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Moody’s downgrades Pakistan’s sovereign credit rating

Wtf is a internet hindu are you one of those blind muslims looks like Joe was right eh!

Your grammar is amazingly bad, it seems like you crammed 3 sentences into 1.

An internet Hindu, as defined by the Indian journalist who coined the term, are Indians who troll online. They exhibit swarming tactics (1 vs many internet Hindus), and are very abusive against anyone who does not share their views.

Pretty much an Internet Hindu are the kinds of Indians who started this thread and replied to it.

Also a defining tactic of Internet Hindus is to never address the posts, but to bash the poster and troll about other topics.

Hello cyber Jihadi.

That hopefully is the main word, ain't you guys saying the same for the past 60 years? :lol:

To change your country's economy, start paying taxes within due dates. :rofl:

Right and India is a galactic supa dupa pawa and totally does not have the worlds largest population of starving people. :rolleyes:

Seriously man, you are honestly going to bash me for hoping?
Now Internet Hindus are even against hope?

I feel bad for India and just pray Internet Hindus only stay online and not go into the real world. For India's sake
Right and India is a galactic supa dupa pawa and totally does not have the worlds largest population of starving people. :rolleyes:

Seriously man, you are honestly going to bash me for hoping?
Now Internet Hindus are even against hope?

I feel bad for India and just pray Internet Hindus only stay online and not go into the real world. For India's sake

Just pointing out the difference between hoping something and taking something for granted. Imran Khan isn't the solution for everything, Pakistanis are. First do your responsibility for paying as a citizen before taking out your frustration on internet Hindus. :azn:
Just pointing out the difference between hoping something and taking something for granted. Imran Khan isn't the solution for everything, Pakistanis are. First do your responsibility for paying as a citizen before taking out your frustration on internet Hindus. :azn:

Thank you baba gee
It's a good thing you stooped so low as to give us lowly Pakistanis advice.

Seriously man, stop being patronizing. Even kids know this stuff and even kids know that our society is so corrupted that it's hard to change.

As an Indian I don't think you have moral authority to give Pakistan any advice. And of course Pakistan does not have the moral authority to give you advice. Any attempt to do so comes across as childish and patronizing.
Worse come to worse we will invade India once the rating hits D ... we won`t have choice we will have to go in steel the Gold just like in old days

I heard Indian Templates have GOLD bullion

You got it right, when you come we will be sitting there with the gold.
Just pointing out the difference between hoping something and taking something for granted. Imran Khan isn't the solution for everything, Pakistanis are. First do your responsibility for paying as a citizen before taking out your frustration on internet Hindus. :azn:

Skull leave him, his inferiority complex is visible when we cannot make argument without bringing religion into it. I have reported it to mods. I am surprised they have not noticed it so far.
Moody's, S&P and all other CRA's are full of morons.

Tell me, how can someone fu*k up on such a galactic-scale and not see the signs of present global mess that we are in?

And Indians not get their panties in a twist, these are western reactionary agencies, they don't give a crap about anyone of us. Wait some time and you'll become accustomed to their true colors.

I've dealt with these retarded consultants, and trust me they neither understand economics nor can reason. The only thing they understand is what is dictated to them from higher-ups!
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