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More than 3,000 people in the US have died from coronavirus

Trump really gimped the initial fight against Corona in the US. This is what happens when you thi k you are invincible. US military has been hit exceptionally hard. I don't think it can recover.

Blaming the PRC is like the most lame thing to do when your response has been meh not saying China did great either but still the blame game is nonsense
Hows life in Indonesia bro?

I live in South Jakarta, the worst effected area in Indonesia together with West Jakarta. The climate is warm as the sky is quite cloudy and sometime rain comes. Social distancing regulation has been imposed and many businesses apply work from home procedure for majority of their workers, but some are still working. The road is not totally empty but the traffic is much less then usual days. It is the situation in Jakarta. Our infection rate is still around 1500 and I hope we can finish the outbreak before the rate reach 10.000 because IMO it will be difficult for Indonesia to treat patient at that large number.
I live in South Jakarta, the worst effected area in Indonesia together with West Jakarta. The climate is warm as the sky is quite cloudy and sometime rain comes. Social distancing regulation has been imposed and many businesses do work from home procedure for majority of their workers, but some are still working. The road is not totally empty but the traffic is much less then usual days. It is the situation in Jakarta. Our infection rate is still around 1500 and I hope we can finish the outbreak before the rate reach 10.000 because IMO it will be difficult for Indonesia to treat patient at that large number.
I guess we are both in the same boat.

Except Pakistani masses are fuxkin retarded.. i.e congressional prayers and not following social self isolation/partial lock down.

May Allah help us all man. Ameen.
It must be difficult for some people to accept the US has a better grasp of this crisis to date than many other major countries affected.

Of Course having world largest coronavirus concentration and to top it off a president who think 200k dead people is acceptable seems like a great grasp at situation. Just to give you comprehension of situation what he actually mean that considering average death rate of 3% be ready for 6.7 million people to be infected. Considering current strategy i highly doubt 200k will be the end figure.
The white house predicts up to 200 000 deaths from Covid-19
NY alone: 1000 deaths confirmed already
NBC news
If 100 Million Americans will be infected as per some political statements then the death rate if on average 2% ,means 2 million will die.
In which part of the country do you live bro ?


Corona infections haven't reached large numbers here yet. We are still preparing.

Unfortunately, Trump supporters are openly believing conspiracy theories that Corona is a hoax, most of them also are elderly.

He is going to have a difficult time with re-election (or selection, depending on how you look at it.)

If 100 Million Americans will be infected as per some political statements then the death rate if on average 2% ,means 2 million will die.

One professor from England stated that without intervention 160 Americans will be infected, roughly 50% of the population. 2.2 million will die, mostly elderly but some younger people too.

Today's update.
You are kidding aren't you? With Trump denying that there is any need for a sense of urgency and everything will be ok if 100K die. You and I will just be statistics. Went to the supermarket and hardly anyone was wearing masks in San Jose. We are a breath away from Corona and you want us to stick our heads in the sand like Trump.

That dotard demands to be praised already
it only took 24 hours for the number to jump from 3000 to 4000, US seems to be losing the battle

US coronavirus death toll surpasses 4,000

Infections close to 190,000, according to Johns Hopkins University
Servet Günerigök |01.04.2020
I live in South Jakarta, the worst effected area in Indonesia together with West Jakarta. The climate is warm as the sky is quite cloudy and sometime rain comes. Social distancing regulation has been imposed and many businesses apply work from home procedure for majority of their workers, but some are still working. The road is not totally empty but the traffic is much less then usual days. It is the situation in Jakarta. Our infection rate is still around 1500 and I hope we can finish the outbreak before the rate reach 10.000 because IMO it will be difficult for Indonesia to treat patient at that large number.

My brother and my nephew ran off to Gilly Island just off Bali when they heard Corona is in UK. They left their family behind and are enjoying the cheapest holiday they will ever get with rooms $15 per night overlooking the bay, empty hotels , few expatriates , swimming in crystal clear water with turtles, corals, few reef sharks and eating in empty restaurants where they are treated as kings. They are now using the excuse that the island is isolated and flights back are difficult to find as an excuse to delay their return. I would have joined them but US has blocked all inbound flights and work requires me here.

it only took 24 hours for the number to jump from 3000 to 4000, US seems to be losing the battle

US coronavirus death toll surpasses 4,000

Infections close to 190,000, according to Johns Hopkins University
Servet Günerigök |01.04.2020
Sad to hear of so many deaths, may god save the good people of America.
My brother and my nephew ran off to Gilly Island just off Bali when they heard Corona is in UK. They left their family behind and are enjoying the cheapest holiday they will ever get with rooms $15 per night overlooking the bay, empty hotels , few expatriates , swimming in crystal clear water with turtles, corals, few reef sharks and eating in empty restaurants where they are treated as kings. They are now using the excuse that the island is isolated and flights back are difficult to find as an excuse to delay their return. I would have joined them but US has blocked all inbound flights and work requires me here.

Gilli island is in Lombok, mostly populated by Muslim, so there will be no worry about the food there. Anyway, there is recent announcement from Indonesian government to ban traveling in and out of the country. So your brother can use that too as an excuse.

The most sad about this outbreak is experienced by small size businesses and also street food vendors. I hope we can get through it safely and some one can find effective medicine or vaccine so that this outbreak can over soon.

My older brother and little sister though work as doctors in government hospital who treat coronavirus patient in Jakarta. And as you know, Jakarta is the epicenter of the outbreak in Indonesia.
Hospitals overflowing with bodies in US epicenter of virus
by ROBERT BUMSTED and MICHAEL R. SISAK, The Associated Press

Wednesday, April 1st 2020

NEW YORK (AP) — It has become a grim ritual outside New York City's hospitals: workers in protective gear loading the bodies of coronavirus victims into refrigerated trailers.

A surge in deaths in the epicenter of the crisis in the U.S. has overwhelmed the city's permanent morgues and filled storage spaces in many hospitals to capacity. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is sending 85 refrigerated trucks to serve as temporary morgues, the city said.

It's been that way for days at Brooklyn Hospital Center, where a worker Tuesday wheeled out a gurney carrying a body covered in white plastic, a forklift operator carefully raised a body into the trailer and undertakers came to claim the remains of yet another of the city's nearly 1,000 coronavirus dead.

The hospital said in a statement that the "unprecedented crisis calls for extraordinary measures" and that extra storage is needed "to accommodate the tragic spike in deaths, placing a strain on the entire system of care — from hospitals to funeral homes."

"Grieving families cannot quickly make arrangements, and their loved ones who have passed are remaining in hospitals longer, thus the need for this accommodation," the hospital in Brooklyn's Fort Greene neighborhood said.

The city's medical examiner's office has also started operating a makeshift morgue, as it did after the Sept. 11 attacks, to provide emergency capacity as the city's permanent facilities fill up.

The city's coronavirus death toll more than doubled in the past four days, surging from 450 on Friday to 932 as of Tuesday morning.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. But for others, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, the virus can cause severe symptoms like pneumonia and can be fatal.

The city and FEMA have delivered refrigerated trucks to various hospitals, while the Office of Chief Medical Examiner has been guiding them on how to properly move and store bodies, officials said.

Thomas Von Essen, the FEMA regional administrator, said his agency was bringing refrigerated trucks to the city "to help with some of the problem on a temporary basis."

At some hospitals, like Lenox Hill in Manhattan, the trailers are being parked on city streets, along sidewalks and in front of apartments. Cars and buses passed by as bodies were loaded Tuesday outside Brooklyn Hospital Center.

Cellphone videos posted on social media over the weekend drew attention to hospitals using trailers to store bodies. An image from one video of the activity outside Brooklyn Hospital Center appeared on the front page of Tuesday's New York Post.

"It's hard to believe this, but this is for real," said the man shooting the video, his voice quaking. "Lord have mercy, help us Lord, this is for real."

It must be difficult for some people to accept the US has a better grasp of this crisis to date than many other major countries effected.
The protocol should have been to contain infected areas and prevent exposure to uninfected areas by sealing/blocking entry to clear areas. All entry into uninfected areas should have been blocked by suitably equipped police/national guards with proper PE. Infected areas should have been systematically locked down sector by sector with travel and entry between clear and infected areas banned completely until the crisis is over. Masks and sanatisers should have been provided at every public shops and utilities. Unfortunately the capitalist countries put money and businesses before lives and now the people are dearly paying for it. If they had stopped pussyfooting about and acted decisively to prevent a pandemic tens of thousands of deaths would have been prevented and with minimal economic impact. The paltry sums they would have lost would have been nothing to the mountains of losses they are suffering now. Some countries are on the threshold of anarchy and destabalisation as the hungry masses will storm on to the streets for food and water. We should all learn from this to prevent the global apocalypse waiting to happen on mutually dependent and connected states.
Over 214.000 infected, crossed the 5000 boundary of deaths. This is only the beginning so how on Earth did the US handle it better? Medical staff wearing garbage bag for protection is that some kind of expression of art? A big joke amongst the Europeans who saw that.
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