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Morsi reinstates Egypt's dissolved lower house; SCAF holds emergency meetin

You can't give one side all the powers in the country without a constitution to limit them. We can't afford that!! The army will not write the constitution, but it has the power to veto any article that would violate human rights. We need that since the majority of the committee that will write the constitution is Islamic. We don't want any restrictions on personal, and social freedom, or of the physical punishment sh!t!!

But it is always okay when secular tyrants like Mubarak or Hamad of Bahrain have "all the powers", right? You and your likes deserve to be stripped naked and spanked publicly for your hypocrisy!
Parliament speaker convened the session for few minutes and appealed the tribunal for the HCC decision. back to square again, but sea saw game has already begun between Mubarak Era Institutions and newly elected democratic forces.In a significant development SOS, Hilary Clinton is reaching Cairo on 14th July.
Well someone will tell me ?

Since previous parliament was elected BY PEOPLE after revolution , then why did SCAF/Courts dissolved it? :undecided:
Islamist got 17 Million Votes, out of 30 Million, and they ended up with 75% of the seats. That is not fair. Egypt highest court found the election law unconstitutional. This is the same court that announced Mori a winner in the elections.

But it is always okay when secular tyrants like Mubarak or Hamad of Bahrain have "all the powers", right? You and your likes deserve to be stripped naked and spanked publicly for your hypocrisy!
Just because Mubarak had all the powers in the world, we have to give the next president the same powers. Why did we have a revolution then ? We want a fair system and that includes separation of powers. The President has to obey the law just like anybody else. Islamic, Secular, or whatever.
Islamist got 17 Million Votes, out of 30 Million, and they ended up with 75% of the seats. That is not fair. Egypt highest court found the election law unconstitutional. This is the same court that announced Mori a winner in the elections.

Just because Mubarak had all the powers in the world, we have to give the next president the same powers. Why did we have a revolution then ? We want a fair system and that includes separation of powers. The President has to obey the law just like anybody else. Islamic, Secular, or whatever.

What system in your view? was Mubarak answerable to people, he would have never thought about next election because he knew that he would be getting 95% of popular votes. where was this HCC when Mubarak used them as his lap dog these judges & Tantavi led SCAF are corrupt and thugs. They would their level best to install hurdles but ultimately will of people be victorious.
Removing Tantawi & annulling the addendum is a real big punch, lets hope the Mubarak era judiciary does not pull the leg!!
Just because Mubarak had all the powers in the world, we have to give the next president the same powers. Why did we have a revolution then ? We want a fair system and that includes separation of powers. The President has to obey the law just like anybody else. Islamic, Secular, or whatever.

You're not for revolution, you're for securing the dirty a$$ of Mubarak's henchmen. You want to say that it is okay for the secular rulers to have absolute power but it is not okay for those who oppose secularism to have it; you're too afraid to openly say that now. You're not a democrat, you're using a democratic cloak to hide your secular fascist identity.

You're not for revolution, you're for securing the dirty a$$ of Mubarak's henchmen. You want to say that it is okay for the secular rulers to have absolute power but it is not okay for those who oppose secularism to have it; you're too afraid to openly say that now. You're not a democrat, you're using a democratic cloak to hide your secular fascist identity.

Pro Mobarak Military and Judiciary in Egypt will not be able to hold the peoples movement, SCAF already reshuffled by Morsi next is Mobarak era judiciary...
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