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MQM’s coming of age?

until the RISE OF MUSTAFA KAMAL there was nothing that MQM could have said we have done for karachi in more than 13 years of its exsistence! all i say is remove Altaf hussain & make MUSTAFA KAMAL the leader of MQM & i am sure overnight MQM will reach heights unimaginable!

its like removing zardari and seeing PPP progress the minus 1 formula applies to all parties including PML(N)!

MQM is winning seats in baltistan but then again every part one a seat in baltistan! and MQM has no clear stand on any issue it supported mushrraf it supported PML(Q) and now it is supporting PPP and its allies!

what is MQM real stand? MQM is never going to progress under altaf hussain! it needs mustafa kamal to take the role! he is the only one who has a clean sheet no one can accuse him of corruption terrorism murder anything!
until the RISE OF MUSTAFA KAMAL there was nothing that MQM could have said we have done for karachi in more than 13 years of its exsistence! all i say is remove Altaf hussain & make MUSTAFA KAMAL the leader of MQM & i am sure overnight MQM will reach heights unimaginable!

MQM will never change Altaf H, there is no replacement for Altaf H at the moment, and MQM knows that very well thats why he will never come back to Pakistan and FYI MQM came into being in 88 and after an year or 2 since than it is fighting a proxy war with the cunning establisment. MQM with only Altaf will reach high as now Pakistanis are bearing the brunt of stupid idiots from general to politicians in power all these years. It will take time but the people will understand the diference.

MQM is winning seats in baltistan but then again every part one a seat in baltistan! and MQM has no clear stand on any issue it supported mushrraf it supported PML(Q) and now it is supporting PPP and its allies!

Thats our typical dirty politics ..but the trends is not set by MQM !

what is MQM real stand? MQM is never going to progress under altaf hussain! it needs mustafa kamal to take the role! he is the only one who has a clean sheet no one can accuse him of corruption terrorism murder anything

mere speculation your remarks are i dont know how you got to those figures but MQM have won seats in Baltistan additionally their vote bank + number of seats in PA as well as NA has increased , if you bother compare election results ... if this is not the defination of growth than please define how does it work in your side of the globe.
Who needs to create they are already divided, we have race card politics and every one uses to most extent ie::

PPP Sindhis
PML-N Punjabis
MQM Mohajirs
BNP Baloch
etc etc ...!

Two wrongs do not make a right!
MQM will never change Altaf H, there is no replacement for Altaf H at the moment, and MQM knows that very well thats why he will never come back to Pakistan and FYI MQM came into being in 88 and after an year or 2 since than it is fighting a proxy war with the cunning establisment. MQM with only Altaf will reach high as now Pakistanis are bearing the brunt of stupid idiots from general to politicians in power all these years. It will take time but the people will understand the diference.

Thats our typical dirty politics ..but the trends is not set by MQM !

mere speculation your remarks are i dont know how you got to those figures but MQM have won seats in Baltistan additionally their vote bank + number of seats in PA as well as NA has increased , if you bother compare election results ... if this is not the defination of growth than please define how does it work in your side of the globe.

ok there is no replacement for ALTAF BHAI?? i just told you the replacement!! MUSTAFA KAMAL....and you talk about HEIGHTS MQM has reached! well since 1988 ALTAF has been the leader & MQM got nowhere! and in less than 5 years of mustafa kamal MQM has got all the respect from everyone in karachi!!!

so my friend we both think MQM is a good party but our diffrence is only on the leadership! as for me under ALTAF i will always be a bit reluctant! but under mustafa kamal! i am a pro MQM person!

you talk about proxy war FYI mqm was made by the establishment i.e. ZIA UL HAQ to counter ppp power in karachi! so mqm is not at war with establishment it was made by the establishment!

increase in votes well in 22 years or so a couple of seats in balochistan & baltistan is not progress my friend! like this even imran khan is making progress!
A party with racist idealogy and close alignment to Indian ideals in south asia is more of a national security threat than progress. As an indian migrated Pakistani who has well integrated into Pakistani society I staunchly resist MQM moves for playing mohajir card and systematically creating "indian enclaves" inside Pakistan. Meaning a generation of youth which is more patrioticaly Indian than the Indians under full idealogical and cultrual doctrination. Keeping pride in their immigrant identity and singing songs of praise about their forefathers ex-homeland.

MQM as a nationalistic party is most welcome with "able" leadership. Not somone who likes to collect party fund for lavish lifestyle in exile. Such leaders should learn masculanity from Benazir Bhutto, tho i am not a PPP fan boy i admire her courage to return despite threats
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ok there is no replacement for ALTAF BHAI?? i just told you the replacement!! MUSTAFA KAMAL

Altaf Hussain made Mustafa Kamal and he can destroy him. Although Mustafa Kamal did lot for Karachi and has support among citizens but he still cannot survive without support from Altaf Hussain. MQM still has lot of senior leaders that would jostle for power in a after Altaf Hussain scenario. Most of these senior leaders rose with the guns and they may again go back to violence if they are pushed to a corner.
^ You put Mustafa Kamal fath in jeopardy ?

I did not put Mustafa Kamal's fate in jeopardy but just pointed out that he still sits on shoulders of Altaf Hussain. Mustafa Kamal is not that powerful nor Altaf Hussain that weak. So everything in MQM still depends on whims of Altaf Hussain.
I did not put Mustafa Kamal's fate in jeopardy but just pointed out that he still sits on shoulders of Altaf Hussain. Mustafa Kamal is not that powerful nor Altaf Hussain that weak. So everything in MQM still depends on whims of Altaf Hussain.

Yaar Just :rofl:
Once Upon A time in Karachi! the king of karachi Altaf Bhai can't be replaced by a more able Mustafa Kamal another party dictatorship just like PPP,ANP,PML!!!
The same could be said of the beginnings of PML-N which started with the "Pubjabi" card or the PPP with the "Sindh" card. Am afraid we are running out of choices on who to vote for. And please IK/QH supporters leave PTI/JI out of this choice. We have already witnessed the maturity of IK and Qazi on relevant issues. I think the only few options are:

1. Support based on party ideology (liberal vs conservative, secular vs religious, socialist vs capitalist)
2. Vote on the better candidate in the constituency irrespective of candidate party's ideology.
3. Form your own party and add in to the diversity.

Myself being on center left on the political spectrum (social liberal fiscal conservative), I would tend to vote for PPP or MQM as loosely they fit into this definition. For the conservative sections of society PML-N or PML-Q are viable choices.

@ice_man: you say that if MK is made chief of MQM you would support it. A better choice I think would be for you to evaluate your choice on party ideology first and the candidate second.
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