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Mounting fury over religious discrimination by the Hindu majority in India

People killed in communal violence in India since independence is <10,000 in more than 60 yrs.
communal riots in india - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in a country with a population of 1000 000 000, that means in for every 100 000 people 1 person was murdered. Do the math. Pakistani Army killed more than 3000 000 million Bangladeshis in few days of war.

Just 1/100000, and we don't deserve to be called a democracy, HOW COULD WE!!! /sarcasm

btw only God knows how many Tibetans are still alive in China :(
What a joke.

The riots in gujarat show failure of law and order, that has nothing to do with the system of governance.

Abt the absolutely twisted comment abt the somnath temple reconstruction, the govt around the same time also repaired the Jama Masjid in Delhi (1953) as the waqf did not have money. it will do so again very soon and plans are being drawn. its just one example. not to mention the haj subsidy muslims are given by the govt. these are considered acts of public welfare in india.

i do not agree on govt spending my money on these, but trying to say india is a hindu country is worse than saying pakistan is a punjabi country.

And abt rana bhagwandas, thats not the highest post in pakistan, the highest posts are only reserved for muslims as per your constitution. and that has nothing to do with the system of governance, thats just blatant bigoted discrimination. shame.
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my great friends like i said we r not secular but then again we were NEVER meant to be and for your information our Cheif justice BHGWANDAS was a HINDU....that is the highest order u can have in a country... oops... sorry and as for india being secular country i have had this talk before but ohh well u push me into posting this link again

1: Constitutional Discrimination

Article 25 (2) of the constitution calls for providing "social welfare and reform and throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of public character to all classes and sections of Hindus." India’s constitution does not define who or what is a Hindu, but it defines followers of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism as Hindus for purposes of Hindu temple entry. Article 25 (2) (b) (Explanation II) states: "the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion…"

Isn’t this the concern of Brahmin establishment to allow or disallow whoever they deem fit to enter a temple? Why should a secular state be concerned with the social welfare of only one religion? The motive of the constitution writers was obvious: to prevent the conversion of Dalits to Christianity or Islam, to "reform" Hinduism to make it palatable to the former untouchables.

The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 applies to

(a) any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms and developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or follower of the Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya Samaj;

(b) to any person who is a Buddhist, Jain or Sikh by religion, and

(c) to any person domiciled in the territories who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi or Jew by religion.

In other words, legally there is no such thing as a Buddhist, Jain, or Sikh marriage, which is another attempt to deny other religions a distinctive identity and absorb them in the Hindu fold.

The Office of the Registrar General that conducts the decennial census enumerates anyone who is not a Christian, Muslim or Parsi as Hindu, most particularly in tribal areas, in pursuance of a policy of Hindu by default to inflate the religious majority.

Article 290A of the Constitution, which was added in 1956, provides for Kerala state funds to be paid for the upkeep of Hindu temples and shrines in the territories of former princely state of Tranvancore. What state but a denominational one would spend government funds to promote a particular religion?

[As an aside, a forest has been destroyed in arguing for a uniform civil code as opposed to Muslim Personal Law and the issue of Haj subsidy. But perhaps I can save those issues for a full discussion at a different time]

2: Legislative Discrimination

Although freedom of religion is granted under the constitution’s Article 25 (1), a Congress government of Madhya Pradesh pioneered anti-conversion legislation during the heyday of Nehru in 1954. Since then as many as 7 state legislatures (Arunachal, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal, Orissa, Rajasthan and Tripura) have passed laws severely restricting conversion from Hinduism to other religions while facilitating conversion to Hinduism.

In 1982, when a few hundred Dalits embraced Islam in Meenakshipuram, the central government took measures to curb conversions. No less than Indira Gandhi characterized conversions as a threat to national security.

Christian missions and churches have been under attack since decades, often with state complicity as demonstrated in August-September 2008 in Orissa and Karnataka.

Hundreds of mosques are in illegal possession nationwide including in New Delhi, where scores are occupied by the central government.

It was a Congress government that first locked up the Babari Mosque in 1949 by court order effectively converting it into a Hindu temple. What began under Nehru was successfully completed by Narasimha Rao in 1992 through the Mosque’s destruction under the very nose of army, paramilitary and police. It is ironic that the Indian state is ready to deploy army to flush out Sikh insurgents from Golden Temple and Muslim rebels from Charar-i Sharif, but not protect Babari Mosque from the Hindu mobs’ jack hammers.

The states of Gujarat and UP spent government funds to rebuild the Somanatha Temple around the same time when Babari Mosque was locked up. It was President Rajendra Prasad who inaugurated the rebuilt temple in 1951 amidst official fanfare.

Why India is not a Secular State | SikhNet

cPBiF_EMSiE[/media] - Sikhs welcomes Pakistan decision to bring Anand Karaj Act

and now let's not talk about SECULAR INDIA please.... the whole topic is SECULAR INDIA we r not discussing PAKISTAN here....
Well, why are you worked up. Muslims have their own marriage law, don't they.

On another thread you were arguing that since muslims are the majority in minority, they should be the basis for measuring India's secularism. And here you provide a sikh site to prove your point against India's secularism, when in fact, the sikhs are more wealthy, more educated, more represented in Govt., than the muslims, and that too, in spite of all the allegations raised in the write up.

Remember, your points on the other thread were, poverty, education and representation in Govt. Are you now revising your stance ? Or is it, that you could not come up with any better article about govt. policy of discrimination against muslims, other than of course, Babri masjid and Gujrat riot.

Hypocrisy has got a new poster kid. Give your brain some well deserved rest, you are hurting it.
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toxic puss u r a loud sounding nothing what is ur point i gave u the STANCE OF UR GOVERNMENT DISCRIMINATION THAT U ASKED FOR....now what r u talking about u said give me a fact that the government of INDIA is discriminating... i did now what do u want....and whatever ur poster kid nonesense little puss please throwing crap at me and calling me names doesn't make u a better or higher man... i am not revising my stance i am still sticking to the FACT that stop calling INDIA SECULAR it is out right a HINDU STATE!!! simple nothing more nothing less....
1: Constitutional Discrimination

Article 25 (2) of the constitution calls for providing "social welfare and reform and throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of public character to all classes and sections of Hindus." India’s constitution does not define who or what is a Hindu, but it defines followers of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism as Hindus for purposes of Hindu temple entry. Article 25 (2) (b) (Explanation II) states: "the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion…"

Isn’t this the concern of Brahmin establishment to allow or disallow whoever they deem fit to enter a temple? Why should a secular state be concerned with the social welfare of only one religion? The motive of the constitution writers was obvious: to prevent the conversion of Dalits to Christianity or Islam, to "reform" Hinduism to make it palatable to the former untouchables.

BS. it only disallows caste discrimination. the constitution committee was headed by a Dalit. u think this is to stop conversion of dalits :) well if they wanted to wouldn't they have already in the past 1000 years under muslim and christian rule :)

The Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 applies to

(a) any person who is a Hindu by religion in any of its forms and developments, including a Virashaiva, a Lingayat or follower of the Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya Samaj;

(b) to any person who is a Buddhist, Jain or Sikh by religion, and

(c) to any person domiciled in the territories who is not a Muslim, Christian, Parsi or Jew by religion.

In other words, legally there is no such thing as a Buddhist, Jain, or Sikh marriage, which is another attempt to deny other religions a distinctive identity and absorb them in the Hindu fold.

More BS, the law clearly states that te Hindu marriage act (name of the act)applies to any person who is a Buddhist, Jain or Sikh by religion. thats denial of their religion? why because the act is called 'hindu marriage act'? do u even see the fallacy of what u write blindly?

The Office of the Registrar General that conducts the decennial census enumerates anyone who is not a Christian, Muslim or Parsi as Hindu, most particularly in tribal areas, in pursuance of a policy of Hindu by default to inflate the religious majority.

Article 290A of the Constitution, which was added in 1956, provides for Kerala state funds to be paid for the upkeep of Hindu temples and shrines in the territories of former princely state of Tranvancore. What state but a denominational one would spend government funds to promote a particular religion?

I've already answered this in my prevous post. govt also pays for upkeep of many churches and buddhist places too, preservation...

[As an aside, a forest has been destroyed in arguing for a uniform civil code as opposed to Muslim Personal Law and the issue of Haj subsidy. But perhaps I can save those issues for a full discussion at a different time]

And arguing makes india a hindu state? :) i think ur problem is not being able to digest anyone else but ur ilk to be able to talk. yes india will become a better secular state if all (hindu muslim) personal laws are scrapped.

2: Legislative Discrimination

Although freedom of religion is granted under the constitution’s Article 25 (1), a Congress government of Madhya Pradesh pioneered anti-conversion legislation during the heyday of Nehru in 1954. Since then as many as 7 state legislatures (Arunachal, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal, Orissa, Rajasthan and Tripura) have passed laws severely restricting conversion from Hinduism to other religions while facilitating conversion to Hinduism.

Absolute lie, show how any of these acts 'severely restrict' conversions? or how hinduism is treated differently by these laws? anyone can convert to any religion under these acts, simple as that. when churches start paying salaries to poor tribals to 'convert' then violence happens. only thats not allowed.

In 1982, when a few hundred Dalits embraced Islam in Meenakshipuram, the central government took measures to curb conversions. No less than Indira Gandhi characterized conversions as a threat to national security.

Prove that any act was passed that stops voluntary religious conversions

Christian missions and churches have been under attack since decades, often with state complicity as demonstrated in August-September 2008 in Orissa and Karnataka.

Law and Order issues and alligations, mean nothing. christians thrive, thousands of their organisations actively operating in the most lawless parts of india and spreading their religion. no problem.

Hundreds of mosques are in illegal possession nationwide including in New Delhi, where scores are occupied by the central government.

If illegal, challenge in courts.

It was a Congress government that first locked up the Babari Mosque in 1949 by court order effectively converting it into a Hindu temple. What began under Nehru was successfully completed by Narasimha Rao in 1992 through the Mosque’s destruction under the very nose of army, paramilitary and police. It is ironic that the Indian state is ready to deploy army to flush out Sikh insurgents from Golden Temple and Muslim rebels from Charar-i Sharif, but not protect Babari Mosque from the Hindu mobs’ jack hammers.

You forgot the state govt that failed to protect the mosque was scrapped the next day. in any case its a failure, not a state policy. the state also fails to stop bombs going off in temples, its law and order, not style of governance

The states of Gujarat and UP spent government funds to rebuild the Somanatha Temple around the same time when Babari Mosque was locked up. It was President Rajendra Prasad who inaugurated the rebuilt temple in 1951 amidst official fanfare.

Have already replied to it in the previous post.

The question should be can India survive as a secular state. For that my answer is no.
Both of us know Why.

1: Constitutional Discrimination

2: Legislative Discrimination

can you explain me what you have posted in Bits & Bytes.

The question should be can India survive as a secular state. For that my answer is no.
Both of us know Why.

1: Constitutional Discrimination

2: Legislative Discrimination

can you explain me what you have posted in Bits & Bytes.

Hey Cmon man, you're being rude to him.:disagree:

To answer your question he will have to go and actually read:coffee::coffee: all that BS he just copy-pasted.

Analyze this para
and now let's not talk about SECULAR INDIA please.... the whole topic is SECULAR INDIA we r not discussing PAKISTAN here....

He had no idea what he just pasted, even if he did a wrong quote he didn't want to talk abt it...just wants to run away from it. And you thought Google makes our life easier, think again.
woow love all the affection u indian boys r giving me!! SEE MY WHOLE ARGUMENT get's choppy because i sit down explain one point to one little boy on one thread and then some other guy comes up on another and starts all over again.... painfully i have to go find stuff to stop little boys coming here trying to headbutt me.... but firstly SAMBA what i meant was INDIA is NOT secular..... its just a hindu state!!!

I told toxic puss that india is not secular he said prove it by showing me one evidence of Indian Government policy...that shows that it is Bias....and so i had to go find something in ur constituion or legislalature and i did....

Ok fateh71 as for ur OPINON whatever u say is ur opinon its not there in the LAW saying ohh why didn't DALITS convert to Islam or Christianity well my friend u think ur religion is right and i might think mine is wouldn't everyone just convert simple its just a spirtiual thing and people converting 1000years well its purely a CHOICE...but WRITING SUCH NONSESNE IN CONSTITUION ARTICLE OF A SECULAR STATE makes me wonder why a SECULAR country even needs to put such an article in the constituion!!

Why is the constituion not defining what A HINDU is? please clarify that...

secondly the man behind the fall of BABRI MASJID is out and about at LARGE BAL THACKREY....and for some reason nothing is being done to him or MR.MODI(behind the gujrat massacre)...or any evidence that HINDUS were massacared or slaughtered or any of GUJRAT,KASHMIR,ASSAM sort of violence on HINDUS... see now before u begin my point is not that the STATE should torture HINDUS inroder to prove it is secular it just makes me wonder why no one ever had the Bal*s to stand up to the hindus...my opinon is becuase HINDUS r protected by the constitution and the government.and if 1 RELIGION is protected the BUBBLE OF SECULARISM STATE is busrt my little boys....

SECONDLY sambha u said we killed 3 million or billion muslims in east pakistan oops again here we go all posts come to one point don't they check this link andu will know that PAKISTANIS did not murder a billion muslims or whatever ur Bharat rakshak figures tell u


let's see now what more head butting u going to come up...
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I will give u a hint there is a difference between Hindu and Hindu by religion in law.

Thanks for raising this issue. I don't have any knowledge in this topic. May be I am wrong.

I am here to learn.
In INDIAN constitution "Hindu marriage" refers to a normal marriage. Where the groom can only marry once, Muslims can marry 4 times in India. Every other religion allows only one valid marriage at a time.

Hindus don't allow anyone who eats beef inside their sacred areas. It's a practice like your halal thing. They need to maintain it. In some Marwari mandirs you can't even wear leather belts etc. inside the premises. But only few sites are that strict.


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