on. Then comes the phase of “FOC”. After getting FOC then comes the production stage and then finally you can think of a fully operational LCA sq. with Indian flag.

As for MRCA, the first batch of MRCA planes according to IAF estimates, which will be made outside India will enter service around 2014-15. The next batches of MRCA planes will be manufactured in india with ToT. According to IAf and Hal estimates complete induction of all MRCA planes with ToT will complete in a time span 25 years with 40 years of service life.

What I mean to say is there is plenty of time for PAF to counter MRCA planes.

So You mean that JF-17 has overcome both IOC and FOC?
Pakistan govt has accepted that the planning and funding of 26/11 was done in Pakistan soil.
Funding by a western country pls quote complete whenever you quote
Now is it the incompetence of pakistani security agencies that they are asking evidence from India ? The evidence is in pakistai soil.
don't you think it was the otherwise.Were Pakistani agencies responsible for security of India or was it the responsibility of Indian Agencies. And note it that Indians themselves destroyed the biggest evidences i.e the attackers Inidan black cats killed them all except Qasab when they could be kept alive .
How can india interrogate pakistanis who are still staying in pakistan.
ya sure India haven't been able to properly interrogate Qasab gives me a laugh about these claims and don't forget India media started to blame Pakistan ASA the event occurred totally as opposed to Pakistani approach to Lahore more sensible and neutral which unfortunately Indians lack
Evidence - my foot.
such language always expected
Pakistan is an ally only for 1 reason....to get those $$$.
tell me whats bad in this why did US attacked Iraq? To free Iraqi people? C'mon grow up!
They could not [did not want to] kill baitulla meshud....finally a drone attack took him.
It is on the contrary, I guess you don't possess the complete details the US never targeted BM. They errorusly targeted BM as Pakistan indicated the presence of "high value" target rather than BM which turned out to be BM
Absolute incompetence!!!
sory, mate hard to find , a INDIAN like you!
but as to make you , happy! i am very sory to all indians, who were hurted by my posts, on the thread

im just saying DONT FEED TROLLS ---but if you want to behave like one i cant help it ...can u add wood to stop a fire from spreading ---just cut out the oxygen supply ;-)
im just saying DONT FEED TROLLS ---but if you want to behave like one i cant help it ...can u add wood to stop a fire from spreading ---just cut out the oxygen supply ;-)

i never, feed any trolls,. but to let them know that!:eek:
they are not, walking the right direction, we need to use "BAMBOO"!;):pakistan:
I GUSS, we already passed, tht step!:agree:
& for NOW, lets just enjoy, SMOOTH SAILING":smitten::angel:
GOOD, attitude!
yes you are 1000%, right!
that it will , not take its load on , Indian economy ,but only on , poors living in "millions of slumps"!;):azn::lol:

As long we have 2 times meal in a day and a roof to stay whether it is slumps or a posh bunglow we dont mind we will still support our govt for spending on defence activities. and specially when we have ill minded neighbours surrounding us. We know how much we earn and how to spend and where to spend, we will take care of our poor people you dont need to think about it

for now please stop going off topic and see how your country will respond to our MRCA and already present MKI... too much on table for you guys:sniper:
As long we have 2 times meal in a day and a roof to stay whether it is slumps or a posh bunglow we dont mind we will still support our govt for spending on defence activities. and specially when we have ill minded neighbours surrounding us. We know how much we earn and how to spend and where to spend, we will take care of our poor people you dont need to think about it

for now please stop going off topic and see how your country will respond to our MRCA and already present MKI... too much on table for you guys:sniper:

gaurysh; dear!
specially when we have ill minded neighbours surrounding us.
watch OUT MY , BOY?
i wasnt going , out of topic, its the issue here , which you guys took the ALL the other ways!AROUND!
i mean ,from GOI,s wrongly suspected KASHMIRI terrorits training camps, & MKIs supposed strikes, thn to MRCA?
i mean you guys, twisted this thread , in so many directions that, the real issue was , over looked, & peoples like me dont had any other, choice but to, get REVERSE SWING as what, we see in the game of cricket;):whistle:.
Now, back to subject!
I think , yes MRCA , its a sure visiable threat!
but i , think it can be COUNTERED. & still we can clear the DAM TABLE;):pakistan:
gaurysh; dear!
specially when we have ill minded neighbours surrounding us.
watch OUT MY , BOY?
i wasnt going , out of topic, its the issue here , which you guys took the ALL the other ways!AROUND!
i mean ,from GOI,s wrongly suspected KASHMIRI terrorits training camps, & MKIs supposed strikes, thn to MRCA?
i mean you guys, twisted this thread , in so many directions that, the real issue was , over looked, & peoples like me dont had any other, choice but to, get REVERSE SWING as what, we see in the game of cricket;):whistle:.
Now, back to subject!
I think , yes MRCA , its a sure visiable threat!
but i , think it can be COUNTERED. & still we can clear the DAM TABLE;):pakistan:

Batman you havent yet countered the MKI and MIG 29 , how you will counter MRCA
Batman you havent yet countered the MKI and MIG 29 , how you will counter MRCA

If the PAF haven't countered those Russian aeroplanes, why didn't the InAF do their surgical strikes a few months back? Why should the PAF even bother countering those who are too scared to attack? :lol: Its easy to sit there typing on the internet while hyped up with nationalism, but at the end of the day, actions (or lack of them) speak louder than words.

BTW according to a retired Air Cdre (look it up) of the PAF, they have indeed countered their opponents and a retired Group Captain backs him up. I'll trust the word of those who know the most intimate secrets of the PAF over those of some kid on the internet.
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for now please stop going off topic and see how your country will respond to our MRCA and already present MKI... too much on table for you guys:sniper:

PAF is fairly confident about its force modernization plans and this is in light of the IAF plans to go for MMRCA as well as the ongoing MKI induction. Our response to MMRCA will not be in the form of a new aircraft. Both JF-17 and FC-20 have enough life and upgrades planned so they will see PAF through for the next 20+ years. It would have been a very challenging thing had the MMRCA been a 5th generation solution. For anything less than 5th generation, the threat can be handled with integration of modern avionics and weapons, which is exactly the plan.

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