Tell me about it! On so many occasions I've reminded them of this, but they still freak out when I have to change flights alone xD
On those dangerous roads I am specifically ordered to text my mom sitreps every couple of hours, which I of course miss and then recieve flak whenever the phone catches signals. Funny story; coming down a mountain side after 5 days, a little lost in the blinding fog at night. And how do we realize that we are near the bottom? My phone begins to ring somewhere in my bag with my mom on the other side :p
Oh btw, I just realized that this is Moin Khan, the same guy who rode his bike from San Francisco to Pakistan. I'm a fan of his now. This was published on the cover of a local motorcycle magazine 'City Bike' in San francisco.
Here's Moin's facebook page:
Some pretty cool shots there.
Edit: Stupendously awesome shots there!
Hey @
Leader, what say we ask his permission for his pics and make this a complete thread about his ride up north?