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Moment of Silence


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States

(Photo Credit: Pete Souza - WhiteHouse)

It has been a year since the senseless bombing attacks on the people participating in the Boston Marathon. On this gloomy occasion, Americans from all across the country, including President Obama and the rest of the White House staff, are observing a “Moment of Silence” and remembering the victims in their own respective ways. The “Moment of silence” is a very unique and thoughtful way of expressing sentiment towards the loss of another human being. The general idea is that since silence cannot be attributed to any particular religion, language, race or belief, it is free of association and hence welcoming to all those who want to take a moment to reflect, meditate, pray or express grief over a tragedy. Upon this occasion, let us all take a moment and reflect, or express, our gratitude towards those who have lost their lives protecting others from terrorism; to pray for the thousands who have lost their lives in senseless terrorist attacks; and to hope for a more peaceful tomorrow.

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
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RIP to all innocents who died in marathon. It was really a sad incident and our prayers are with the American people.
I wish they had the same value for victims of their self planned bombings in my country.
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