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Mr Haider in Cuckooland


Sep 7, 2010
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Mr Haider in Cuckooland - thenews.com.pk

With reference to Ejaz Haider’s article, ‘Mr Khan in Wonderland’ (October 5), it is amazing what some people will do to criticise Khan. Haider is clearly unable to offer a counterargument to Khan’s conviction that military force is always a last option, especially against one’s own people. So instead he tries to argue as to why East Pakistan was able to break away – because of external military intervention – without understanding why this doorway was opened to them through our own military action. In trying to refute the cases of the IRA, Balochistan, LTTE, Haider claims they were secessionist movements and the Taliban are not! Bizarre logic that you can dialogue with those seeking to breakup your country but not with those who have no secessionist designs. He chooses to ignore the point made by Khan – that military action against your own people is not a viable option and should be a last resort.

Haider also chooses to deliberately confuse two issues: the military presence in Fata for traditional defence purposes and the use of the military specifically in actions against the tribal people. But the worst is that he accuses Khan of supporting the notion of leaving the tribal areas as an anachronism. Nothing could be further from the truth as the PTI position is clear: end the colonial system of FCR and bring Fata into the mainstream of Pakistan. Had Haider chosen to actually read the PTI manifesto – if not the earlier writings of Khan – he would have been less ignorant of Khan’s position on Fata. Haider then shows how close he is to the military by saying he witnessed military operations himself in Fata. Well he was one of the few privileged souls since most of the media and the ‘analysts’ have not had that access – but given the increasing terrorism across the country, the continuing IDPs from Fata, how he can say military operations have improved the situation is mind boggling.

It is good to support the military which has seen thousands of its soldiers and many of its officers martyred by terrorists, but let us not close our eyes to the ground realities. With drones also – there is a blowback that cannot be denied. Haider may not want to upset Uncle Sam, but he would do well to meet some drone victims’ who survived as well as their families to understand the drone impact on the inhabitants of Fata – let alone the illegality of the drone attacks under international law. It is fashionable in self-declared ‘liberal’ camps to target PTI and Khan but at least they should get their facts right. It is time for these critics to come out of a US-created Cuckooland!

Shireen Mazari

Central Information Secretary PTI - See more at: Mr Haider in Cuckooland - thenews.com.pk

Mr Haider in Cuckooland - thenews.com.pk

Haha Ejaz Haider Aukatified !
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