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More US lawmakers visit Taiwan 12 days after Pelosi trip

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States
US lawmakers again make it through the Chinese military screen and land in Taiwan.

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A delegation of American lawmakers arrived in Taiwan on Sunday, just 12 days after a visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that prompted China to launch days of threatening military drills around the self-governing island that Beijing says must come under its control.

The five-member delegation, led by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and other officials, as well as members of the private sector, to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait and investments in semiconductors.

China responded to Pelosi’s Aug. 2 visit by sending missiles, warships and warplanes into the seas and skies around Taiwan for several days afterward. The Chinese government objects to Taiwan having any official contact with foreign governments, particularly with a high-ranking congressional leader like Pelosi.

Expect more made up stories of $Billions frozen in the next few days. Like they said about Matthews Asia…which is trading fine even with “all their funds frozen”.
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Americans strategy is to provoke china to go Russian way and invade Taiwan ..and then it will be much easier for them to knock out china in rest of the diplomatic game, they have pioneered and mastered that art!
China, once again, humiliated.
"Humiliated". Besides the "visit", what else can you accomplish? Are you are a 12 year old? Your politicians are playing your entire fanatic lot like fools to get some votes. You are only humiliating yourselves.

In before the major overreaction
We have already "reacted". Declare Taiwan a real country at the UN then try again.

US lawmakers again make it through the Chinese military screen and land in Taiwan.

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A delegation of American lawmakers arrived in Taiwan on Sunday, just 12 days after a visit by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that prompted China to launch days of threatening military drills around the self-governing island that Beijing says must come under its control.

The five-member delegation, led by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts, will meet President Tsai Ing-wen and other officials, as well as members of the private sector, to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait and investments in semiconductors.

China responded to Pelosi’s Aug. 2 visit by sending missiles, warships and warplanes into the seas and skies around Taiwan for several days afterward. The Chinese government objects to Taiwan having any official contact with foreign governments, particularly with a high-ranking congressional leader like Pelosi.

Expert more made up stories of $Billions frozen in the next few days. Like they said about Matthews Asia…which is trading fine even with “all their funds frozen”.
"to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait"

Let's see. You go there to talk about reducing the tension you created and continue to create. Is the sky purple? Well it is whatever color you call it if you are the mighty United States. The rest of the world might just have to close their eyes and trust you :lol:
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"Humiliated". Besides the "visit", what else can you accomplish? Are you are a 12 year old? Your politicians are playing your entire fanatic lot like fools to get some votes. You are only humiliating yourselves.

We have already "reacted". Declare Taiwan a real country at the UN then try again.

"to discuss shared interests including reducing tensions in the Taiwan Strait"

Is the sky purple? Well it is whatever color you call it if you are the mighty United States. The rest of the world might just have to close their eyes and trust you :lol:

I love how the Chinese Social media has given up on all the “shoot the plane” down nonsense and are acting realistic this time with “oh well there isn’t much we can do”.

OMG China military shoot Pelosi’s plane down! Argh!! I’m going to die if you don’t!!!

What she landed what happened??…well shoot her down when she leaves!! OMG I’m having a heart attack!!!

Oh no she has left unscathed! How?

Well at least we chased the US Aircraft carrier away!! Haha! We are so friggin awesome!! We rule!!
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I love how the Chinese Social media has given up on all the “shoot the plane” down nonsense and are acting realistic this time with “oh well there isn’t much we can do”.

OMG China military shoot Pelosi’s plane down! Argh!! I’m going to die if you don’t!!!What she landed what happened…well shoot her down when she leaves!! OMG I’m having a heart attack!!!
Okay have fun kiddo :bounce:
China sends military, usa military runs as they usually do & sends grandma, gf, children to face China instead.
Very american. lol
China sends military, usa military runs as they usually do & sends grandma, gf, children to face China instead.
Very american. lol
Yes, we did. Good enough for now.
Good job pouring gas on the situation Americans . Never let a good crisis go to waste
Americans strategy is to provoke china to go Russian way and invade Taiwan ..and then it will be much easier for them to knock out china in rest of the diplomatic game, they have pioneered and mastered that art!
You should also think this from other direction. Why Taiwan DPP government voluntarily plays Ukraine role? Which has already been proven a tragedy. The only answer is Taiwan government is a puppet government that serves US interest more than Taiwan's interest.

It also explains why US loves democracy. US can easily manipulate democratic governments through money and media penetrations in the name of "free society".
Can these congressmen make China stop the exercise? Or will it lead China to extend the exercise?
America's weakness always looking for the next crisis. In this case, actively creating one. When this issue settles down, back to Iran.
No reaction this time from China?? Xi and PLA understood from Pelosi episode, they can’t bite.
We have taken away Taiwan's airspace and territorial waters, and all that remains is to wait for the opportunity.

As for those congressmen, sanctions are waiting for them.
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