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Monstrosity against freedom of speech of citizens - Internet censorship

I wonder how will pakistanis will get information from independent sources. With state run agencies spreading manipulated news and spewing venom against india and the west.

One more general zia-ul-haq conspiracies of brainwashing a generation brewing??:confused:
Pakistanis don't get news from internet - Pakistan has one of the largest news channel network (which is not owned by GOP).
If they ban all these websites then what else will be left? They should ban the net altogether. That will save them the trouble.:flame:
Why don't they ban radical websites and that TTP channel? Those websites cause more harm to Islam than anti Islamic websites.:pop:
LAHORE: Deputy Attorney General, Bahawalpur, Muhammad Azad has said that the Lahore High Court has ordered Ministry of Information officials to appear in court regarding the blockage of nine websites including Google, Yahoo, YouTube and MSN.

Rabia Mehmood, reporter Express 24/7 confirmed that a writ petition had been filed by a citizen in the Bahawalpur bench of the LHC seeking a ban on websites publishing blasphemous material and misquoting the Holy Quran.

The Lahore High Court (LHC) has ordered Ministry of Information officials to appear before the court on June 28, after which a decision will be taken regarding blockage of the sites.

Websites included on the ban list are:

* Google
* Yahoo
* Bing
* YouTube
* Hotmail
* Amazon
* IslamExposed
* InTheNameofAllah

According to Azad the ban will not be implemented today (Wednesday) as indicated by early reports in the media. The fate of the nine websites will be decided following the June 28 hearing, he said.


This is not actually a real solution ....

This is an utterly bullshit verdict by Lahore High Court. They cannot simply order PTA to block entire nation's access. We Have Supreme Court for that. I want people to rise up against these mindless mullah idiots, and know that how useful Yahoo and Google are in education, which is needed the most at this time of the hour.

Secondly, The judge should know that for a society to advance open ness is needed, and by blocking the access will hurt us not those web sites anyway. They will still be able to post nonsense for millions around the world and in other Islamic countries that do not follow on banning.
Nothing wrong if something does not meets standards of Pakistani society the gov has the right to protect the value system of our nation

Its not a religion bashing freedom of speech country like in europe we have standards , religion is treated with respect
Nothing wrong if something does not meets standards of Pakistani society the gov has the right to protect the value system of our nation

Its not a religion bashing freedom of speech country like in europe we have standards , religion is treated with respect
And most unfortunately, the respect that you give to the preachers is not returned to the public which leads to extremists. Any society is susceptible to extremism and therefore a civil government's responsibility to take care of such situations.

This is perhaps more important in a tense situation as your country's because your military needs civic and non-religious laws that should govern the law and order of the country at the time and blocking such crucial sites now would mean information blackout in virtual sense---and then most of the extremists would have a field day in your country.

Religion shouldn't be brought into media at all otherwise everything becomes chaotic.
Is Pakistan Run By A Moronocracy?

Please go over to this entry on the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) website and read about what the Government of Pakistan secretly has in store for netizens in the country. APC has managed to get its hands on a confidential document submitted by the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to the Lahore High Court (LHC), detailing how it plans to monitor and censor the internet in the future. The document was submitted after the Facebook ban, and before the current bout of moronic behaviour banning seven websites including search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing from the Bahawalpur bench of the LHC (PTA said subsequently it would only "monitor" some of the sites including email provider Hotmail).

According to the document (the following has not been edited to correct any of the usual illiteracy of bureaucracy, all mistakes are in the original):

"On the recommendation of the [inter-ministerial] committee [whose existence is not public knowledge], Federal Government shall issue directive to PTA for blocking of website(s) either at IP level or URL [within 24 hours] which contain the following:

a. All information pertaining to any objectionable content
b.Undermine Islam or ridicule, disparage or attack any religion, ethnic group, region or any group's reverend practices.
c. Brings contempt to the country or its people so as to undermine integrity and solidarity of the state / country.
d. Violates any provision of the constitution of Pakistan or law of the land.
e. Promotes or supports sedition, terrorism, anarchy or violence in the country;
f. Brings contempt of the Defense Forces, Police, Air Force or any other institution of Government of Pakistan or to divulge any secret information relating to Defense and other services.
g.Contains propaganda in favor of any foreign state having bearing on any points of disputes or against any friendly foreign state;
h.Hurts national sentiments"

So basically, here's a draft for another one of those stupid laws / plans that can mean just about anything and probably will. Some other specific points about the above-mentioned clauses:

a - takes care of all search engines
b - interestingly, would it mean banning the websites of Jang and Nawai Waqt et al that have columnists spouting hatred against Ahmadis, Christians and Jews?
c - this would ban even the New York Times e.g.
d - banishes most bloggers or anyone questioning anything
e - as if such sites were allowed in the first place, ask the Baloch nationalists
f - I have no idea why the Air Force is singled out in this (are they not part of the Defence forces?) but basically anyone criticizing corruption even in the Seed Corportion of Pakistan also stands to be blocked. Geo would be blocked for running stories about the Pakistan Steel Mill. And that story on Express Tribune about policemen taking bribes - you're out too ET.
g - so you cannot say, e.g. that India may have a legitimate point when it protests Pakistanis like Ajmal Kasab coming over and killing 200 people in Bombay or that it was American CIA and Saudi money that fueled our jihadis
h - if anything was left, here's the catchall phrase that encompasses it.

You can try all you want but you ain't going to find a more absurdist bunch of nincompoops running a state on the face of this earth.

Cafe Pyala: Is Pakistan Run By A Moronocracy?
Nothing wrong if something does not meets standards of Pakistani society the gov has the right to protect the value system of our nation

Its not a religion bashing freedom of speech country like in europe we have standards , religion is treated with respect

Your standard is you dont allow any speech at all unless you agree with it..
This is the PTA compliance report in the Facebook fiasco. They blocked 10,548 webpages/websites according to they themselves.

Guys I think Government is mad and if you say judiciary is doing this then its a fault at the end of judiciary.. People are earning from Google and other search engines and they are also taking help so i think they should take step against other points!
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