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Most of European Union, Australia and Gulf Countries Skip Indian Government Kashmir Tour Drama


So the Hindutva brigade thinks we are isolated, lol.

Nopes pretty insignificant as far as india is concerned. We even banned malaysia for palm oil.
Even bangladesh could have more weight on india than these 2.

Turkey and Malaysia are far more important to the Muslim world than Morocco, Maldives, Niger, and Bangladesh. lol.
Ok so let’s look at the great Indian diplomatic achievements:

While trying to isolate Pakistan, Indianis are forced to drive around on empty streets and show diplomats that they are still in control of the roads ..... not of people Of Kashmir .

The same word ‘Kashmir ‘ which India would take great offence if it was ever even mentioned in the USA political circles is Now there are resolution passed in the House, president Trump is repeatedly offering to mediate and USA is hosting IK like a rock star at the White House...... while Modi is a friend to Trump , IK is a very good friend!

Kashmir is all over on the world press , UN is openly debating and TV coverage and editorials are completely against India.

India is shamed in every city , every consulate world over.

India is completely out of any role in Afghanistan and is thrown out like a used toilet paper . There is not even a mention or role of India in any future Afghanistan.

Pakistan is the most sought after muscle in the entire Middle East with most militaries in the Gulf dependent upon our man power and training.

we helped end Srilanka’s civil war and they are eternally thankful to us for our help.

China is investing and connecting us like never before and despite Iranian port we control Afghanistan future like never before .

Russia has never been closer to Pakistan and the video of Modi standing and eating alone while IK and Putin having heart to heart talk speaks volumes about their bonding .

British PM Boris is an old buddy of IK and the election of almost 20 Pakistani born MP will make sure that their policies will never go against Pakistan.

Malaysia and Turkey are presently Pakistan’s best friends ...... no place for India there. Turkey is the emerging economic and military power and through them Pakistan is accessing latest European military tech ....

Saudi Arabia’s and UAE presidents visit Pakistan like an old friend that drops by for tea.

Indians failed to stop USA from supporting IMF loan, USA is slowly easing military curbs and FATF is slowly coming around .

Feb 28 turned India into a laughing stock with a military force wanna be missing targets, shooting own helicopter and loosing plane while claiming bogus victories which were thoroughly rediculed .

so India is counting on their illegitimate child Bangladesh and Nepal as a foreign policy victory......

Yeah sure India’s economic power is there but with their economy at the lowest point in decades even that attraction is disappearing for other countries .

so remind me again where India is shining?
Is it in the Bollywood!

These guided tours look desperate and silly. Just ease the restrictions and let outsiders decide if Kashmir is important enough for them to make a visit.
I mentioned all thes countries in the post # 2 if you checked it

But the fact is that great majority of countries that actually matter rejected this drama says a lot

Forced you to go for Togo and Figi in desperation after this failure

Yeah when the bigger ones reject the invitation these small states do count :lol:
India takes its relations with Togo and Fiji very seriously
They could have easily Increased the numbers by inviting some officials from Congo, Somalia, Monaco, Botswana, Nauru, Tuvalu and Marshall Islands.:lol:
Without invitation you can try ,if you are lucky we might let you in for a quick visit

How many countries did you get to support you when your pm went to UN .
Every one is coming in batches :-)
The sick man of Europe Erdogan and the senile Dr. Mahatir. And of course iron brother.

Meanwhile the rest of the world has openly supported India on Kashmir, and Pakistan is busy crying about Indian "brutalities" and rejecting reports condeming terrorism issued by everyone from the US to Japan to Brics.
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Wow 17 countries supposedly toured out of 195 countries and that tour resulted in India claiming they all support indian position ..... which had absolutely nothing to do with this guided tour......

only in Indian brain ...

The sick man of Europe Erdogan and the senile Dr. Mahatir. And of course iron brother.

Meanwhile the rest of the world has openly supported India on Kashmir, and Pakistan is busy crying about Indian "brutalities" and rejecting reports condeming terrorism issued by everyone from the US to Japan to Brics.

perhaps you should keep yourself up to date .... Pakistan has the lowest terrorism since 911 last year. not to mention lower murder rate than Chicago in Karachi.

Wow 17 countries supposedly toured out of 195 countries and that tour resulted in India claiming they all support indian position ..... which had absolutely nothing to do with this guided tour......

only in Indian brain ...

perhaps you should keep yourself up to date .... Pakistan has the lowest terrorism since 911 last year. not to mention lower murder rate than Chicago in Karachi.


Tell that to the US
Old news .....

how come after India got dropped like a used toilet paper from Afghanistan withdrawl plans same is happening in Iran.... how come not even a phone call from daddy Pompeo ??? why does India get treated like shit?????


Despite the Iran crisis, India still got a waiver for Chabahar. And no sanction for s-400, unlike Turkey.


So the Hindutva brigade thinks we are isolated, lol.

Turkey and Malaysia are far more important to the Muslim world than Morocco, Maldives, Niger, and Bangladesh. lol.

That's more countries than Pakistan can ever dream of getting for support.

Despite the Iran crisis, India still got a waiver for Chabahar. And no sanction for s-400, unlike Turkey.

That's more countries than Pakistan can ever dream of getting for support.

other then US and South korea rest of your country list are just worthless shitholes. lol
other then US and South korea rest of your country list are just worthless shitholes. lol
you're callin Argentina and Norway s**tholes? Pretty rich, considering even Bangladesh adn Maldives are far more developed than Pakistan.
How the F .... a forced visit same as support? Please enlighten me.

as for the port no one can build port for 75 dollars and with Indian track record of BS more than work who cares ..... gawadar is meant to feed Chinese dragon,,,, Charbagh to feed piss poor Afghans .....

good luck.....

By the way what happened to air corridor Modi opened between India and Afghanistan ?

you're callin Argentina and Norway s**tholes? Pretty rich, considering even Bangladesh adn Maldives are far more developed than Pakistan.

With a shit hole
You are sitting on with more hungr than any where in the world and more poverty than sub Saharan Africa you sure can comment on other countries .......
How the F .... a forced visit same as support? Please enlighten me.

as for the port no one can build port for 75 dollars and with Indian track record of BS more than work who cares ..... gawadar is meant to feed Chinese dragon,,,, Charbagh to feed piss poor Afghans .....

good luck.....

By the way what happened to air corridor Modi opened between India and Afghanistan ?

With a shit hole
You are sitting on with more hungr than any where in the world and more poverty than sub Saharan Africa you sure can comment on other countries .......
These are the latest numbers released by the world bank in 2019:
Population living below extreme poverty:

India 21.2 percent of population, Bangladesh 14.8 percent and Pakistan 3.9 percent



At least read the report clipping before posting. HDI ranking takes into account many many many factors but please do bother to read the conclusion of the report:......

I will help you ...

According to the data, Pakistan’s life expectancy stands at 67; while the expected years of schooling was at 8.5 years, with the mean years of schooling standing at 5.2. The country’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita was $5,190, the data showed.

However, the trend from 1990 till 2018 showed that Pakistan had steadily improved from being a low human development country to a medium development country. “
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