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More Problems For India From The Chinese Backed Nepalese Govt


Sep 26, 2018
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Forgotten behind the Indo-China standoff ,the Nepalese patience is running out with India. Today the Nepalese FM expressed his Dismay at India for delaying talks with Nepal over the Border disputes.
Meanwhile the Nepalese lawmakers are discussing a new amendment to legalise the new map of Nepal.
Nepalese people also want a bigger chunk of Northern India lol.

The Indian impotence before the Chinese has awaken the Nepalese Himalayan Leopard. Things are getting very interesting on this front on each passing day.
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My question is, did the Zionists who are advising India on how to engulf kashmir and annex it using their methods that they have employed in Palestine, did they actually study the complexity and the intensity of centrifugal forces that work in this region? They have opened a pandora box for their friend India and now its counter annexation is coming out with more force then what they planned for India. China and Nepal are in full scavenging mode.
:lol: 98% of India and Nepal border are already decided and done. Now some Indian wants to show entire Nepal in India or the vice versa doesn't matter. Nepal can very well show the disputed tri-junction in it's map and we do so in ours. But there will be consequences for the same, and when the government again changes in Nepal the relations will improve again. no biggie. So, it's Nepal that will have to suffer but temporarily only.
Nepal needs new leadership. Maldives also tried the same, but Indian soft diplomacy won.
They should build out roads connecting Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan via China to increase Nepalese independence from the southern pariah state.
Nepal is free to stop its trade links with India. We know what happened to it in the recent past.
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