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More Headaches For Russia With Iran And China


Oct 10, 2013
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More Headaches With Iran And China

October 10, 2013: A recent study found that in Russia 110 families control 35 percent of the personal wealth. That comes to $420 billion or nearly $4 billion per family. Worldwide billionaire families control less than 2 percent of personal wealth. This extreme concentration occurred because corruption in the 1990s program that privatized most of the economy in the wake of the communist government collapsed. Under the communists private businesses were illegal and everything belonged to the state. The privatization program was manipulated by former communist officials who rigged elections and got themselves elected and then steered the sale of state assets to cronies. The 100 families pay billions in bribes each year to government officials who see to it that the family fortunes are left alone. This concentration and abuse of wealth is very unpopular in Russia and there is growing popular anger demanding that it be fixed. Those in power fear another revolution, as the concentration of economic power today is much higher than it was in the 1920s when the communists first seized power.

Russia and Iran continue to prop up the Assad government in Syria. The 2 countries provide essential aid to replace the heavy losses in weapons and ammunition Syrian forces have suffered in the last year. The new supplies of weapons and ammo are essential. This aid is keeping the Syrian Air Force operational, although most of the bombing attacks are purely terror, with aircraft dropping bombs in towns and neighborhoods known to be pro-rebel. Meanwhile, Russia and Iran are divided over how far to go for the Assads. Capitalizing on its chemical weapons deal for Syria (which should take a lot of pressure off the Assad government), Russia is urging Basher Assad to make peace with some of the rebels. Assad is not enthusiastic about this because the Russians are comfortable with the Assads losing power and the Assads and Iranians are not. The Russian proposal involves offering the moderate (non-Islamic radical) rebels a deal that introduces fair elections and the suppression of Islamic terrorist groups. About the only thing the Assads and most of the rebels can agree on is that the Islamic radical rebels are a threat to everyone. Such an arrangement would leave intact the powerful commercial family organizations that the Assads long favored and which control much of the economy. It also assures the continued existence of minority (Christian, Alawite, Druze) communities in Syria and makes it easier to revive the economy. While the Assad family would probably lose in elections, and have to surrender many of the assets the clan acquired via corruption over the decades, they would be free from war crimes prosecution and still have a lot of their wealth. They would be able to find comfortable exile (many Syrians would still want them dead) because of the immunity any such deal would probably have to include. The post-Assad Syria would still be anti-Israel but would be without chemical weapons and thus less of a threat to Israel. The vast quantities of Syrian military equipment destroyed in the fighting would not be replaced because of the need for reconstruction. There might even be a peace deal with Israel eventually. The Russian version of a future Syria does not appeal to Iran because letting the Sunni majority vote in fair (or reasonably so) elections would mean an end to the Syrian alliance with Iran and the Iranian base for supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon. This would please all of Syria’s neighbors as well as the West. It would be a hard sell because most Syrians don’t trust the Assads or the Islamic terrorist rebels. The civil war has destroyed the artificial unity Syria had for the last half century, and putting most of the pieces back together again will be messy no matter how it’s done. Russia, like most non-Moslem nations, fears that Syria could become another Islamic terrorist haven. Russia wants peace in order to regain some clout in the Islamic world. Being a peacemaker in a vicious civil war that has killed over 100,000 ******* so far would do it. It would also make it less likely that the media would spend more time on the fact that many parts of the rockets used to deliver the nerve gas in Syria (against civilians) were found to be 140mm and 330mm models with special (Russian made with Russian language markings) warheads designed to disperse nerve gas. The warheads were tested and showed evidence of sarin nerve gas.

Russian support for the Assads extends to the Mediterranean. Russia has 2 destroyers, a frigate, and 3 amphibious ships (there to evacuate civilians) off the Syrian coast. There are also several support ships, including an electronic surveillance vessel, a tug, a repair ship, and a tanker. The Russians have been maintaining a force this size off Syria for most of this year and relieves ships after a few months with ships from various parts of their fleet (Black Sea, Baltic, far north). Technically, the ships are there to rescue Russian citizens if the rebels overrun most of the country. In fact, the ships are also there to try and intimidate the more numerous foreign warships in the area, in case the West decides to intervene in favor of the rebels. That probably won’t work when you consider the array of ships the Russians and Syrians would be facing. NATO countries have 10 times as many warships in the area. Syria itself only has 2 elderly frigates and about 30 missile patrol boats. Israel has a larger force of more modern ships, as does Turkey. Greece is also very close, with dozens of modern ships and patrol boats. The Turks, Israeli, Greeks, and the U.S. can put a lot of warplanes into the air over the eastern Mediterranean.

The Russian answer to the American F-22, the “5th generation” T-50 (or PAK-FA), is in big trouble. Several key components are facing serious development problems. The major problem is the new engine, which is still stuck in development. Russia always had problems building competitive engines. In the past to get the power needed they built engines that lasted only a fraction as long as Western engines. There are also problems with the stealth technology and the new electronics.

The military rebuilding effort is moving slowly. After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the post collapse lost 80 percent of the military manpower the Soviets maintained and over 90 percent of the combat capability that had made the Soviet Union a superpower. Getting the military power back has proved difficult. This has caused some problems with allies like China. For example, while China has the largest military in the region and is the most aggressive in using it, the devil is in the details. Most Chinese military personnel belong to the army. This is a threat to all neighbors China shares land borders with, especially Russia. While much is made of Chinese efforts to upgrade their navy and air force, these two services are still inferior to the Japanese navy and air force. The Japanese have more modern and effective ships and their crews are far more proficient than their Chinese counterparts. Same thing with the Japanese Air Force. Moreover, the Japanese naval forces are themselves overshadowed by American warships assigned to the Western Pacific. In addition to the Japanese and American forces, the Chinese have to worry about the formidable Taiwanese air and naval forces, as well those of South Korea. Technically Russia is an ally, but the Russians keep most of their air and naval forces out of the Pacific and are inclined to continue their tradition of never having been at war with the United States. So China has to be careful. Any confrontations with Japan at sea or in the air have to be handled carefully because China is still playing with a weak hand.

In the last decade the United States has come to overtake Russia and Saudi Arabia as the largest producers of oil and natural gas. This is largely the result of American entrepreneurs developing efficient new techniques (fraking) for getting to oil and natural gas deposits that were previously considered too expensive to recover. Russia long dismissed this threat, but now it has to pay attention because the American bonanza is keeping the price of oil and gas down and that hurts Russia (which depends on the oil and gas exports to keep an otherwise inefficient economy growing). There are no easy solutions to this new American threat. Many Russians believe the Americans came up with fraking just to hurt Russia. Paranoia is a popular activity in Russia.
Russia is a nation in rapid decline... even its population is rapidly ageing and shrinking. When nobody needs to buy Russian oil and gas anymore, Russia's economy will collapse again like in 1991.

Oil and gas prices are already dropping again and Russia's largest oil and gas export markets are finding alternative power sources. Russia's economic collapse has already started!
Russia is a nation in rapid decline... even its population is rapidly ageing and shrinking. When nobody needs to buy Russian oil and gas anymore, Russia's economy will collapse again like in 1991.

Oil and gas prices are already dropping again and Russia's largest oil and gas export markets are finding alternative power sources. Russia's economic collapse has already started!

Alien ware , your post is a joke.Russian population decline has stabilised and reduced considerably. Oil and gas prices have not dropped below 100$ either.

Chinese govt recently signed a 270 billion $ oil deal with Russia .
Alien ware , your post is a joke.Russian population decline has stabilised and reduced considerably. Oil and gas prices have not dropped below 100$ either.

Chinese govt recently signed a 270 billion $ oil deal with Russia .

Reality check for you!

Russia's population has been in terminal decline since 1992! Only in the last two years have Russian estimates hinted towards some small population growth. Therefore, two years of very small population growth out of a total of 20 years in terminal decline does not equate to "stabilised"! You idiot.

All authoritative projections continue to predict Russia's population will decline to around ~105 million by 2060.

A $270 billion oil deal with the Chinese is not going to save the Russian economy i'm afraid. Russia's currency (the Ruble) is steadily getting weaker and its GDP growth rates are being revised down to record lows. Russia's economic collapse has already started!!!
Reality check for you!

Russia's population has been in terminal decline since 1992! Only in the last two years have Russian estimates hinted towards some small population growth. Therefore, two years of very small population growth out of a total of 20 years in terminal decline does not equate to "stabilised"! You idiot.

All authoritative projections continue to predict Russia's population will decline to around ~105 million by 2060.

A $270 billion oil deal with the Chinese is not going to save the Russian economy i'm afraid. Russia's currency (the Ruble) is steadily getting weaker and its GDP growth rates are being revised down to record lows. Russia's economic collapse has already started!!!

Russian population is growing since 2010. This year it will increase by half a million in next years the growth will only increase, idiot.

Russian economy doesnt need to be saved. US economy needs that. When US government will not be able to borrow enough money to pay off interest rate for its current debt then it will collapse. It will happen in next few years.
... When US government will not be able to borrow enough money to pay off interest rate for its current debt then it will collapse. It will happen in next few years.

The U.S. collects over $ 250 billion a month in taxes. It's debt service is only $ 20 billion a month. The whole 'default' crap was just Obama making things look worse than they are to try to get the people to side with him and his socialist scum. And what will happen to the rest of the world if the U.S. DID actually default ? I'll tell you, China would lose their ^ss and the rest of the worlds economy would tank, big time !!

Russian population is growing since 2010. ...

Russia's population is on the decline, and half the kids that are being born have fetal alcohol syndrome.:cheers:
The U.S. collects over $ 250 billion a month in taxes. It's debt service is only $ 20 billion a month. The whole 'default' crap was just Obama making things look worse than they are to try to get the people to side with him and his socialist scum. And what will happen to the rest of the world if the U.S. DID actually default ? I'll tell you, China would lose their ^ss and the rest of the worlds economy would tank, big time !!

Yep, and spends $350 billions per month, so it needs to borrow $100 billions + $20 billions each month. And more you borrow more interest you will pay next month, so the default is the question of time.

Russia's population is on the decline, and half the kids that are being born have fetal alcohol syndrome.:cheers:

Russian population is increasing by half million a year, stupid. And you confuse the rate of born kids with fetal alcohol syndrome in your family with average rate for a whole country, its nowhere close.
Why are you guys gives seriouse answers for the blatant nonsense?
Reality check for you!

Russia's population has been in terminal decline since 1992! Only in the last two years have Russian estimates hinted towards some small population growth. Therefore, two years of very small population growth out of a total of 20 years in terminal decline does not equate to "stabilised"! You idiot.

All authoritative projections continue to predict Russia's population will decline to around ~105 million by 2060.

A $270 billion oil deal with the Chinese is not going to save the Russian economy i'm afraid. Russia's currency (the Ruble) is steadily getting weaker and its GDP growth rates are being revised down to record lows. Russia's economic collapse has already started!!!

yeah great the rubble gets weaker but guess what? thats what the russian government actually wants to boost exports since months? The russian central bank did their own qe,

US-Dollar-Russischer Rubel | USD/RUB | Wechselkurs | aktueller Kurs | finanzen.net

despite that people still rather buying the ruble over the dollar

Russian economy is slowing down`and? What has oil to do with it? All over europe economies are slowing down so was in germany, is germany also dependent on oil or what? Russia has still higher growth than most other eastern european countries so how you explain that?

Russia's population is on the decline, and half the kids that are being born have fetal alcohol syndrome.:cheers:

yeah great cheer our genocide made by your capitalist therapys you ******* nazi


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