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Moscow ready to defend allies against Taliban on Tajik-Afghan border

Get Ya Wig Split

Feb 22, 2017
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As Taliban reaches Tajikistan border, Russia says it's ready & prepared to defend its close ally against Islamist terrorist group


The Russian Foreign Ministry has revealed that Moscow is ready to interfere in the situation on the Tajik-Afghan border, noting that it will defend its allies against any possible incursion over the frontier by the Taliban.

Speaking at a briefing on Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova revealed that two-thirds of the border is already under the control of the group, designated by Moscow as a terrorist organization.

Russia and Tajikistan are both members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), a mutual defensive pact consisting of six former republics of the Soviet Union.

According to Zakharova, Russia's 201st military base in Tajikistan is equipped with everything required to defend the country.
“If necessary, additional measures will be taken to prevent provocations and aggravation of the situation,” she said.

The situation arose in Afghanistan following the reduction of US military presence in the country. As per Washington’s plan, Kabul and the Taliban were set to agree on a transitional government before the formation of a more permanent setup. Neither side has been willing to compromise, and now the Taliban has made territorial gains in the country’s north, on the Tajik border.

Zakharova also noted that there have been multiple occasions of Afghan government forces crossing over the border with Tajikistan to escape gunfire.

“We call on the opposing sides of the inter-Afghan conflict to show restraint and avoid the spread of tensions beyond the country's borders,” she said.

Earlier on Friday, a top Russian CSTO official told RT that Tajikistan and its allies would repel any possible Taliban incursion from neighboring Afghanistan, with Moscow ready to help.

“We’ve seen the Taliban's outposts. At least for now, we see no aggression coming from [them],” General Colonel Anatoly Sidorov said. “They are not hiding at all. It appears the situation is fairly peaceful on the [Afghan] side.”

Taliban are not Syrian civilians. If US couldn't defeat them in 20 years then Ruskies can't do it even in 200.
Its not the 90's anymore...Taliban understand this. Taliban are not a threat to CIS, China, or Iran. My guess is that they may actually cooperate with these important Afghan neighbors. Iran and Russia should be more concerned about ISIS-K. This overlaps with Pakistan's interests as well. ISIS-K and its backers will have a tough time going forward.
...“We’ve seen the Taliban's outposts. At least for now, we see no aggression coming from [them],” General Colonel Anatoly Sidorov said. “They are not hiding at all. It appears the situation is fairly peaceful on the [Afghan] side.

Russia will only intervene if for any reason the Taliban invades Tajikistan, which the Taliban have no reason to do.
Looks like Russia like USSR is tired of living

Taliban will teach Russia a lesson their next 100 generations won’t forget
“We’ve seen the Taliban's outposts. At least for now, we see no aggression coming from [them],” General Colonel Anatoly Sidorov said. “They are not hiding at all. It appears the situation is fairly peaceful on the [Afghan] side.”

This sums up everything.
Taliban are not Syrian civilians. If US couldn't defeat them in 20 years then Ruskies can't do it even in 200.
Guaranteed they can. It's question of political will. To defend Tajikistan the Russians will be ready to spill lot of blood. They are the nation that defeated the mighty German Wehrmact. Just a small history reminder. The breed of Moghuls, the breed of Gengz Khan, the Turkic warrior races that used to use South Asia like toilet paper all fell to Russians - Kazaks, Uzbek Turks, Kirghiz Turks, Turkmen, Chechans, Tatars etc
Guaranteed they can. It's question of political will. To defend Tajikistan the Russians will be ready to spill lot of blood. They are the nation that defeated the mighty German Wehrmact. Just a small history reminder. The breed of Moghuls, the breed of Gengz Khan, the Turkic warrior races that used to use South Asia like toilet paper all fell to Russians - Kazaks, Uzbek Turks, Kirghiz Turks, Turkmen, Chechans, Tatars etc

Clearly you don’t know how the USSR collapsed and you did not read history
Clearly you don’t know how the USSR collapsed and you did not read history
I lived through that period and although there was no internet in those days I was known to frequent my well stocked Sixth Form and later the central library. I also got to visit Moscow in 1988.

I could give you 30 page thesis on why Soviet Union fell apart but I can assure you the reasons were inside and Afghanistan helped to manifest that weakness. There is no chance the Taliban - who I have absolute respect for and have always sided with have any chance of crossing the Amu Darya. The Russians would defeat any such move. Taliban need to focus on inside the country.
I lived through that period and although there was no internet in those days I was known to frequent my well stocked Sixth Form and later the central library. I also got to visit Moscow in 1988.

I could give you 30 page thesis on why Soviet Union fell apart but I can assure you the reasons were inside and Afghanistan helped to manifest that weakness. There is no chance the Taliban - who I have absolute respect for and have always sided with have any chance of crossing the Amu Darya. The Russians would defeat any such move. Taliban need to focus on inside the country.

this Taliban is not the Taliban of 2001

Todays Taliban have evolved and even US has admitted they dont have any issues with Taliban

ISI also has no issues with Taliban

Real Taliban wiped out ISIS in Afghanistan in 2014

Real Taliban dont hurt women , children and old people

they are real Muslims who dont win by numbers or weapons

you are too much believing in Russia, do you know what they did to our brothers in Syria?

World left poor Syrians to the mercy of the Russians are devoid of all human nature

Russia was and still is the eternal enemy of islam just ask Turkey
do we assume taliban to be a rational actor that operates on financial interests
Looks like Russia like USSR is tired of living

Taliban will teach Russia a lesson their next 100 generations won’t forget
You are really a original one. There is no other copy of you :lol:
There is no chance the Taliban - who I have absolute respect for and have always sided with have any chance of crossing the Amu Darya. The Russians would defeat any such move.
Well taliban and afghans are the war beasts we all know . It's called graveyard of empires for a reason. But I agree on what you said about Russia. They belong to another tough breed and history is evident it's impossible to conquer Russia just like afghanistan . The main hurdle is the Russian winter.
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More like border management than intervention, as the title suggests.

I also got to visit Moscow in 1988.
Glasnost era?
I think it was economic issues that were caused by the Brezhnev era stagnation that caused USSR collapse. PPl like to blame Gorby but dementia ridden Brezhnev deserves some of the blame.
this Taliban is not the Taliban of 2001

Todays Taliban have evolved and even US has admitted they dont have any issues with Taliban

ISI also has no issues with Taliban

Real Taliban wiped out ISIS in Afghanistan in 2014

Real Taliban dont hurt women , children and old people

they are real Muslims who dont win by numbers or weapons

you are too much believing in Russia, do you know what they did to our brothers in Syria?

World left poor Syrians to the mercy of the Russians are devoid of all human nature

Russia was and still is the eternal enemy of islam just ask Turkey
The Imperialists are nobody's "friends"....

They are the "slaves" to their very own interests.....

They take decisions based on calculations not emotions....

Their every action has a reaction vis-à-vis third party countries, and vice versa.....

No race, religion, color, creed, country etc. are "absolute" for them.....

You establish business-like relationships with them, and expect nothing more....

You leverage the dynamics of the inter-Imperialist rivalry.....

You don't abandon one fully for another one; you make a %-% fine-tuning based on your objectives....
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