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Money Money Money .... What exactly is Money ???


Jan 30, 2010
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Money makes the world go round. It is no rocket science that every aspect of today's life in one way or another is dictated by Money. All we are ever taught is that money is a medium to exchange goods and services but is that all there is to this phenomena ???

How many of us really know the origins of this modern day financial system?

Paul Grignon's in this 47-minute animated presentation tries to explain just that. Available on youtube with the title "Money as debt" in 5 parts series but the quality in below videos seems better.

YouTube - The History of Money - Part 1

YouTube - The History of Money - Part 2

YouTube - The History of Money - Part 3

YouTube - The History of Money - Part 4

YouTube - The History of Money - Part 5
"Give me a nations money supply and I care not who makes the laws."

A. Rothschild
Founder of the Banking System
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