I think no one disputes that our economy is not doing well. The issue here is the misreporting on the nature of IMF's job. IMF's works like a lender of last resort and is more concerned with policy changes to address economics issues as well as social ones. It does not go around asking countries to give up their nuclear technology or defense spending. It is mostly concerned with improving tax collection, eliminating subsidies, privatisation, devaluing currency to make trading more competitive. It does so on the basis of intellectual capital developed over years since it inception after the WW2. While there are many things that can be said against IMF, your post is not one of them. Here is some research that they were doing in 2001 after the Asian Financial Crisis:
It also mentions the role of public asset management companies something which Imran Khan talked about and is what the Sarmaya Pakistan Company is based on. If you read carefully and measure it against the economies of these countries now you will understand that how cultural issues affect policy making and may result in delayed correction but if effort is made. It is quite possible to make economic turnarounds.