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Moving Closer To War

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Moving Closer To War

By Paul Craig Roberts

April 27, 2014 "ICH" - The Obama regime, wallowing in hubris and arrogance, has recklessly escalated the Ukrainian crisis into a crisis with Russia. Whether intentionally or stupidly, Washington’s propagandistic lies are driving the crisis to war. Unwilling to listen to any more of Washington’s senseless threats, Moscow no longer accepts telephone calls from Obama and US top officials.

The crisis in Ukraine originated with Washington’s overthrow of the elected democratic government and its replacement with Washington’s hand-chosen stooges. The stooges proceeded to act in word and deed against the populations in the former Russian territories that Soviet Communist Party leaders had attached to Ukraine. The consequence of this foolish policy is agitation on the part of the Russian speaking populations to return to Russia. Crimea has already rejoined Russia, and eastern Ukraine and other parts of southern Ukraine are likely to follow.

Instead of realizing its mistake, the Obama regime has encouraged the stooges Washington installed in Kiev to use violence against those in the Russian-speaking areas who are agitating for referendums so that they can vote their return to Russia. The Obama regime has encouraged violence despite President Putin’s clear statement that the Russian military will not occupy Ukraine unless violence is used against the protesters.

We can safely conclude that Washington either does not listen when spoken to or Washington desires violence.

As Washington and NATO are not positioned at this time to move significant military forces into Ukraine with which to confront the Russian military, why is the Obama regime trying to provoke action by the Russian military? A possible answer is that Washington’s plan to evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base having gone awry, Washington’s fallback plan is to sacrifice Ukraine to a Russian invasion so that Washington can demonize Russia and force a large increase in NATO military spending and deployments.

In other words, the fallback prize is a new cold war and trillions of dollars more in profits for Washington’s military/security complex.

The handful of troops and aircraft that Washington has sent to “reassure” the incompetent regimes in those perennial trouble spots for the West–Poland and the Baltics–and the several missile ships sent to the Black Sea amount to nothing but symbolic provocations.

Economic sanctions applied to individual Russian officials signal nothing but Washington’s impotence. Real sanctions would harm Washington’s NATO puppet states far more than the sanctions would hurt Russia.

It is clear that Washington has no intention of working anything out with the Russian government. Washington’s demands make this conclusion unavoidable. Washington is demanding that the Russian government pull the rug out from under the protesting populations in eastern and southern Ukraine and force the Russian populations in Ukraine to submit to Washington’s stooges in Kiev. Washington also demands that Russia renege on the reunification with Crimea and hand Crimea over to Washington so that the original plan of evicting Russia from its Black Sea
naval base can go forward.

In other words, Washington’s demand is that Russia put Humpty Dumpty back together again and hand him over to Washington.

This demand is so unrealistic that it surpasses the meaning of arrogance. The White House Fool is telling Putin: “I screwed up my takeover of your backyard. I want you to fix the situation for me and to ensure the success of the strategic threat I intended to bring to your backyard.”

The presstitute Western media and Washington’s European puppet states are supporting this unrealistic demand. Consequently, Russian leaders have lost all confidence in the word and intentions of the West, and this is how wars start.

European politicians are putting their countries at great peril and for what gain? Are Europe’s politicians blackmailed, threatened, paid off with bags of money, or are they so accustomed to following Washington’s lead that they are unable to do anything else? How do Germany, UK, and France benefit from being forced into a confrontation with Russia by Washington?

Washington’s arrogance is unprecedented and is capable of driving the world to destruction. Where is Europe’s sense of self-preservation? Why hasn’t Europe issued arrest warrants for every member of the Obama regime? Without the cover provided by Europe and the presstitute media, Washington would not be able to drive the world to war.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest books are, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and How America Was Lost. Paul Craig Roberts - Official Homepage

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic
Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for
Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had
many university appointment
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"In other words, the fallback prize is a new cold war and trillions of dollars more in profits for Washington’s military/security complex."

"In other words, the fallback prize is a new cold war and trillions of dollars more in profits for Washington’s military/security complex."

Stupid Russia than,huh?

Honestly i agree though...my own country will augment Defence budget-starting this year via a budgetary correction-from 1.42% of GDP to 2%,some 800 million euros (1.1 billion $) .And the 2% will be permanent,all these new money going in weapons purchase programs,most of them likely from the USA.

All in all this is a major Russian own goal...money to the US and shiny new weapons for Russian neighbours.Vlad the midgeot sucks at chess.
The US and NATO are Spineless.

They can only fight enemies like Iraq or Afghanistan that can offer no resistance.

Russia has real Armed Forces.

All the US and NATO are going to do is impose meaningless Sanctions that will hurt the Economies of Europe more than it will Hurt Russian Economy. In other words they will Chop their own nose to spite their face.

And Putin knows that.
The US and NATO are Spineless.

They can only fight enemies like Iraq or Afghanistan that can offer no resistance.

Russia has real Armed Forces.

All the US and NATO are going to do is impose meaningless Sanctions that will hurt the Economies of Europe more than it will Hurt Russian Economy. In other words they will Chop their own nose to spite their face.

And Putin knows that.

So...according to you,the leaders of a 17 trillion $ block (the EU) will impose sanctions that will hurt them the most,with no repercursions on Russia,just out of spite and because they're that stupid.

Great thinking there mate!:jester:....:flame:
There's surely a fine line between the two?

Even so,it's actually the other way around....or somewhere in the middle.There's no way that Europe looses more in a sanction war,because if that would be so...there be no sanctions.
The US is coward. It has no spine to fight Russia in a man's war even though it has F-22 Raptor fighter jets. Just wait till Russia gets PAK-FA. Oh, and sanctions don't work because China increases trade with Russia, sending money sucked from the US right to Russia. :bounce:
Even so,it's actually the other way around....or somewhere in the middle.There's no way that Europe looses more in a sanction war,because if that would be so...there be no sanctions.

Well, the sanctions do pose a threat to Europe's energy security.

BRICS, in a joint statement, stood by Russia in not endorsing the sanctions issued by the Western nations. You could already see a greater engagement between Russia and China, and somewhat with India too. (They have offered crude oil supplies, stake in 10 exploration blocks to ONGC).

United States have far less to lose with the sanctions, as compared to the EU. Russians don't give a damn to either anyway.

PS. Oh, and as compared to EU's 17 trillion $ block, the five BRICS countries represent a combined nominal GDP of US$16.039 trillion, which makes it easy for Russia in this case to deal with a strong hand!
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Well, the sanctions do pose a threat to Europe's energy security.

BRICS, in a joint statement, stood by Russia in not endorsing the sanctions issued by the Western nations. You could already see a greater engagement between Russia and China, and somewhat with India too. (They have offered crude oil supplies, stake in 10 exploration blocks to ONGC).

United States have far less to lose with the sanctions, as compared to the EU. Russians don't give a damn to either anyway.

Let's not kid ourselves.

“Imports to the EU from Russia are dominated by crude oil and gas. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), European countries import 84% of Russia’s oil exports, and about 76% of its natural gas”.

Russia can't channel all that to China in the next 5 years,or even 20.Europe could.Plus,mark my words ,as soon as they buy/develop/steal the technology the Chinese are going to frack the hell out of their shale gas and that won't take more than 10 years.And China isn't Europe where enviromentalists will stop a project and Russia knows it.In this light,Russia also knows that Europe IS and IT WILL ALWAYS be its best market....India won't pay these prices,never mind the infrastructure,yada,yada,yada...all that needs to be put in place to put the wheels in motion.

This "Russia doesn't give a damn is for fools"...i'm not a fool,if you want to spread propaganda,it's fine,pls don't waste my time,i actually did my homework and i won't debate this ad nauseam,i did it enough in the last 2 months.To each his own,believe what you want.

Btw,BRICS ? :lol:...cool story bro':angel:
So...according to you,the leaders of a 17 trillion $ block (the EU) will impose sanctions that will hurt them the most,with no repercursions on Russia,just out of spite and because they're that stupid.

Great thinking there mate!:jester:....:flame:

It would have sufficed to say "you are a Pakistani" and the last sentence would have been redundant! For its satire I mean.

Not sure you know but they started all wars with India assuming India will not open any fronts where they don't have forces and at wors the US will come to their help when they are losing which inevitably they did with a remarkable regularity like Coyote to Road Runner!
The US and NATO are Spineless.

They can only fight enemies like Iraq or Afghanistan that can offer no resistance.

Russia has real Armed Forces.

All the US and NATO are going to do is impose meaningless Sanctions that will hurt the Economies of Europe more than it will Hurt Russian Economy. In other words they will Chop their own nose to spite their face.

And Putin knows that.

Real armed forces eh? Invading Afghanistan, Georgia and Ukraine aren't exactly that impressive. Since Russia has yet to invade a NATO member, it doesn't surprise me that Putin hasn't invaded the other countries that are now NATO.
You've already taken your stand so as not to accommodate any other opinion, which makes it worthless to argue.

Btw,BRICS ? :lol:...cool story bro':angel:

We'll see, in a couple of years. Just make sure you read the World Bank reports.
The US and NATO are Spineless.

They can only fight enemies like Iraq or Afghanistan that can offer no resistance.

Russia has real Armed Forces.

All the US and NATO are going to do is impose meaningless Sanctions that will hurt the Economies of Europe more than it will Hurt Russian Economy. In other words they will Chop their own nose to spite their face.

And Putin knows that.
Why do you live in a spineless country?
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