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Mounting deficits, high inflation trap economy: govt

I see people with their great wisdom and knowledge
But they are found on online forums and other meaningless sites only.
I have always Wondered why the hell they don't enter in politics?
They comment on the country's miseries and propose solutions for it's repair but they themselves don't start politics for the goodness of their nation.
While only duffers enter the politics and are constantly raping the Pakistani nations for almost 75 years along with mil establishment mafia.

Well if they don't have money,
Money can be earned if they are determined enough.
Abraham Lincoln had no money,he entered the politics and succeeded too

If they fear of death in this game,
Phir tu wo isi kabel hain k in ki qoum ko lota jae.
Yet there are people out there supporting the mil establishment's recent plays, and talking up the PDM group.
I remember about 7+ years ago I got into a slightly acrimonious argument with a Minister. As I tried to appeal to his sense of propriety as asked him (there were two of them), whether they had no interest in building a legacy - of whether they did not want to be remembered by "sahab kuch kaam kar key gaye hein" (I used that term), they both laughed at me. They just could not understand the term "legacy". Their sole purpose was protecting their business interests at the expense of everything, and two making ill gotten money. IT WAS SICKENING.

I have been saying now for years - we are being ruled by "corrupt duffers". Which makes the tragedy even worse. A smart corrupt man will work the system whereby it survives and pays him over time. These "swines" will kill the very thing that feeds them, with little sense or disregard. They are absolutely dumb, and rarely have most ever built anything of value in their lives. They have a rapacious un-quenching thirst for power and money and everything else be damned. They will kill the nation and the rest of us with it.
Perfectly summed up.

Their primary interests are $$$, they have no loyalty to the state nor do they care about seeing Pakistan progress and grow. This is the core root of the issues.

Yearly inflation hits 30.6% by high food prices​

Rates of essential items increase by 1.09% on a weekly basis

January 06, 2023

photo reuters file


The start of the new year has further jacked up the prices of essential items, as the short-term inflation measured by the Sensitive Price Index (SPI) reached 30.6% on a year-on-year basis in the week ending on January 5.

This figure has gone up from 29.3% from the previous week, statistics released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) on Friday show.

It also showed that inflation had increased by 1.09% on a week-on-week basis after reducing slightly by 0.09% in the previous week.
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